
Phantom in My Hero Academia

A boy wakes up as person in a dangerous world. How will he live up to his quirky life?

Ashtin_Pratt · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Im Going Home

When Danny woke up the first thing he felt was uncomfort, like an itch in the middle of his back that he just couldn't scratch. He tried to move just to realize his entire body was comstricted by something. Feeling the unusual mattress under him he slowly opened his eyes to be blinded by the bright lights.

"DOCTOR HE'S AWAKE!" he heard someone scream followed by heavy footsteps. Needless to say after his encounter with Plasmius he's always had a bad impression of doctors and being strapped to tables. Immediately he started struggling to free himself when he realized his ecto energy was out of control.

He couldn't shift and even just moving caused a lot of pain.

"Easy there Fenton" he heard a gentle voice calling. He slowly calmed down and took a peek at his surroundings. He could make out a hazy appearance of a periwinkle haired girl, a woman with dark violet hair holding a small girl in her arms, all standing behind two doctors and three nurses.

He opened his mouth to ask questions but instead of his usual voice responding all he got was barely audible chokes and air. His eyes widen as he tried to communicate but ended up in failure.

"Danny," Midnight spoke slowly coming closer "How much do you remember?"

Remember? He closed his eyes and thought back to how he ended up in this situation. Nomu, his classmates, USJ. His eyes flew open and his head snapped to his left side as his gaze started from his shoulder and ended at the missing space right below his upper forearm.

Naturally he knew what this meant. If it wasnt recovered before he changed....

Tears welled up in his eyes as the doctors checking various instruments concluded their notes and took a step back for the family to have a moment.

Nejire glided over to his side in silence and just pulled up a chair and held on to his right arm. Despite the layers of bandages he could still feel the girl's arm shaking when she looked at him, yet her grip never loosened once, as if she were afraid he'd disappear.

He couldn't speak but a single gaze to Nemuri was enough to convey his feelings.

"You were out for 5 days, no one else was seriously injured, Aizawa came out two days ago and Jirou was discharged the day before. All the villains were captured and are still being interrogated and as for the Nomu, its complicated because it hasnt moved or responded at all since we captured it but its still being contained."

He let the information sink in as he let out the final breath of worry he had.

"Danny, you idiot. Are you trying to leave me too? How could you do this to yourself. What if you had died. Just like-" But Danielle didn't need to finish, everyone in the room could figure out what she meant based on the tears and snot coming down her face.

Despite that, nothing stopped her from freeing herself from Nemuri's arms and ran to his side and cry into his abdomen.

"The doctor said the minor fractures in your body should be healed by the end of the week. Some of your classmates have come to visit over the week, but either way I'll tell you now. Your career as a hero is over" Nemuri spoke with finality in her voice.

Danny's eyes opened wide to protest but a single look from her made him hesitate, "Pray tell me Daniel how you're supposed to be a hero with one arm, tell me what you're going to do when the next Nomu shows up and you can't wail to help you? Tell me what are you gonna do when the next time you lose more than an arm."

Hearing her berating left Danny confused, he knew his situation yet even now he can't transform but that didnt matter because he was a Fenton. Without a Fenton around how would the world fair against another ghost attack.

Nemuri could somehow read his thoughts and said "The U.S. has already revoked your license and made the decision that youre retired Daniel. It was decided that in a few years when she's older Dani will take over your duties as the Fenton Family. They hoped that while you cant be a hero, they would still be grateful if you could pass on what you know to Dani when she's ready."

He looked at Dani who was trying to stand tall even though she was in tears and shaking. She was informed a few days ago but as a little girl hearing she has to do the job yhat killed her parents and almost killed her brother, naturally she'd be afraid.

The guilt was building up in Danny. How could he ask her to take over for him. It was his duty to protect the Fenton name. His duty to make sure Danielle could live a peaceful civilian life. He promised his dad no matter what Dani would never have to do the job because he'd be enough.

But now..... the tears couldnt hold themself back anymore as he felt his world come crashing down behind him. Nejire felt his sadness and just gripped his hand a little tighter as he responded back in kind. He needed the support right now and she was going to be that support.

The sadness permeated the air until the doctor reluctantly came back into the room. "Excuse me but visiting hours are almost over, i understand your feelings right now, but if Daniel is going to make any sort of recovery he needs rest."

The girls spent another few minutes staying with him before they all file out of the room with Nejire giving him a kiss and saying she'll sneak back in later.

The night slowly crept in as Danny fell asleep. His emotions in turmoil and his powers not responding sent Danny into a deep vivid dream.

"Where am I?" Danny thought as he looked around to see the neon green sky swirling all around him. In the distance he could see floating islands everywhere.

"Its beautiful isn't it."

Hearing the voice Danny jumped back and turned around in an instant. The first thing that caught his attention was the glowing green eyes and snow white hair.

"See anything you like?" the voice spoke back in a whimsical tone.

"Youre.....me?" Danny said to his Phantom.

"Wrong, you wish you were me. Im the epitome of what you are yet you refused to accept it all. Now look at you, broken and battered. Beaten and bruised. Thats what it took for you to find me? Well im not satisfied" the phantom spoke.

"Wait what? What are you talking about" Danny asked.

"From now on i refuse to give you my power, wasting it fighting small people and using it willy nilly. You call yourself a phantom you dont even understand the basics. No from now on i refuse to cooperate with you."

"Is that why i couldnt transform? Wait but thats not fair thats my power! You cant just take it."

"Idiot the fact that i took it proved it wasnt your power to begin with. If it wasnt for me forcing your power to the limits you wouldve lost to some abomination. You don't have the right to berate me" the phantom said harshly as his eyes glowed.

Danny wanted to retort but he couldn't. After an awkward pause he took a breath and asked, "So what now then?"

"Now you learn Daniel. Your father was a great man who took his powers to new heights, Plasmius was a genius who did things even other spectres didnt think possible. You? you don't even understand the basics of your abilities."

"Well its not like I had a lot of teaching? MY PARENTS DIED ASSHOLE! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO TEACH MYSELF!"

"NO MORE EXCUSES DANIEL!" the spectre yelled releasing a shock wave with his voice that instantly froze the ground around his feet up to his ankles.

"How did you.."

"Did your father need someone to teach him? Did Plasmius? You keep making excuses. But excuses won't help you anymore Danny."

The area was silent before Danny spoke again, "What do i do then? Im half disabled, no powers, no plan....what do i do."

Phantom felt the sincerity and the pain in his voice as he turned around and started walking away. "You need to go to the source Danny. Find your roots and make sure they're stable. Find yourself and them come find me again, then and only then can we talk."

"Wait how do i...." Danny didnt finish before he was awoken but a small shake on his shoulder. He opened his eyes to see the beauty Nejire who had snuck in his hospital room.

"Danny are you alright you were restless in your sleep."

"Im fine Nej" he spoke as his mind moved at a thousand miles an hour. He got up out of bed shakily as he started taking the small needles and tubes off of him.

"Hey Danny what are you doing?" Nejire asked worried as she moved forward to stop him.

"Nejire" he spoke in a rare serious voice that made her stop on the spot "I have to go. I need to do this please dont stop me." He moved over to the window as he looked down. Scaling three stories, easy enough.

"Where are you going?" she asked as she followed behind him as he opened the window.

"Im going back to America. I need to find my roots. Something is broken in me Nej. And i cant sit still until its fixed."

"Well then where to Danny? Naturally youre not escaping me that easily."

With a helpless smile since he really couldn't escape her with no powers right now he just spoke the truth. "Im going home, Amity Park California. Back to Fenton Works."