
Perverted Cultivation

The mixture of yin and yang is a union that cannot be underestimated to normal cultivators, or what some would call dual cultivation. However, in the Distaff Clan World that got overcome by Yin due to the extreme amount of females that dominated the planet, there came a time where men from a faraway place became needed to help balance out the world! Yun Che had been a medical student training to be a doctor when his girlfriend took his virginity on the night of the new moon. This special timing however happened to be a play, for an asteroid that approached once every hundred years had just started to pass their planet! In the morning, he woke up after indulging in the pleasures of celebrating his girlfriend's flesh only to find that his home had been somehow transported to the asteroid like a flaming missile! Even more perplexing is that he will now be forced to leave his world in order to make sure his dear Yun'er doesn't die to the wretches trying to overtake her planet! Come join Yun Che while he engages in using his wits, looks, and abilities to completely challenge the status quo on this all female's planet. However, if he fails, the worst that will happen is he'll be forced to make lots of babies with dozens of beautiful women. What's the worse that can happen with the invasion of the planet from the other forces around the strange cultivation star in their galaxy? A road of mystery and adventure awaits!

Dao0fPerverts · Eastern
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69 Chs

Exposing All of Herself To Escape a Dilemma?! A Lasting Mark?!

When confronted with a strong adversary, sometimes the best thing to do is play along with their game.

Try and be their ally, and make them feel like they understand you before you strike!

Yun Che felt like it might not be a bad idea to take up this man's offer to go on an 'expedition' with him if he lost to his warriors. He didn't plan on losing anyway, and might end up dying if he couldn't figure out how to defeat Jia Qiao's men!

He had a ton of knowledge from the Golden Queen Spider on different types of herbal medicine that very easily could change the situation! All he needed to hear is that he had a few days time to prepare. If he had a few days, it be more than simple enough to defeat a Soul Budding Realm Cultivator, and he might even be able to kill them!

The Golden Queen Spider had information on various types of poisons, but also had types of information on formulas to temporarily strengthen the body, mess with other people's focus, and even tap to increase the amount of pleasure a person could experience!

For instance, the Golden Heart Root when mixed with the Pharaoh's Novice plant had the ability to make a extremely obscure panacea for 'attraction' known by royals for its ability to make any girl fall in love with you! However, with one more ingredient, the Sixth Sided Frost Diamond Plant, this turned into an extremely terrifying poison!

The kind of poison that might be able to destroy someone's foundation and even cause their progeny to suffer! These three ingredients happened to grow in the Black Stone Forest according to the memories he got from the Golden Queen Spider, however, this also might be able to be detected!

In three days, once he sorted through all his new memories, he'd very easily be able to establish the perfect way of dealing with anyone above his rank! He might even be able to use his new knowledge to enter into the Golden Budding Stage!

All those blessed with powerful families in the Distaff Clan World had ways of getting strong quickly because their families liked to keep secrets. They kept this information extremely obscure and hidden so others wouldn't be able to accomplish the same in comparison to their progeny!

They divided techniques like this into three types, one meant for their families, one meant for their warriors, and then those meant to give commoners hope. For instance, in the Savage Lands Kingdom, they had techniques called the Seventeen Heart and Warrior Parchments that contained seventeen extremely hard to master techniques!

It even said on the front of the place it got displaced that all those who learned it could defile the order and instantly become the effective tyrant!

The people studied them everyday and everynight and a few even mastered two of the seventeen techniques listed! However, no one ever made it past that?! Why?! Because these families made these techniques virtually impossible to learn, but at the same time extremely useful! The first two techniques happened to be of use in selecting warriors, and also those who might get 'killed' for being to gifted!

The only gifted that mattered happened to be their children, and in the Savage Lands' Kingdom this rained true above all else! Jia Hualing and Jia Qiao had been given the best types of techniques which is why Yun Che felt such a threat from him. Compared to the Golden Queen Spider inheritance, what he learned from his father could probably be considered also equally rare! However, just because they both happened to be considered rare, didn't mean both had equal value! Yun Che's techniques that he learned from the Golden Queen Spider definitely had much more value in terms of the amount of damage they could deal!

The only thing they had in common happened to be their exclusivity! The Golden Queen Spider went out of her way to hide the information about it while the Jia Family Tryant did the same!

However, this didn't mean that his father didn't have values, he just cared about his children! Jia Qiao, however, desired to break free from his 'daddies' goodwill and take over the kingdom! His father had given him everything he ever wanted besides his sister, so from his spoiled nature came the desire to tame even her!

Long story short, this man wanted everything to be given to him immediately and might soon decide to take his sister. If not for her protection, her two uncles, this time away from their father happened to be the perfect time to solidify their relationship!

First, though, he needed to do something good for her and get him somewhat in his graces before he pounced! This Jia Qiao had learned be calculative from true Seventeen Heart and Warrior Parchments!

