

This not just your typical vampire-pet story. This is something more than you would ever imagine. Open your eyes and join with the emotional roller-coaster of Zion Macquoid & Sofia Charmeine. _______________________________________________________________ She was the baby faced beauty who captured the hearts of everyone. She was the loving angel who had a heart of gold. She is the pure soul no one could found until him. She really enjoyed her life to the fullest though she lacks a luxurious life till one special monster barge in. And above all she thought that she is too normal among the other girls of her age. Yet did she really knew her own identity? _____________________________________________________________ He is the definition of the real monster. He was the dark angel who captured the hearts of every girl. Everyone wanted to be a part of him because of his god like features, fame, power and the nobility. He was out of ordinary in each and every aspect. He loved to gamble with the hearts of the girls as he pleased and blondes were his most speciality. He was the next in line to the throne who didn't like to wear the weight of the crown. Yet did he really knew someone will change his life to the perpetuity? **Cover of the book isn't mine and it belongs to the respective owners.**

Chalani_Peiris · Fantasy
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14 Chs


William Shakespeare once said that eyes are the windows to your soul. I think that great king of literature didn't say it without a reason. The reason is, I am also experiencing the same unfamiliar feeling when I look at those green orbs right now.

The way he is still holding me, looking at me with a longing I cannot interpret is really weird in a good kind of way. And I don't know why but I am experiencing awkward butterflies in my stomach when he looks at me like that.

It seems that he has no idea to let me go sooner. But the sudden trance between us was broken by a clearing of a voice of somebody. So I quickly averted my head to see the source of the noise and I think I saw the most gorgeous girl or we can say vampire beauty whom I have seen in my whole life for the first time. Honestly it's true that I was like a frog in the well. It is another story...But still I think anybody who has good eyes can recognize a beauty from their first glance, right?

I am still wondering how these blood sucking vampires have such good looking features when they suck blood of the living beings and torture them to the extent they satisfy their animal like desires.

Then only the true colours of them can be seen under that mask of gorgeous faces. That's why I never wanted to provoke any vampire as I have a very little understanding about how their brains function in different occasions. Honestly I don't have any personal grudge or jealousy against them as they are also a part of this earth. But look at their beauty on one side and the evil dangerous self on the other side..

It's something I still cannot justify...

The girl looks not so older than me and like a goddess in Greek mythology just the same way like him. Anyway their ageing process stops at the age of 18 any it remains same no matter how older they get. I think it's a kind of a benefit compared to us humans who die at the age around 80- 90.

She was a blonde with long curly hair which reminds me the noodles I eat and the yellow eyes look too sexy and a perfect body to die with the curves at the right places where they should be.


That's the only word that came to my mind when I looked at her for the first time. And also another eye catching sight was the dress she was wearing and the black wedges. A red lace blouse with a short tight skirt has perfectly blended with her hair and the face.

But it seems that she isn't too pleased with the way he is holding me. Because there was a slight irritation or kind of a jealousy was written all over her face at the moment. But I don't understand why she is so furious about an unaccepted incident like this. I didn't bump into him on purpose, right? So It should not be a big issue as I guess! "Oh! no...Sofia...this time it's a really...big issue" My subconscious is shouting very loudly.

Honestly I am just an ordinary human girl who doesn't even know about my own identity. I think she has no reason to be like that. Actually it's just an coincidence...may be she might be his boyfriend or mate. That might be the reason that she is furious like this.

However I had forgotten that I am captured by the monster himself yet. So I pushed my hands on his chest lightly to straighten myself to regain the balance as I was still pressed against his cold yet comfy chest...Actually I didn't want to look at those green eyes one more time. Because If I look at them again I knew for sure that I will stuck in those captivating eyes for another century...

Oh my God! I cannot believe that my subconscious is still shamelessly admiring him in this way. I think I have to master some control before I....I embarrass myself for the 2nd time of the day. Should I name this day as the great great bumping day? Errrrrrr.. I think I have lost my mind for sure or it has stopped responding completely...

"Bitch, how long do you plan to drool over my man? Such a shameless bitch!!"

I think that's not my mind who plays tricks this time. I think I heard those filthy words for sure.My whole face turned red like a beetroot as the seriousness of those words sank into my mind. No one has ever told me such a shameful thing since the moment I am aware about my existence. I really felt embarrassed. Yes, who wouldn't feel embarrassed when somebody blame you in a public place when you haven't done anything wrong?

