
Phantom in My Hero Academia

A boy wakes up as person in a dangerous world. How will he live up to his quirky life?

Ashtin_Pratt · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Date with Nejire

Im walking hand in hand with Nejire on this lovely Sunday as we walk through the local park eating some ice cream talking about ourselves.

Nejire as always took the lead "I dont really know to be honest. I've always had an abundance of energy due to my quirk. One of the side effects was the fact that my brain waves are all altered, so my brain thinks faster than others. So i never really had too many friends growing up who could handle a conversation with me. Until i got to U.A. and met Mirio who was never bothered by anything and Tamaki who rarely talked anyways. What about you?"

I took a lick of my cookies and cream and spoke "growing up, i was always alienated. In America the ghost zone hit us harder than anywhere else. So with FentonWorks people knew we were needed but they still feared us because our powers closely reminded people of that day. Kids my age were always taught to avoid me and that led to the misunderstanding that i did something wrong. I had maybe 4 friends growing up that weren't family. Sam and Tucker kept me sane, and later Valerie kept me human, and Pauline kept me humble."

"Oooooh sounds like you were quite the ladies man Danny. Should i be jealous" Nejire teased as she stepped closer being a few inches shorter than me.

"Well not really, Pauline was friends with me in the beginning around elementary school, she didn't hate me for being a ghost kid but she didnt treat me as anything special either. Valerie came around later and we bonded because her dad worked at FentonWorks hero Agency. I met Sam and Tucker in middle school where Tucker only talked to machines and Sam was alienated due to her 'villainous' shadow manipulation quirk."

The two of us kept walking, making jokes and talking about anything that came to our minds. We were getting along so nicely that i couldn't help but start liking the girl. From her Periwinkle hair or maybe its that light blue blazer outlining her dangerous body or the skinny jeans showing off those thighs.

"Hey Nejire? Do you have your flight permit?" Flight permits are issued to those who have flying type quirks. In order to freely fly in a city you need to go through 50 hours of flight classes and tests and then you get a permit. However you have to be 18 or older to fly with a passenger.

"Yes i do. Why? Got something else in mind?" the curious girl asked with her eyes boring into mine. I dont answer her, instead i just smirk and take off my jacket handing it to her. Her blazer might be okay but it gets cold up in the air.

She puts it on as my eyes glow green and i slowly lift off the ground. She copies me when some slight waves comes out of her feet, but i catch her off guard by grabbing her in a princess carry. She squealed as i took off towards the Pacific.

It takes us less than 3 minutes before we're out at sea and she asked "Danny what are we doing here? There's nothing out here?" I just smile at her as i cover us in my ecto energy and we slowly submerge underwater. I use my energy to filter out the water and only let oxygen through so we can breathe.

I expand my barrier so it lights up the area around us and Nejire gasps in excitement seeing all the underwater Kelp forests and schools of fish around us.

I see her get excited and i ask "Would you like a tour?"

"A tour? Of course. How are we going to tour? Are we taking an underwater walk? Where are we going? Do you have something planned or"

I cut her off with a quick underwater kiss effectively shutting her up leaving her in a small daze. I just chuckle at her stunned face and i sent a small sound wave out into the sea.

She's still stunned as i see two figures jet towards us as i lower the range of my barrier while increasing the brightness around us.

"Nejire our ride is here," i say breaking her trance as she looks around and finally spots the two dolphins swimming towards us. I swear seeing her smile is just completely different. As if nothing else can really bother us.

We grab onto the dolphins as they lead us underwater dancing with the currents and we even spotted a few underwater wrecks. Our date continues when we spot a sunken ship and decided to explore it.

We get into the ship and we find out its a sunken ship from the ghost wars. We spend an hour swimming through the wreckage collecting souvenirs before we get bored and surface, calling it in to the coast guard.

We don't stick around though as i scoop her up and head back into the city or more specifically the rooftop of Nemuri and I's apartment building where i had a small tabletop diner set up.

"Fancy place Mr. Fenton, if you keep charming a girl like this then i might accidentally fall in love with you" she says with a giggle.

I pull out her chair for her as i whisper in her ear "Well thats the plan Ms. Hado."

She just smiles again and our waitress Nemuri comes out in a very revealing maid outfit that i didnt ask her to wear with our Menus. It tool a lot of convincing to get her to agree but it was all worth it to see Nejire enjoying herself.

We sit through dinner as the last course a Peach Creme Brulee topped with a Vanilla bean ice cream.

"Well Danny i must say, i didn't fully expect you to be this charming, you even got my favorite teacher to serve us champagne. This is by far my favorite day ever."

"Nejire to be honest, i wasnt sure how'd this day would go. There was way too many what ifs in my planning. But im glad you enjoyed yourself. Would you say i earned a second date Ms. Hado" i said with a teasing smirk.

She just leaned over the table planting a kiss on my lips before pulling back slightly "I think i could be talked into a second date," she said teasing me back. I smile and lean back in for another kiss where our lips met.

There was a flash and we were taken back by the squeals and turned to see Nemuri and Dani standing there excitedly with a camera. Nejire laughed and said she wanted a copy. All in all im excited to say Nejire Hado is now officially my girlfriend.

Hm i don't know why but i get a feeling im in for some trouble come Monday. Oh well.