
Phagocytic evolution

In the end times, when people complain about not being awakened. Ethan has created a devouring power for himself. It was at that moment that every Power became an option on Ethan's shopping list. Zombies, vicious dogs, powerful beasts of different dimensions. Weird towns, broken towns, mysterious worlds of different latitudes. In the footsteps of legend, starting with Death Town.

Wen_Liu_0168 · Horror
Not enough ratings
60 Chs

Strong brush

Ethan soon put down the churning emotions in his heart, and the announcement of the continuation of the battle came from his headphones.

Ethan hurried to find a place to hide, on the way to find the right place, Ethan realized a serious problem.

The earphones did not announce the death of 010, and no one got points, which is very normal, after all, 010 was killed by the Baytown base with a miniature bomb.

But is 010 really dead? His body was picked up, and Ethan had killed three Powers, and all those soldiers would come over, rip open the heads of Powers, check for evolution, see if there was a crystal nucleus in each other's heads.

But the treatment of 010 is obviously different, he was dragged directly away, does that prove that he is not dead at all?

After all, 010 has demonstrated great physical healing abilities, so the miniature bomb just blew his brain to a pulp, but his physical healing ability can repair his brain?

Should be... Can't?

Ethan thought again and again, how do not think that this kind of body self-healing ability is so advanced, even the brain that has been blown up can be repaired.

The power of this one power, it is really strange, powerful ah.

Ethan shook his head, but he is not bad, with strong physical skills, insidious and cunning, the control of the battle, the control of the terrain is also mixed here.

So what if you're not a Power? I was born not as noble as you, but nurture can make up for a lot of deficiencies.

Of course, that's probably why Ethan's here in the first place, and if Ethan's been studied thoroughly, if he's been targeted by the Powers, that's probably not good luck.

After such a brutal battle, the town of the Dead fell into an eerie silence as the sun went down and night fell as the hours passed.

It seems that most of the surviving Powers have chosen to wait 24 hours to arrive, no one wants to attract the attention of other buyers, so as to escape the purgatory of Baytown, everyone seems to calm down a lot, with their own lives.

Ethan's wounds were healed, and after drinking the Grimm's blood, Ethan not only felt healthy, but even regained a little strength, so Ethan no longer focused on points.

Thought that he no longer needed to survive on such a road, by 24 hours, is a very good choice.

Unfortunately, after a day of fierce fighting, Ethan, although drinking the Grimm's blood to recover a little strength, but still dry lips, hungry.

Until dawn in the morning, there was no sign of fighting in the death town, and occasionally there were a few announcements, several teams of military vehicles entered to take away a few powers, it seemed that the buyer finally could not help but sell, or finally negotiated a price.

A funny thing happened at the dawn of the morning. The sound of helicopters came from far and near, breaking the peace of Death Town.

Three heavy boxes were dropped at three points in the town, the boxes shining with red lights, so bright under the night.

Was that an airdrop?

Ethan suddenly remembered the promised introduction, where there should be food and drink and, if he was lucky, a certificate to leave Death Town directly.

For any Power, these three boxes would be the ultimate temptation.

But Ethan did not make a move. Under Miranda's training, he knew how to endure, and he was extremely determined. He could stand the temptation, and also the desire for food and water.

It's the wee hours of the morning, a few hours away from getting out of here safe and sound, and Ethan doesn't need to get involved.

But would the rest of the Powers be able to stand such a temptation?

What do they eat every day? Half-hard bread and cold water? Sometimes even bread crumbs are not eaten, only hungry.

It is said that the box contains beef, beer, fried chicken...

In a civilized society, people who eat these things every day can not stand such temptation, let alone those who eat dry bread all day long!

It may seem funny to say it, but for some people, the delicious food is more appealing than the proof of getting out of Death town.

People who have never really been hungry will never know how strong the human need and desire for food is.

Ethan is so quietly hidden in a dormitory building, facing the box a hundred meters away.

After the helicopter flew away, the town fell silent.

Just 20 minutes later, everyone's earphones rang again:

"Number 003, three points."

"Number 003, three points."

Sure enough, some people can't help it.

Ethan thought in his heart, 003, from the number point of view, this should be a senioral-level figure ah, sure enough, shrewd.

Powers vary in strength, and powers are also varied, some powers may not be suitable for fighting, but for stealing things, may have a unique means.

Perhaps it is because of this psychology that No. 003 caught the other side's idea, lurked secretly, and took the other side down in one fell swoop.

"Number 003, 4 points."

"Number 003, 4 points."

At the time of Ethan's exclamation, there was a notification sound in the headset again, which made Ethan more curious about the identity of 003!

What's going on here? A bait so clearly laid out in front of everyone, that someone actually took the bait?

Before Ethan could finish his surprise, the voice in his headphones began again:

"Number 003, five points."

"Number 003, five points."

"The fighting stops... Uh... Number 003, six points."

"003, six points, stop fighting! Stop the fighting!"

"Everybody stay where you are! No movement allowed! Otherwise deal with violations!"

What's going on here? Three drops. 003 went straight to the top? Listening to the anxious voice of the announcer, it seems afraid that any slower, 003 will continue to kill?

Ethan became even more curious about the unmasked 003.

Just in the southeast of Death Town, the figure of an Asian man slowly emerged, his head tied in pigtails, medium height, about 1.7 meters, but the limbs are very slender, small eyes full of pure awn, slender limbs gently swinging... under the night wind

Just now, UU read www.uukanshu.com his body seems to be subtly integrated into the night, it is really a magical power.

Looking at the several bodies that came to the team, the Asian man gave a sneer, squatted down, opened the airdrop box, picked up a chicken leg and ate it frantically.

In a short 30 seconds, when the military vehicle drove to the man's eyes, he still threw a chicken bone on the ground.

The man wiped his mouth, took a bottle of energy drink, in the short dozen steps to the military vehicle, his hands have drunk all the drink...

Perhaps the strong screen of No. 003 shocked everyone, and then from the early morning to 8 a.m., there was no news of anyone's death, and there was not even the slightest sound in Death town.

All the zombies that were walking around before the Powers came in, over the course of the day and night, not a single one was left.

I don't know who's the zombie and who's the human.

Under the sound of invisible earphones, scattered contestants filed out, 80 people entered, in addition to more than 10 people who were bought, only less than 30 people survived, about half the number of casualties, more than 50% of the death rate, I can see that the city is really taking the life of the power as mustard.

Ethan honestly followed the big troops forward, was the soldiers with blue manacles, sat on the military vehicle.

In the familiar position, Ethan once again saw the figure of promise, only, this time, her eyes seemed to contain more complex emotions, do not know what she is doing.

The car slowly pulled away from the bloody town, where all the painful memories, including some living lives, were buried.

No one mentioned it again,

No one wants to buy it anymore.