
Phantom Accolades

Phantom Accolades also known by its short name PA is a freelancing organization who solves others problems and also saves them from evil, they earn money through this work. Azin was the leader of PA, along with him other six Jason, Trent, Gavin, Willow, Maeve and Noel. Its the story of these guys. Azin is known as the most powerful guy in the kingdom. They live happily but their rival guild who have their foul eyes on this kingdom seek out the help of other criminal organisation who lead by a mystery man and his league is famous as L-7 they won't been seen by anyone but they were praised for killing strongest warriors who tries to cross their way will Azin and pals able to defeat such guys how far they have to go to defeat those guys. And will they are the only ones hindering their way..

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15 Chs

CHAPTER 6 — Noel

"Trent you don't know what it costs. Noel, Willow help that fool out. "

However, those two already have joined him. "I told you, stay out of this. Besides, I am not a fool. " He again suspiciously ogled at the big purple orb which is constantly gravitating at him. "I am the target here so go away save yourself. If, you came to save me you also get hurt don't listen to that buffoon. "  He clamored, his whole focus is dedicated to that aura wall on which he relied and also gambled every last of his mana.

"Hey! Whom you calling a buffoon. "

"Of course it's you. I don't see anyone else worthy of being called a buffoon. "

'Now I get it. Jason wasn't wrong, the guy's definitely irritating.' He is still stuck but though he is angry he knows Jason and Maeve haven't recovered yet. 'I just wished they will able to stop that. ' His dark black eyes stick to the big purplish sphere which is drifting slowly on the blue shirt guy.

Willow and Noel won't move, they stay close to the Trent. They both gazed at each other Trent had his greenish aura wall over his head. "Kiss of heaven. " She gave a flying kiss to the sphere and all of a sudden several multiple heart shaped objects emerged from her lips. Elevating high up in the air, aiming for the big gravitating sphere and surrounds it completely.  And in a blink, they fire a pinkish ray which is also big and wide. The two hewn blaze orbs  along with the big orb veering at Trent had destroyed brutally, also the big sphere size decreased.  But still enough to call itself huge. 'I think that is enough, it won't did the damage I expected.' Groaned she.

"How many times I told you, stay away. Save yourself, don't bother about me." Trent barked at her yet she won't give any confers. It seems like his barking have no effect on her.  she stern at Noel.

 Noel nods and instantly leaps off in the air, her spear's indigo edge lengthens. "Guerin yakasa." She suddenly attack with that spear and begin to slash all round the circular orb. However, the pace of the attack is rapid. The girl wasn't even visible. All Noel and Trent can see is blue flickering lights fluttering here and there.

Her attack greatly reduces the density also the size. And finally with a roll she sprang down on the ground. Gripped off her spear from the center twirling it round and with a triumphant grin twitched her face at that purple thing which is gravitating at last struck to the wall.  Though Noel and Willow attacked that thing also reduces it's density and size but not much off the box. The orb violently struck at Trent's Gilmore, the guy had gambled every last of his mana on that wall. Both have collided with fierce forces none have any intentions to fade. It was a tough battle. It seems like wall is enough to bear the attack but then suddenly a crack had appeared on it's left, followed by a big hole on the middle and then with a bang it shattered down the wall and thrashed down on him leaving him clueless.

Gwah-aaaaa. " The sphere bulged him completely leaving him helpless. His horrific screams were unbearable for his pals.

"Two down. " The lady throws a heinous grin at Trent, the guy who recently have fell down on the ground he looks injured, however not brutal as Willow, Noel and his own attack have saved him from death. But is unconscious and have minor injury mark and is down "Two left. " Blaze at Willow and Noel who in turn were shivering with rage.

'Damn her.' She is infuriating at her also observing around was anticipating the situation. "Trent is defeated, For Gavin she made him immovable which means technically he too is out. For Jason and Maeve, " She averted back at Jason and Maeve. They are conscious but looking to the condition still not enough to fight. 'Not good they are awake and seems better but still I think they require more time for their mana and physical powers to recover.' She eyed her with grief. "Noel.. "

"I will finish her off. " The girl instantly frisks, rushed at the malicious lady who perhaps seems satisfied and ecstatic over the situation already claims her victory. Holding her spear she was dashing straight at her.

"Noel no." Willow spooks out, she is apprehensive about the fact that Noel too might end up like Maeve and Trent. "Don't go. " She screamed high.

