
Phantom in My Hero Academia

A boy wakes up as person in a dangerous world. How will he live up to his quirky life?

Ashtin_Pratt · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs


"Danny are you sure about going back to America? So soon? U.A. sports festival is coming soon and afterwards I can get some time off and accompany you?" Nemuri spoke with worry looking at the young one armed man his blue eyes stood firm as he grabbed his suitcase.

"I cant wait Nemuri, the longer I put it off, I just feel like it needs to happen now." Danny spoke back with a determined hoarse throat.

"But look at you. Even if you go back to Fenton Works how could you operate the equipment by yourself. I know your friend Tucker is good with computers but ghost tech isn't something his powers work with" the older woman reasoned.

"Then I'll figure it out but I can't wait."

"Danny you....sigh, fine just give me some time I know someone who could possibly work ghost tech. Just give me some time. 2, no 1 day, just a day and then we can go."

"...I can give you a day. But thats all."

"Thats all I need." Nemuri immediately got up and walked out of the apartment with a jiggle in every step. Making her way to her car ignoring the gazes she's long gotten used, she made her way to the U.A. Support Department.

Knock knock knock

"Power Loader are you in here?" Nemuri asked to her longtime coworker Higari Maijima otherwise known as Power Loader. It took a few minutes but the door was eventually opened by a man in overalls wearing a huge metal helmet.

"Oh, Nemuri-san what are you doing here?" Higari asked with a surprise in his tone before moving to the side and letting his colleague into the class.

"Thank you," Nemuri smiled before walking in observing the surroundings "I wanted to ask you for some assistance. I remember your class reproduced one of the Fenton belts Danny brought so I figured you would be the expert on ghost tech here. So I was-"

"Ah, let me stop you her Nemuri-san, yes the belt was reproduced here but it wasn't me. To be honest ghost tech just doesn't make sense to me. I swear it's like making a refrigerator from oven parts" he ranted with a bitter tone in his voice "but the one who did it was one of my newer students. MEI, COME OVER HERE."

Nemuri followed his line of sight to see a girl with pink dread locks in a black t-shirt with a Grey and black overalls with the top tied around her waist. She was currently working on a pair of gauntlets and boots that had a weirdly familiar green glow through them.

Mei immediately looked our way reluctantly as she made an internal struggle before sighing and putting down her tools and walking our way dejectedly. Was it that much of a struggle to talk to us?

"Eh, Power Loader sensei is it urgent, I was almost finished with my Ecto gauntlets."

"Ah my colleague here wanted to speak to you regarding some ghost tech."

Mei shifted her zoom eyes to Nemuri who was caught dumbfounded by the fact that this little girl managed to recreate Ecto gear by herself. Only a handful of people have ever recreated anything Ecto and even then they barely can maintain or remake them. That's why the Fenton and McMaster families were so important because they could. But this girl did just that in a high school lab?

"Oh um uh, nice to meet you Mei-chan, my name is Kayama Nemuri (it's still so bullshit how she died offscreen to some mobs but that's just me) and I wanted to ask you about a personal favor. A person in my care, Daniel Fenton, was going back to America to find a solution for his current issues. However seeing as how he's currently preoccupied we needed some assis-"

"YES! FENTON WORKS WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SO! POWER LOADER SENSEI INFORM MY PARENTS, ILL GRAB MY GO BAG!" The pink rasta child said speeding off into the back. This class is really rude, first the teacher now the student constantly cutting me off.

I turn to Higari who looked at me shamelessly and said "Ah, in the support department it's normal to go out randomly to scientific conventions or fairs around the country so we normally have our students pack go bags."

I give him a deadpan stare but it didn't matter before pinky with the brain came running back. "Im ready Kayama sensei" Mei said with a big grin.

Tch. Well at least she's cute.


"So youre coming back?" a voice spoke to Danny over the phone. The voice was softer than he's used to hearing as if she was afraid speaking loudly would hurt him.

"Yeah, I need to get back to Fenton Works. I feel like what happened was a wake up call. I lost too much this time Sam, but even then I know this isn't the end."

"Well I'm here for you. I'll be waiting with Tucker at your place....and Danny, please just be safe." The phone hung up as Danny stood there with a wry smile. In all the time he's known Samantha she's never let him hang up first.

With a sigh he brought the phone back into its cozy pocket where it will stay warm, before looking around the airport. Their tickets were for 8 o clock and it was only 7:15 so he wasn't in a rush. Just enjoying his time waiting on Nemuri and friends.

Which didn't take much longer considering at 7:18 he spotted a few familiar silhouettes. In the lead it was a bouncy bubbly Nejire followed by Nemuri with Dani walking next to her and in the rear it was a girl with Pink Hair that he felt was familiar.

He waved to them as they approached with Nejire plopping herself right next to him giving him a kiss on the cheek. Which immediately made Dani territorial as she came up and kissed the other cheek giving Nejire a challenging glance.

Mei looked ahead with interest as she quipped "Oh? Do I have to do it to?" to which she got an immediate glare from the girlfriend and sister.

"Ara Ata, ladies man all young ladies look out or the big bad ghost might get ya." Nemuri said with a smirk on her face finding a seat next to Mei across from the trio. "Let me introduce Mei Hatsume, she's been able to recreate her own version of ecto tech."

That immediately caught Danny's interest. "Oh really let me see?"

"Sure! My babies are super awesome and 99.999998% foolproof." The girl grinned before taking out a pair of glasses. Silver frames with two glowing green lenses.

She passed them over and I gave them a once over and put them on. The screen lit up and to my surprise nothing was changed except the colour until I looked at Dani.

She has a glowing aura around her that I immediately recognized as Ecto energy. Considering I haven't been able to access my powers I knew for a fact these glasses work, which is why it hurt more when I looked at my own hand and saw nothing.

"Well they definitely work, it shows a preliminary ecto reaction but thats it. Be careful because most ecto creatures can hide their bio signatures and some can leave it on others to confuse the senses. When we get back I'll show you the Fenton Frames so you can see all the different parameters to look into when making ecto tech."

Her eyes lit up and glowed if that was possible as she was visibly excited "THIS IS SO COOL!" I get to intern at FentonTech itself. I was hoping to get a good enough endorsement at the sports festival but seeing as how we're here might as well make the most of it."

She pulled out a tablet and started showing me some of her other designs and thoughts on ecto tech while I took the time to supplement her knowledge and make up for what she was lacking.

During our chat we barely noticed the plane flying in but we definitely didn't miss the announcer.