
Phantom Accolades

Phantom Accolades also known by its short name PA is a freelancing organization who solves others problems and also saves them from evil, they earn money through this work. Azin was the leader of PA, along with him other six Jason, Trent, Gavin, Willow, Maeve and Noel. Its the story of these guys. Azin is known as the most powerful guy in the kingdom. They live happily but their rival guild who have their foul eyes on this kingdom seek out the help of other criminal organisation who lead by a mystery man and his league is famous as L-7 they won't been seen by anyone but they were praised for killing strongest warriors who tries to cross their way will Azin and pals able to defeat such guys how far they have to go to defeat those guys. And will they are the only ones hindering their way..

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15 Chs

CHAPTER 7 — The eternal boss joins the fight

They were staring at him, Jason and others were immensely gratified by the sight of his presence, however, there's one who is not. The bitch who plumb ahead of him, gazing with dagger eyes.  

He is a tall, lean fella. Who dresses in a green unzipped hoodie jacket that is open, So open that you can see the black T-shirt under it. Wooden brown jeans beneath the jacket. On the left side of that pant there's a circular chain, that hangs on the front belt loop which elongates to the rear pocket and ultimately ends at the loop. Rested, skyward to that pocket. Lasik cotton gloves is adding boldness to his looks.

"Tell me are you the Azin? " She grins, anxiously. Though, the dagger looks were slowly turned into sheer excitement.

"You got that right, I am Azin. The eternal boss of Phantom Accolades. "

"Eternal! Where did that come from." Trent who lays on ground, barely manages to lift his head, the guy is curious rather than injured or being in pain.

"Hey! I thought you were unconscious, beaten."

"I am. Buffoon. " He hissed at Gavin again gazing back at him.

"Trent this is not the time to discuss my eternity. We will talk about it later." Averting back to the bitch. Assuming, she might be amused instead offrightened. "Maria Levaro, also known by the bounty name Riven. A pathetic bitch, who brings chaos and war to the land where she goes. "

"So you do know a thing or two, that surprises me." She inaugurate to take him seriously. "Unfortunately, it won't make any difference. I will finish you off. Along with your little ponies." She replied in a heinous laugh.

"How dare she to mock" Jason raises his sword, the guy itches badly to slash that freaky beauty. However, in the process he noticed a soft hand that grasps his fist. Hindering his sword to proceed further.

"Maeve, why? " He blazed at her, totally baffled by her actions.

"You think he needs your assistance? " Maeve sincerely look him into the eyes averted back to Azin. The guy is calm and cold, have no signs of anger or rage on his face.  He keep gazing coldly to the witch,  who had a malicious grin engraved on her face.

"I think you are right. She doesn't know what this joker is capable off. " He reinstate the swords back into their respective scabbards. Proffers a genial smile to the girl. Maeve vouchsafe an amiable grin to him. They both then glint back to Azin. The guy whom they have kept their dearie hopes.

"So, wanna play who ends whom? " He crooked down, betides himself in a southpaw stance.

"Why not. It's an honor to witness your power. But, do not expect any mercy. " She tensed, grew a bit furious.

"Never." Sniggers he. "Same goes for you." With a cold stare, he twisted his neck side by side. Subsequently after the second twist he pranced and sprints at a tremendous pace. The bitch on the other side keep firing the purple blasts similar to the one that struck down Jason.

The seven blasts were ravaging towards him, the guy dodges the first by stooping down, when he got up he is viewing three ahead of him and the gap is short. "Haha! What now. " She mocks him off, grinning atrociously as they were about to struck.

The guy smiles and in a blink they got shattered into pieces.

'Impossible.. " She wasn't sure about what had happened, if he shattered them with punch, kick or some attack she won't get baffled. But to the contrary he was still, she knows he haven't moved not even he summon someone  or attempt any spell or special attack. So how he manage to destroy it. That bothers her. But she won't gave up, she continue to fire more spherical orbs. And Azin continue to dodge and those which he can't mystically wrecked off. Leaving the caster in baffles.

