
Chapter 26


Finally Saturday came and the house was in havoc the boys mostly Andrew, Regan and Troy decided to leave packing for the last minute and were now running here and there finding their stuffs.

In almost 2 hours from now we have our flight to Japan and here I am sitting on my bed watching Regan running around like a mad man,"Alex I can't find my underwears!!"

I sighed and went to him,"Regan" I said opening a drawer for him.

"Oh here they are, great! Thanks baby." He said and started putting them in his bag.

"Seriously Regan is this the first time you are traveling?" I asked him nonchalantly.

"Well no but I am not good at packing." He said shrugging his shoulder.

"Alright lemme teach you, first check the items I tell you, undergarments?" I asked him.


"Sleepwear two sets?"


"Outside wears 4 sets?"


"Phone and charger?"