The one thing he didn't have, however, represented his ultimate weakness! He had no fear of anyone else, and didn't think anyone his equal! Yun Che happened to be 'hailed' a genius from what he learned from a few of his warriors around the Xaio Clan. However, how could a genius from another world compare to one from a place like the Distaff Clan World!

This looking down on the enemy who'd just gotten blessed with information from the Golden Queen Spider might soon become his downfall.

Yun Che: "I'll take your promise and go with you to try and find the Evil Beast that killed Li Qiang, however, in exchange you must promise that you'll give me three things if I beat one of your Soul Budding Realm Warriors. First, you must take me to the nearby trading guild so I can purchase some supplies, and promise to vouch for me if I don't have enough money. Secondly, you must be willing to bring your sister and let all three of us sit in the same cabin, and lastly you must give me the pendant of your family!"

"If I decide to go to the Savage Lands, I want to have access to all the techniques that your warriors have access too, and only by having the pendant of your family can that happen! That includes into the energy gathering chambers that only your family is allowed to enter!"

Jia Xiao: "Are you kidding me?! You're more than a brother to me already, so why would I hold you back from entering out kingdom with such meek requirements. I'll even adopt you if you help me kill the Evil Beast, and with that in mind, you'll be able to learn our hidden kingdom techniques!"

"I swear on my life! With my sister next to me, I swear to not only treat her with respect, and never do anything to harm her, but to treat you with the same respect! Since we're brothers, I'll even let you meet my father in law if we arrive at the Savage Lands Kingdom together. After all, accidents happen when hunting Evil Beasts, but most likely he'll be delighted to see you! A friend of my sister is a friend of mine!"

'A friend of my sister that seems a little bit too close to Jia Hualing! You better have not done anything with her you bastard, or you can kiss your life goodbye!'

Yun Che smiled and nodded his head with agreement while looking at Jia Hualing shaking her head. She'd wanted him to stop, but he seemed unaware enough of how vigilant and cunning her brother happened to be when it cames to matters related to her and power!

One time, her brother happened to meet her boyfriend and had them train together only to bring him to a brothel a few weeks after that only to have Jia Hualing visiting a nearby herbal medicine shelter at a similar time.

When she saw her first boyfriend in the brothel, she immediately broke down crying only for her brother to kill him on the spot!

This kind of stuff had happened to everyone but her first fiance that her dad had arranged and gone out of his way to get them to meet! No, that man had died because he wanted to protect her from the real danger in the Savage Lands Kingdom! This brother just happened to be a single wrench in a thousand point problem!

Yun Che: "Good, well I will see you in a few days then, and I also have to remind you dear brother that your sister plans on being shown around by me every day at 6 pm. If for some reason something happens to me, I think your sister might be really upset. Also, just a fair warning, I'm going to be working with Mistress Empress for quite a few days, so it be best if no one disturbed us. Mistress Empress commands the Seven Viriginal Leaders and a few are around the Savage King Realm. I'd hate for them to get angry at getting distrubed!"

"You're a funny one brother. Why would I not wait for your special day, and I'm sure it's going to be extremely exciting! I can't wait to see how you stop my men from stomping your head in! They're trained in tons of various arts and can successfully kill most men in one strike! You're really a special one to take on this task. Since I'm their leader, I can't possibly tell them to not strike with all their might!"

Yun Che turned around and seemed not to care before he grabbed Yun'er's hand and tugged her away. He smiled and waved goodbye to Jia Xiao's brother who's countenance had begun to sink!

'You did something with my sister damn it! If you think I'll let you survive until the day of our little promised match you can think again! I've dealt with plenty of people chosen to be core disciples of prestigious clans many times, however, I never met a man who dared lay eyes on my sister like that!'

Jia Qiao "Jia Hualing, don't tell me that you like that Yun Che, right?! I saw the way he looked at you, and for some reason he gave you the look a man might give to a recent lover. Don't tell me you'd fall for his little schemes?!"

He tried to read her with all his might but his sister just shrugged and turned around. With a 'hmph' she walked away with her hand over her neck. At the same time, she rapidly ran inside and slammed her door shut.

"I don't believe it. She-she had a hickey on her neck. Considering she's in the Soul Budidng Realm, her body could easily get ride of a hickey in less than three hours. That only means that Yun Che and her must have…. No…. way…. Right…. How?!"

Jia Qiao instantly looked over at three warriors standing by the forest and made a motion with his wrist.

That meant kill Yun Che, and the three men smiled and happily rushed towards him right when he got back to his bedroom.

Yun'er: "Yun Che, I think it's about time we have some make up time. I did something extremely horrible when you happened to be gone for three days and you're not going to like it. Do you mind if we talk with our clothes off?! You might get less mad if you see my beautiful body exposed in front of you?!"