
Pet King

1. Download a suspicious game 2. Catch a few magical pets as partners 3. Go through interesting daily routines and lead the pet shop to a whole new level

Jie Po · Urban
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1814 Chs


Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

It was an exaggeration to say that Famous was invincible. Its abilities were a simplified version of Galaxy and Old Time Tea's abilities. Although Famous had learned to predict the future from Galaxy, it couldn't choose the future like Galaxy; though Famous had learned martial arts from Old Time Tea, it didn't have as strong of a body as Old Time Tea had. Even so, Famous was still incredible.

There was still an question left unanswered, why had Famous forgotten its name and identity?

The Zhang Zian ordered had turned cold. He went upstairs to heat up the food.

The pet shop was very warm. Famous was relieved after confiding in Zhang Zian and other elves. Old Time Tea continued watching TV. Richard tried to grab the remote from Old Time Tea. Fina yawned and continued sleeping.

Famous lied down, watching the TV screen.

After a while, Famous's eyelids were drooping. Its eyes finally closed after struggling for a while.

