
Phagocytic evolution

In the end times, when people complain about not being awakened. Ethan has created a devouring power for himself. It was at that moment that every Power became an option on Ethan's shopping list. Zombies, vicious dogs, powerful beasts of different dimensions. Weird towns, broken towns, mysterious worlds of different latitudes. In the footsteps of legend, starting with Death Town.

Wen_Liu_0168 · Horror
Not enough ratings
60 Chs

So long.

And the next scene is a surprise to everyone, the fruit knife stabbed into the neck of the strong man, even more angry, a pair of giant grasp the riding on the body of Ethan, the strong man even the pain of the lower body are temporarily suppressed, because he really can not tolerate this damn little bastard riding on their own head.

"Uh..." Ethan's face changed, and the strength of his giant hands seemed to be crushing Ethan's waist, which was made worse by the fact that Ethan was bleeding more from the wound in his abdomen.

The strong man frantically shook his body, and finally grabbed Ethan's body with both hands, throwing Ethan far away like a cannonball.

Ethan's body flew more than 50 meters, fell to the ground, his body constantly rolling, sliding all the way, stirring up clouds of smoke.

'Ethan! Green hurried over.

Promise to take a step to look at it, only to find that the fierce man is trying to pull out the fruit knife at the neck? His mighty body has not fallen, he... And the power of World War I?

The steps of promise stopped subconsciously, and the body slowly retreated as if out of control.

At this moment, she flinched.

Promise quietly retreated into the building next to him, half-kneeling, facing the corner, and praying again in a low voice.

"Ethan, Ethan! Green can not control so much, hurried to Ethan, that was thrown out when the strong man pulled off the prison uniform scattered side, Ethan waist flowing gurgling blood, green and red mixed together, very eye-catching.

"Are you hurt? Have you been poisoned?" Grimm was shocked. "Or are you a Power? Is that the color of your blood?"

"My blood is red! Come on, let's go." Ethan quickly said that although the strong man is dead, but the greater crisis is still behind, and the three people in extremely bad condition are the fat meat in the eyes of all the powers in the death town, and anyone is willing to pounce on it.

"What the hell! What if you don't take care of the wound and bleed to death?" Green cursed anxiously and with concern, covering Ethan's wound with his hand, and green glowed from Green's hand.

In just five seconds, Ethan's wounds healed, and even his scars were gone. This made Ethan's naked body look very incongruous, because Ethan was covered in bruises and scars, but in the area of skin where Green's hand was, new skin had grown, and even the old scar was gone.

Such a scene is so incongruous.

"What's that green thing?" 'asked Green quickly.

"I don't know, maybe it's poison. My head is a little dizzy. I don't know if it's because of the bleeding or the poison." Ethan opened his mouth and said that in the face of a professional power doctor, Ethan told his true situation.

"Whether it's poison or not, we have to be prepared for anything." Without hesitation, Green put his right hand to his mouth, and his teeth broke the mouth of his right hand, and in his desperation, he even bit off a small piece of meat.

Under the pain, Green was a little sober, and quickly pressed the tiger's mouth on Ethan's mouth: "Suck, drink, hurry, my blood has the effect of detoxification."

Ethan: "..."

As Ethan sucked Grimm's blood, in the distance, the strong man finally pulled out the fruit knife from his neck.

For a moment, the blood gushed, but the strong man did not seem to care, and directly threw the fruit knife aside.

Under Ethan's stunned gaze, the wound on the strong man's neck gradually healed...

It's healed! ?

Not only does he have violent powers, but his body heals itself! ? No wonder there's no death message in the earphones, no wonder all the proud powers in Death Town don't mess with 010!

Ethan took two gulps, couldn't think of much more, and hurriedly pulled Green,

Got up and tried to run away.

'You bastards! 010 was roaring with rage.

Just then...

"All eyes, this fight is over!"

"All eyes, this fight is over!"

"Stand where you are and do not allow any movement, otherwise it will be considered a violation."

