
Phantom in My Hero Academia

A boy wakes up as person in a dangerous world. How will he live up to his quirky life?

Ashtin_Pratt · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

School Life

"Alright class today were going over English idioms." Present Mic was a decent english teacher but as a student from America i find this whole class redundant. I mean i already speak english goodly.

"Fenton-san please pay attention" i hear a voice whisper behind me. I turn my head a bit to see Momo glaring at me for dozing off.

"Momo please don't forget Im from America. My English is already top notch." Hearing that she remembered im only Japanese. She apologized and continued taking her English notes. This is the last class before lunch today and i can't wait to get out of here.

U.A. is an amazing school, but its still a school. We normally only do heroics courses 2 times a week in our first year. 3-4 times in our second and by our last years most 3rd years choose to spend more times at agencies volunteering.

So when the bell rings and i turn to the door to find Nejire waiting for me with a lunch box i cant help but let out a smile. This girl is very easy going yet stubborn as hell. After our first meeting we spent a lot of time texting and she even chose to head into her Internships later so she can spend lunch with me.

"Hey Fenton, it looks like your girlfriend is here." Toru has been teasing me about Nejire a lot. A few of the girls start grinning while the guys snicker a bit. Tsuyu has an indescribable look on her face and Momo is just pouting.

"Thank you for the notice Toru, by the way i like the wavy hair better than the frizzy mess it was before." She turns red from embarrassment and i get up out of my seat to join Nejire. "Sorry if i made you wait."

"No its fine Danny, c'mon lets get to lunch already i want you to meet my friends." she grabs me and starts pulling me towards the cafeteria. I've come to realize when she gets like this its better to just float and let her lead me where she wants.

Getting to the tables i see two guys One looks like a fallout character and the other looks....depressed? Im cut short of my musings when Nejire introduces us "Danny this is Mirio and Tamaki. Mirio, Tamaki this is the guy i was telling you about. Go ahead Danny do the thing, do it, do it, pleeeeaseeee."

I turn my eyes green and create a little Nejire Ice doll. "Oh so he's an ice user?" Mirio asked, but the show isnt over. I coat the ice doll in my ecto-energy and it starts moving. The little Ice Nejire does a dance that the Big real Nejire is copying off to the side. Tamaki looks unamused while Mirio is laughing his ass off at Nejire's display.

I add more energy as the Ice doll enlarges to match Nejire's height. And immediately i can tell i messed up when i see the stars in her eyes. She fires off a bunch of rapid questions while dancing with her ice clone. I can see my classmates looking in our direction again with eyes of Envy, jealousy and one sparky sparky boom man is the usual.

We go throughout the rest of lunch talking and chilling between us. Mirio is cool and Tamaki is well. Hes getting there i think?

Lunch ends and im headed back to class when she pulls me away from the cafeteria. "Heyyy Danny. Do you wanna hang out this Sunday?"

I tell her yes and she beams a bright smile that almost made me melt. She gives me a kiss on the cheek and hovers away to her class.

I barely make it back to class just before the bell rings. Momo doesnt look too pleased im late. Actually all the girls look at me and Denki is giving me a thumbs up. I look confused when Toru flashes me a mirror.

A pale blue lipstick stain on my right cheek tells a story painted on me. I rub my face off before Nemuri comes in to teach her class. The rest of the day is uneventful except the end of the day when Momo is standing in front of my desk.

"Danny youre still new to Japan correct?" Momo asked. I told her yeah ive only been here about 10 days. "Well Tsuyu and I were planning to go to the mall on Saturday if you're free to join us?"

"Can i bring my little sister?" Im not a siscon but i cant just leave my 7 year old little sister by herself. And no way in hell am i leaving her with Nemuri. She'll corrupt my little sis.

"Of course you can" Momo smiled. "Be there by 8:30 we want to make sure you get the full experience." With that Momo twirled around and left. Hmm black panties, nice.

Im headed home when i see a nice little music shop. I left most of my instruments back in the states so this place was a nice find. I go inside the empty shop and call out 'Hello?' to get no answer. I continue browsing when i came across a nice looking cello.

I look left and right to see if anyone is there and after making sure my surroundings were clear i picked up the bow and started strumming.

"Say something Im giving up on you." The chords start flowing into one another as my voice carries throughout the store.

"ANYWHERE I WOULD'VE FOLLOWED YOUUUUU. OOOOO-OOOH. Say Something im giving up on youuu." Thats the first song i ever learned to play for Sam whenever she got bullied for having a 'Villain' quirk. She loved that song and over time i grew to love it as well.

Clap clap clap clap clap

My head snaps to the sound to see my classmate walking in the store. "Thats some talent you got there Fenton-san." Jiro my rocker classmate commented. "You play anything else or just Cello?"

"Hmm thanks Jiro. I play most instruments to some degree I just always prefered Classical strings."

The two of us go on a bit discussing various musics when the owner finally walked out of the bathroom and started throwing his input in. Feeling the atmosphere ruined Jiro and I said goodbye to each other after exchanging numbers. I promised her we'd work on a song together and she smiled a bright smile.

Tomorrow is gonna be a decent day. Friday with a special heroics class for us, Saturday with the mall and Sunday with Nejire. My Japan life isnt seeming too bad.