

I have been putting this off long enough. Taking in deep breaths, I walked across the hall to the room Natasha now owned. Chuckling to myself, I remembered the last time I knocked. Lucy was by my side and I found Natasha lying sick.

With gentle taps on the door, “Hey, can I come in.”

“Yes, it's unlocked.”

She was sprawled comfortably on the bed, paying attention to whatever was on her phone.

“Good morning.” I greeted.

She responded, “Morning” not looking at me still.


“What?” Her eyes met mine, but my gaze was fully focused on the room. It looked horrible. Not horrible in a weird kind of way. But weird in a too white to be nice kind of way. And I am not exaggerating!!! Everything was white, including the lady in the bed.

“This place looks so... plain.... bland. Did the interior designer forget this room existed? Or you just have terrible taste in everything including designing your room?”