Ultimately, he outstretch her, knocks a splendid punch as well.

"Aaah." The punch send her flying, she zaps brutally on the wall of gigantic hut. And wrack down on the ground. But without any difficulty she arose up, holding her head, wavering and endeavors harsh to keep herself awake as her eyes were flattering she finds it hard to keep her eyes open and left side of her head is in pain she won't imagine a mere fist can damage to this extent. This was the first time she faced a punch that had lead her to such a copious consequence.  

'I never witness a punch so powerful as this one'  She gently knead the right side of her head, her half closed eyes in pique, keep staring. "You will pay. "  Animosity impede on her face she rose her left hand "Hewn blaze. " Five circular orbs arrayed around her arouse hand. She glints cackles and drifted the elevated hand down.

As Azin witness her denoting hand. Though, much like a command for five circular orbs they have their target and were hurling at it.

Azin won't move he stand still and calm. The hewn blaze impending at him. Yet the guy won't give any reaction he glued to his position no signs of body movements. 'What a bummer, he attempts no strive to dodge nor did he lure any attack to destroy.' She grins wickedly. "If standing still is all you can do you won't last long this attack will extirpate you. " The hewn blaze is close by, if hit those five were proven nightmare that any sleeper ought to awake.

"Onoshi." The five orbs that were ravaging at him shattered into pieces like someone chop them up with a sharp katana.

The witch was astounded but not feared she did expect a hard fight after all this was the Azin whose folktales were well celebrated around the lands.

She then summoned big ball of magic which she used earlier to knock down Trent. She is enthralling the spell needed to cast that attack. On the other side Azin is in no mood to drag the fight further he wants to end it as soon as he can. "Blue thunder. " A blue bright veil of thunder formed in his palm, he jerked his hand at her the blue veil amplified and create more veils of similar size which radiates and growls like that of a original thunderstorm, while Riven is yet busy in the enchantments to summon a huge purple orb. "Now die. " Massive purple orb is created, she unlatched her long quell crevice. 'No way.. ' She blankly uttered, the wild blue veils of thunder clobbers at her. The jerking shocks were so intense the witch can't able to bear, the sudden fierce impact of that veils skunk her, made her to crawl on ground, blood spilled from various parts of her body, sprawled she scowl gravely. 'This fierce attack is so painful,' Her eyes twitched in pain. 'I can't heal myself, my aura is too low to cast the healing spell it require some time to recover, I can't do much now. In this case, I will lose. No not will, I am lost already but I have to do something to make tables turn.' While she is in puzzles to how to , she remember her render  estatis(Big purple ball) remains stabilizes in the air. "I know what I have to do."

"So what you say now bitchy. " Winks at her with a taunting smile.

"Bitchy huh! You are crossing your limits. " She take the lift up her body weight through her hands, and with difficulty arose her body from ground, crouched heaves in front of him. "Save your fallen pony joker." As her eyes grew purple, she deviated at her render estatis. It begins to gravitate on the fallen body.

"Trent no." She become apprehensive and straightly ran down to save Trent.

"Maeve stop. "

She jack in her run, graved eyeballs glued at him. He averted and focused on the tending orb. 'Looking to the size this one will proves fatal, for others it still cost a hefty amount of magic combined to shatter the orb, still no guarantee that it will enough to cease it.' Peruse the crouched enemy. Who contemplate that her orb will end that fallen fella. "You can do nothing. This orb will destroy him. There's no way you can save him. "

"Maybe we can kill you, let him go and I promise no one will harm you. "

"Oh! My my that's it. That's all the great Azin can do. A promise. " Howls of laughter echoes in forest. "You can't kill me. Even if you destroy my body, I can regenerate and revive myself again. "

"What now, how we suppose to save him." He is in harrows, the enigma of how to compensate the situation oozes him out.