Noel won't listen not even pays attention and continue to dash and prance straight on to her head the girl is so furious that she wanted to end this sooner and though without any special attacks.

Bitch is glancing at her. The girl strike her spear on her face, the girl is furious and was about to end it in one shot. But before she lands her hit witch grabs the shaft, saved herself from the attack.

She chuckles and then punch hard her in stomach and then blew her away by firing a purple blast(similar to one which she shot on Jason).

The blast is briskly rushing at her with a rapid pace. "Not at all. " She rolled her spear and chisel down the base inside the grassy ground, the two dark blue wooden wings beneath the indigo needle quite long but shorter in comparison to the needle, will now grew large almost equal to the size of the needle.

The witch can see a rotating blue orb, which looks like an eye. 'What's that. ' But as her blast was on the way so she wasn't bothered much about that rubbish eye like thing or elongating wings. "Doesn't matter you are still going down. " Her purple orb continue to nimble towards the armor girl.

"What's she doing. " Maeve murmured as this thing is new for her too. She is staring continuously at Noel. The girl have no clue about what she is up to.

Behind the engraved spear, she wide opens her both arms a crescent orange structure seems like a portal. It was oval and on the outer side of it seven blue lights much like spear in shapes and appearances formed. Quite long and wider than the original spear. From the engraved one, a flickering dark blue aura began to emit radiating at base of the needle to the exact glittering from the eye. "Alkai — Eight spears of Lenora." Seven light spear paced rapidly in the direction of the witch pace is similar to that of a bullet. And a big wave of blue beam shots off on to the circular orb.

"Impossible what the.." Before she could finish the seven spear thrashes down on her followed by a navy blue wave which struck down at her, the immediate image was blue wavy blast which is the only thing they can see. And then the site is covered in a dusty smog which make it quite difficult for them to understand whether it hits or not.

"That energy that attack you haven't did that before. " Angelic voice accosting in her ears.

Noel responds in a grin. "It was a new attack I learn two months ago, but never get the opportunity to test. This seem like the best one. " Again averted back to the place where a sandy smog had formed which now had fades though very little of it were left.

"Hew—n b—blaze. " A stammering voice instigate behind her.

Her eyes were dumbfounded. "How." She gulped and turn around only to find five hewn blaze which rapidly struck at her, due to it's brutality she fell down also recieves some bleedings on certain parts, she collapsed. The injuries were serious but not fatal.

"Do you seriously think you got me. "

"Noel." Willow rushed at her collapse body, the girl was unconscious, just like Maeve. However, the injuries were not that brutal as with Maeve. Though she had serious damage. Noel was down now. Maeve groaned, looking furiously at the malicious lady who upstands somewhat away from collapsed girl. "You bastard. How dare you? " Her eyes were blazing harsh at her, definitely depicting the amount of grief which she carried.

"You can't do anything. Even if you try you will end up like your dear armor friend. In anyway result would be the same. "

"What the hell did you say. " She stomp her hard fist on the ground besides Noel.

"No Willow don't. You alone can't defeat her, Jason and Maeve haven't recovered yet… "

"Who said that. " Jason raise his swords, pivoting them in the air broad smile lay confident on the face.

"We are ready. " Maeve stood right to him, though she holds her belly seem like she still have some pain which she won't able to overcome.

"No need. "

"That voice. " He gaze up where he saw a strange mythical creature, seems to be a big crane. On top of which a guy is standing.  But though the sunlight make it hard for him to see the guy properly, but when he came quite in the range the clear view reveals a figure. "Boss."  He yelled with an astonish eyes yet a weird smile came upon his face.

"Who the hell is that joker? "

"Not a joker Mrs. If you remembered correctly he said boss, I am the boss." Crane landed on ground though quite far from witch. "Also if you have any job you think we can do you might visit our office. This is my visiting card. " The guy pranced down on the ground threw the card at her.

She catches it from her left hand. "Visiting card. " Her one brow grew up, she was feeling a bit rubbish about all this card things especially the guy he was a special headache to her. She stare at the card.

On top of it P. A. in bold italics and in right "Phantom Accolades" in grey letters were written. Font is simple and a half black moon is drawn at top of Phantom. Seem to be the logo.

'Phantom Accolades. ' She gaze back at the guy however her expressions were changed from relaxed to extremely tense. "B—boss." Stammered she glared at him. "Tell me are you the great Azin? "