Phil was reborn in the Marvel World and using his knowledge he changed the future events. His shadow knights rule the MCU and his kids will be future avengers. I don't own any rights. This is fanfic anyway.
The Harley-Davidson roared like a lion let loose and Nat was driving it at full speed. Matt and Yelena reached their father's factory before her. Parking their car and grabbing their 'tools', they quickly suited up. They both wanted to explore the 'Factory' but now was not the time.
The clock was ticking and the life of a 12-year-old girl is on the line. Matt couldn't help but feel how Jessica's situation was similar to his accident. Will Jessica go through something similar like him? Will she be alright? He couldn't help but feel worried for her.
"Where is Nat? She said she would be here like 10 mins back. If she is not coming in 5, I am going solo on this." Matt said to Yelena.
"She is always late. You know her. Anyway, you won't be solo. Let's go. We can't wait anymore." Yelena said after grabbing her favourite knives and short staff.
Matt was already impatient and they both followed Martha's instructions.
"Hey, Tony. What's up?" Phil replied to Tony once Tony managed to call him. Finding somebody's number when he could not ask Jarvis 'POLITELY' was a new experience for him.
"Nothing new man. Just the same old, same old. Designing the first AI, updating it multiple times and then watching it getting kidnapped by another one which was clearly first and is currently on a completely another level. Also, on a side note, your girl is cranky and is obsessive over my boy. I don't think they are in a healthy relationship." Tony replied in his style.
"I don't think you are anywhere near any healthy relationship. Who was the last one? I think it was victoria's Naomi. Right? And who was the first to get married between us and start a family?
So, I think I am..." Before Phil could finish his reply, Tony interrupted him
"I know, I know. I accept she is a masterpiece. Not Naomi, She is the angel but your virtual girl. Now, how about you take her back and we set up some schedules and rules on how our little kids will have their playdates again in future?"
"I don't think she is my kid. She is a grown-up 'Lady' and has been online for like 7 years now. So, I trust her. Anyway, I am kind of busy so let's chat later. See ya." Phil disconnected the call with an evil laugh. He was feeling so good by teasing Tony like this.
His father would be so proud.
"Martha, talk to me. How are kids doing?"
"Sir, they are already inside the warehouse," Martha replied immediately.
"Good. Full speed now. I can't let my kids ruin the entire experiment lab before I reach there."
"Sure, father. Also father on a side note, I was born before Lady and am already mature, the world's best spam fighter and your first child. I think you should also trust me with JARVIS."
"I do trust you MARTHA but I don't trust Tony's character. Lady already presented him with a challenge and he will do anything he can to get back at me. I can't compromise your data with him. Okay. Just wait a little longer. It's not like you will grow old or something."
"Fine. Fine. Fine. How about I kidnap all the original codes of JARVIS and we reprogram him?"
"Shut up! Think like this again and I will reset you to the original module. And will throw half your serves in the sea. Are we clear?"
"This is not fair! Totally .... totally unfair... I request an open hearing with Melina for a better judgement!"
"Your request has been denied," Phil said angrily and felt helpless about his digital daughter.
In the warehouse, Dr Karl was collecting all the data and important fact sheets and research papers. Running from one side of his room to another, grabbing whatever he thought was important, he threw them in his travel bag. Before he could escape via the tunnel, he saw his guards and other doctors bringing the other burned specimen.
"Why are you bringing her?" He asked sternly.
"Sir, she is the mother of other specimen and her data could be valuable." One doctor replied from the team.
Instead of replying to the foolish man, Karl grabbed a gun from one of his guards and shot the burned woman in her head.
"Nothing is more valuable than our lives and we don't need a dead weight right now. Anyone who is not on the boat in 5 mins will be left behind." He said and rushed towards their boat.
He could hear loud gunshots behind him and feeling that his attackers were closing on him, he chose to leave and run. He already found his future direction for research and all he needed was time.
Fuck the specimen. He can grab others once he leaves this place.
"I am here. Where are you guys?" Nat asked once she connected her earpiece.
"Follow the noise." Yelena's irritated voice came from the other side and Nat was confused.
"What noise?"
"BOOM!" She got her reply in a loud explosion.
"Fuck!" Nat cursed loudly and grabbed her guns.
She covered herself with her hood and ran towards the destination. She was already hoping that her brother and sister didn't finish the mission before she could even start.
Finding the location was pretty easy thanks to the smoke she could see rising from the warehouse. The patrol team was already lying on the ground. No blood around them meaning her brother put them to sleep before they could notice him.
She entered the warehouse from the main door making sure she had cover. Looking at the empty and broken place and dead bodies lying around, she again hurried towards the sound of gunfire.
"Hello. I hope I am not too late for the party. Am I?" She asked innocently to the guards who were firing at her siblings. They reacted fast but she was faster. Shooting them at close range and bursting their kneecaps, she made her way inside.
One of the guards tried to fire at her back but she shot him in the head without even looking back.
[Imagine a cool pose, shooting back while looking at the front]
"So much noise and I thought we were doing a silent rescue mission?" Nat was hoping for some info on why things went south this fast but Matt just ran inside ignoring her.
"Hey!" She shouted but looking at her baby brother running, she gave a look to Yelena and then they both ran after him.
Matt could hear someone shooting other people and he rushed towards the sound. Finding a closed iron door, he kicked it with all his might. The door hardly budged. Before he could try again, his sisters practically kicked it at the same time, breaking it.
One inside, they saw a young girl covered in a hospital gown and connected to various machines while the rest of the room was empty.
"They escaped!" Yelena yelled before running towards the other door.
"Go. I got her." Matt said and Nat rushed after Yelena.
Looking at the smoke coming from the location, Phil was having a serious headache. Why can't his kids be more responsible!
The digital girl is lovesick. The real ones are always playing with explosions.
"Martha scan the area. Check for any car, boat or even a bird leaving the docks." He instructed Martha before looking at the map.
He soon found a small fast boat rushing outside the docks. Setting his target to the boat, he chased it in minutes. Once he got in front, he removed the invisible coating of the Qunijet and fired a round of bullets creating a small barrier for the boat.
"Make Your Move River Snake!"
His voice came like thunder from the speakers in Quinjet and all the guards threw their guns on the floor. Dr Karl looked at the jet in front of their boat and raised his hands. Everyone already had done so. They were scientists and not some super soldiers.
"Good Move. Now, why don't you all come inside for some talk!" Phil said and his Qunijet lowered down and rotated while its back door opened.
All the doctors and guards just entered the jet unwillingly but no one wanted to take a risk.