
Peter [Marvel x Life is Strange]

Peter Maximoff. How much lies in this name: the fastest man, jester, kleptomaniac, mutant... Sometimes you have to choose between a quiet life and a superhero career. But the choice does not always mean that it will depend entirely on you. Sometimes the situation and the world do everything for you, whether you like it or not... Quicksilver x life is strange !English is not my native language!

Jagami28 · Movies
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8 Chs

Car incident

The middle-aged man sitting behind the wheel of the car sighed wearily. It was a dark night outside, and many of the streetlights were turned off, as if to spite them. The only true source of light for him was the headlights of the car.

"But for sure," he thought, "Today, on the news, it was reported that work with electricity would be carried out in the city."

This day was perhaps one of the worst for him this year. It is difficult to say how much he spent nerves at work. For the slightest oversight, the boss, like a witch, sucked out the remnants of the soul.

Is this what he wanted from life when he chose a specialty? His head was hurting, it is quite possible that his blood pressure had risen again. A good step would be to stop for a while at the curb and take a break. But at this time of day, almost on the very edge of the city, people usually do not walk the streets.

"God," the man sighed wearily, "How I want to sleep.

With one hand out to the side, he turned on the radio. According to the news, in his opinion, nothing interesting was transmitted, so almost immediately the slow speech of the announcer was replaced by cheerful music.

Just a few more minutes to get home, and he'll be there. His wife is probably awake. Closing his eyes, he imagined how he would drink hot tea with light snacks, and then lie down in a warm bed. He didn't need more to be happy now.

Opening his eyes, he turned the steering wheel to the right. There is still quite a bit to go. He was sleepy, his head hurt. As a result, attentiveness has dropped dramatically. This was the reason why he noticed the boy who suddenly ran out into the road too late.

The frightened man slammed on the brakes as fast as he could. But the speed of the car was so great that neither the car nor the boy would have had time to avoid a collision. The car slowed down after a few seconds.

— Oh no, no, no! — The man in a panic opened the car door and ran out onto the road.

He had to crush the boy. He did not have time to avoid a collision. However, hope lurked in his soul, there was no sound of collision and shaking. Perhaps the boy jumped? Avoided a hit?

Luckily for him, there was no one under the car or behind it. But where did he disappear to then? Could it be that he just imagined this boy? He was extremely tired, maybe the boy really was a figment of his imagination?

The man was already thinking about getting back into his car, but at the very last moment he heard a quiet, muffled groan from the side of the road. He suddenly darted towards the place where he heard the sound. And to his dismay, there lay the same boy he had seen just a couple of minutes before.

He lay face down on the ground. Excitedly sighing, the man went to the boy. I had to examine him for injuries. It was not enough for him to get even more problems than he had now.

When the distance between him and the guy was reduced to a meter, suddenly the boy's body began to convulse. He twitched with such force that there was a feeling that someone was tormenting him from the inside. He had convulsions.

Running up to him, he turned him over on his back, and later tried to pick him up with his hands, lift him up, and carry him to the car. He didn't succeed. The boy's body began to twitch more and more. The man loosened his grip.

With trembling hands, he placed both of his hands on the baby's chest. He pressed them into the chest area, then pulled his hands under him and pressed again, in the same place. Thoughts about first aid classes in high school and college began to rush through my head like a hurricane. And now, more than ever, he regretted how negligently he treated this knowledge. If something happens to the boy, he will be the first to have problems.

While he was giving him a heart massage, the man's gaze flickered across the boy's face. The sight of the wounded child filled his head with much more terrible thoughts. The pale face was half smeared with blood that was coming from the child's nose, flowing down to the chin. Large black circles under the eyes made it clear that now the child is very difficult.

In parallel with examining the features of the boy's face, the man was amazed at the color of the guy's hair. At first glance, they might have looked gray-haired, but he spent a criminally long time looking at them in more detail. Her short hair shimmered silver in the dark, with a touch of blue.

He continued to give the boy first aid. His untrained arms moved so intensely and quickly that he already began to feel as if they were about to fall off. In his mind, he had already resigned himself to the thought of an early meeting with the parents of the child and the local police.

He was never a believer, but the situation and fear forced him to turn to God. He did not know a single prayer. That is why only fragments of what he knew escaped from his lips. Half a minute later, as if the universe itself had heard of his request, the convulsions left the boy's body, and he opened his eyes.


Peter began to gasp for air, as if he was afraid that he was about to drown in the depths of the ocean. His pupils darted from side to side. He saw a man leaning over him, who, seeing Peter awake, began to talk about something with relief. But he didn't listen to him. His eyes fell on the car parked on the road.

How did he get here? Thoughts along with memories began to return to him. Something happened at home, he was outside the house, he was in a hurry to get there. But then what is he doing here on the pavement?

"You need to be taken to the hospital," the man began to say, but Peter did not hear him, "Where do you live? Where are your parents, boy?"

"Parents..." Peter thought.

His heart immediately skipped a beat at the memory of my mother. What happened at home instantly made him jump to his feet, and, pushing the man away, run towards the house.

- Stop! You can't run! the latter shouted after the boy. He already wanted to rush after him, expecting that he would now crash again and lose consciousness.

But to his fear and surprise, the boy was gone. Evaporated. Here he was, just a few tens of meters away from him, jumping to his feet with lightning speed, running away from him for several meters and ... a sudden breath of wind, and the boy was gone.

His heart was beating at an incredible speed, his ears were a little stuffy with fear, and he could hear his heart beating. His legs suddenly became wobbly. With trembling hands, he combed the curls of platinum hair that fell over his eyes and began to look around nervously. There was no one around. Not a soul, just him and his car. He hurried towards her with quick steps. The feeling of panic made him look around all the time. It seemed that he was about to lose consciousness due to the surge of adrenaline.

Once in the car, he fastened his seatbelt and turned on the lights inside, only then allowing himself a little sigh of relief. The event that had just happened made him wonder if the boy was really here, or was he just a figment of his imagination? Or even worse, a ghost? These thoughts frightened him with incredible force. There was a child, right next to him. With white hair, pale skin. And then it just disappears, disappears into the air like a projection.

"I need to see a doctor, quickly…" shaking his head, driving away unpleasant thoughts from himself, he started the car and headed home.

All the way home, the young office worker looked around anxiously. And even after that, he had nightmares all night