

Alex's POV

There stood a worker with a cart," Oh thank you so much!" Regan took the cart and brought it inside," Where did Troy go?"

"He left without saying anything." I said and gulped.

"Ooookayyyyy" He streched it," No problem then we will keep it for him, he can heat it later."

We started having the food or more like the giant infront of me was feeding me," you know I have hands too"

"Thats for better work " he states.

"And that is?" I asked him furrowing my brows.

"Hmm like caressing my hairs, my body, my face annnnddd," he starts to tease me.

I chuckled at his tone,"Stop, you behave like a baby."

"I am your baby" He gives me a cheeky smile.

"Cringe'' I said smiling widely, Regan has really brought some good changes in me. We were immersed in our babbling when suddenly Regan's phone went off.

"Yeah?.......umm sorry dude we are having food right now.........hmmmm....... alright see you." He hung up and looks towards me.

"What's happened?" I asked him.