"Stand where you are and do not allow any movement, otherwise it will be considered a violation."

Such a notification sound Ethan has heard several times, that is, when a power is bought away, everyone's headphones will report such news, and then a special car will come to pick up the bought power.

The battle will only continue once the Powers are safely removed from the town of Death.

"Ahhh! Ahhh! 010 is still angry roaring, he can not hear the sound in the ear, looking at the eyes cut their own lower body, and stabbed their neck 76, 010 really can not stand such humiliation, completely into a state of rage, stride towards Ethan and Green.

"Number 010! Stop the action!"

"Repeat, 010! Stop the attack!"

"Number 010! Pull up! Otherwise, it will be dealt with as a violation!" In the Bay City control room, Dougs shouted, his heart is also angry, this 010, in the last life and death battle has been an accident, and now challenge their own authority!

Dawgs could not wait to press the number 10 button and detonate 010's brain right now, but at the last moment, Dawgs hesitated, his movement hesitating.

Because, uh, Mr. Dale, who's in absolute control of Baytown, seems to be a little ambivalent about the issue of 010.

"Do what you have to do, and no one should challenge our rules." Just then, in the office, Dale, who was in power, pressed the communication button and spoke.

With the approval of the boss, Dawgs could not care less and pressed the number 10 button in front of him.


A light sound, no earth-shattering, no head burst, only a light sound, the 010 who stepped forward suddenly turned white eyes, orbital bleeding, and fell to the ground with a bang, the heavy body slipped on the ground for more than ten meters because of the rush, and finally stopped in front of Ethan and Green.

"Chug." Green swallowed hard, dare not have the slightest change, for fear that the next death is his own.

Not far away in the building, the promise hand covered his mouth, even the atmosphere did not dare to come out, helplessly watching all this happened.

She crouched down and faced the corner with tears in her eyes. She didn't know whether it was panic, or joy, or guilt.

After all, Ethan saved her life, and when Ethan needed himself the most, she chose to withdraw, as always, just like her 24 years of life, in the face of any problem, her choice is to withdraw and escape.

Thinking of this, Promise suddenly opened his eyes wide and seemed to think of something, and his body slowly fell to the ground.

Twenty short seconds later, a military vehicle roared up.

Ethan and Green thought they were coming to pick up the body from number 010, but what surprised Green was...

The Grimm is the reason this fight is suspended! Someone's interested in his powers! Paid a fortune for the Grimm!

When the soldiers carried the body of 010 to the military vehicle, also reported the news, Green's entire body fell into a state of numbness, and seemed to be in disbelief, he murmured, and repeated the whole time: "How can this be, how?"

Ethan pursed his lips and bowed his head in silence. Grimm... Was it bought?

Yeah, that's the kind of power that everyone craves, and Grimm's value is beyond doubt, which is good, because at least Grimm won't die here.

"Ethan, Ethan..." Green was bewildered, and, pushed and shoved by the soldiers, took another military vehicle, not knowing what to do with himself.

And friends have not seen for many years, but in prison and old friends happy reunion, but also in the life and death of the war. They are brothers, time has not erased their deep friendship, in the most critical moment, they are willing to risk for each other.

But things are unpredictable, the battle is not over, the two will be separated again, who can know this separation is not forever?

Grimm doesn't even know if Ethan's gonna make it out of this dead town alive.

'Ethan! Green didn't know what to say, but unconsciously shouted out Ethan's name.

"Stay alive." Ethan waved at the military vehicle and whispered.

As the military vehicles drove away, Ethan's figure dwindled in Green's line of sight until it disappeared.

Until the military vehicles disappeared down the road, a bitter smile appeared on Ethan's face.

People who are struggling in the last days of this son of a bitch, maybe it's a blessing to meet this one time.

The future, none of us can know.

But at least I know you're alive, and that's enough.

When I hear from you again, I want it to be from you.

See you later,