So this time I tried harder to detached myself from his firm grip by wriggling my whole body. But It caused another pathetic situation as I unconsciously rubbed my lower half on his body. But this time I was suddenly separated from him in an instant. I felt like a small breeze blew on my way. Then the next instance I was standing two feet away from the Handsome monster.

I looked at the girl who was furious with me for no reason. It seems that it's not something light for her and she is ready to pounce on me at anytime for sure.

"Zion...are you planning to let go this pathetic shameless bitch that easily? Oh shall I teach her a lesson for you?"

Zion...his name is Zion...Hmmm name is quite decent just as he I guess...But this girl, no matter how pretty she is, I cannot believe that a pretty mouth like her talk filthy words...like a smelly toilet...yuck!!

But who cares! Now all I have to do is to say sorry to the green eyed monster and disappear from their sight before a large commotion begins here. Because already a small circle has gathered around us. Humans as well as vampires I guess.

It seems they all have same trait in one particular topic. GOSSIPS!!!

They are interested in others' business no matter what their kind is...Wow!!At least one thing in common between vampires and humans.

That's really interesting!!

Sofia...think about the situation you are stuck in first, before giving character certificates to others.

"Zion..my love ,are you planning to teach her a lesson or..."

The girl with a mouth like a toilet shut her mouth in the half way as the god himself decided to raise his hand to stop her speech in mid way. Actually I realised that he has an awful aura no matter how hard I tried to deny. Because I can feel the difference between him and the other vampires I met so far. Yet I don't know what it is...However my inner self said that there is more to come, more to see and more to hear.

I was lost in my thoughts and I didn't even see him slowly raising his middle finger and placing it under my chin in a blink of an eye. But that skin to skin touch grabbed my attention as I felt a tingling sensation go from top to bottom where he touched me.I knew something is going to happen today...that horrible dream is the sign I got yet I neglected it.

See Sofia...you had to stay in at that lonely apartment today without coming out. But now look at you....look at the situation you have fallen into. It's all because you neglected the dream."

When he kept his middle finger under my chin to grab my attention, I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of victory as I had a feeling that he knew what he is doing to me...I mean some unclear weird thoughts have started to run in my mind for past few seconds since this majesty decided to touch me with his precious slim pointer finger.


That voice...that sexy voice...oh my poor innocent mind and soul...what are you Mr.handsome vampire and what are those weird butterflies in my stomach? I think that smooth sexy voice can make a huge impact in a public speech. Even the whole female population will commit suicide willingly if he uses his voice seductively without even putting a finger on any of them.

But Sofia pull yourself together or you are going to faint sooner or later.

So I slowly averted my eyes to look at him as he was too tall...6.3ft or 6.5ft may be..and me..just plain 4.9 ohoo..what a shame!

There was a slight smile was plastered on his face if I guess correctly...Yes, it seems that he is really enjoying himself by torturing me in this way, not using words but using his expressions, aura and the body language.

But it was just a mistake, right...Mistakes are bound to happen but the forgiving is one of the quality of God. But how can I expect even a small forgiveness from a such a monster? He is no god or human in that case.

"I...I..am...really sorrryy...I didn't see....you sirrr...it..it wasss..an..a..aaaccident..I swearrr..."

I think my brain functions according to it's own way...Did I really stammer that much? Yes you did! You stupid girl..why are you giving him the satisfaction of showing him how terrified you are?

Am I really here??no no...this not happening for the sake of..dear lord...

"Oh she can talk, I thought she is mute. You are sorry!!Are you sure?"

He told it to me in the same seductive voice like earlier. Yes! that deep husky voice. That's not the only thing which happened actually. I think this Green eyed monster has a bad habit of touching people for no reason...Yes that's the exact thing he is doing right now by rubbing his middle finger up and down on my small chin. I can not tolerate it any longer..

It's true he is handsome like a piece of art in Rome or Greece yet how can he act in such a way for a very trivial matter?

"I said I am sorry...why don't you forget it and let me go? Please, I swear it was just a mistake..I..I.."

I think the rest of my words were stuck in my head all at once. Honestly I got really scared and terrified as I knew who they were.

The kind I was trying to avoid since the first time I step into this world.

So my river of tears started to leak out on its own and I didn't even got a small chance to blink them and stop them this time.Small drops of tears started to drop and rolled along my cheeks slowly.

My heart ache so badly because of the helplessness I have faced in this very moment. Because at that moment I realised how pathetic and helpless I am in a world full of vampires. No parents, no relations, no neighbours or even no friends I have made so far. just myself...all alone in this huge city...Can this life be more pathetic than this without any hand to lend you in your time in need? I guess not.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Chalani_Peiriscreators' thoughts