........ ........ .......... ........ ....... /////// /////// ///////// /////// ////// Join this Petite scientist on her journey into her thoughts and beliefs about science. Discover what this young mind has to say... (pov: it's written words not speaking) ...... ....... ........ ....... ....... ... ///// ////// /////// ////// /////// ////
First of all, people say that science is neat, but it's not forgiving, meaning easy to deal with, easy-peasy.
It's easy to deal with because we understand every concept of this science, or maybe not. we understand the knowledge, the theory, it's like our very own Nursery Rhymes.
The science we are exposed to has very limited observations, strict rules, and responsibilities, same as that science we don't know. The one we know is like the basic version or the starting point of the world's exposure, we don't get a lot out of it.
There is knowledge beyond our so-called Science, there's a lot to observe at the...
Our science is practical, a systematic study, it is intellectual. Science is a body of knowledge and process, a study concerned with the physical world and its phenomena.
According to NASA🚀, science 🔬 consists of observing the world by listening, watching, observing, and recording, it's said to be a thoughtful action of curiosity about how the real world behaves.
I am only going to focus on Science and what's beyond it, I won't think from a scientist's viewpoint but from a young enthusiastic person who's curious and amazed by the world of science.
I strongly believe and know there's a knowledge greater than that of science, it might be science still, but not the one we currently know.
Our Science is basic, but that science is advanced, beyond the borders of knowledge.
The real science that opens the gate of all knowledge and study of the world, it's abnormal, complex, an illusion that you can only see, feel and perceive once you believe it. It is an impossibility made possible.
Science is like a half-closed/opened gate to a parallel universe, there is a world, a gate, a pathway but there is nothing, you don't see it at all, it's not visible, not clear, out of sight.
What is it about this other science or advanced version of it that is so intriguing? Well, a lot about it is questioning, because it doesn't exist in our reality but our current science paves the way for discovering it.
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