
Perfect Pain (English Version)

Everyone yearns for love, longs for happiness and freedom. However, they are a little forgotten that love and happiness must be taken through the wound. Alysa Alexandra, a teenage girl who only knows how to learn, is suddenly shocked about romance. Like the queen he was confronted by two handsome and wise men. Dirgan and Raka became candidates for him. Like the election they campaigned to win the girl's heart in a different way. And the beach ruined it all. Dirgan and Raka are two friends where they follow the same organization. Then came Alysa into their lives, where she became the replacement for the old Secretary. The two men both liked Alysa in different ways. Until in the end Alysa had to choose because Karin, her best friend liked one of them. Alysa's love story is not as beautiful as imagined, the presence of several third people makes her relationship not a bit hurt. Then who does Alysa actually love? Is it Dirgan or is it Raka? And what about Alysa's next love story? Save your eye watt battery to read this story.

Jenny_Eldina · Teen
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41 Chs

Chapter 19

"Alyssa." Dirgan called to the woman who was already sitting on the chair with her back to the man.

When the woman turned around, it was Karin. Dirgan was a little confused and asked why Karin was sitting there and where Alysa was instead of the girl who invited him.

Karin also explained that it was she who asked Alysa to make a romantic dinner tonight.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you first," Karin said.

The man was now sitting in front of Karin, he asked what Alysa's friend wanted to talk about.

Karin also told the dirgan to wait until they finished their dinner and the dirgan agreed to the girl's request.

Now Alysa has arrived at the dusk cafe, she is looking for a seat that she ordered for Karin and Dirgan. The girl saw her best friend eating from a wall. Alysa could only see them from a distance of about 1 and a half meters.

The conversation between Karin and Dirgan could be heard by the girl. Karin who keeps inviting Dirgan to chat and Dirgan who is cold towards Karin.

"What do you really want to talk about?" Dirgan asked in a curt tone.

Karin stood up and approached the chair, "You can dance for a bit, after that I promise to explain what I mean,"

With a heavy heart, he agreed again to the girl's request so that this unclear dinner for him ended quickly.

The live music performer at the café started playing a song that was perfect for dancing.

Karin who kept sticking her body closer to Dirgan made the man uncomfortable. This time Karin planned to hug Dirgan but the boy refused.

"Enough Rin. What do you mean by all this?"

Alysa who saw Dirgan's very rude attitude towards Karin made the girl afraid, what if Dirgan acted arbitrarily.

"I just want to say that I like Raka, do you want to be my boyfie?" Karin asked hopefully.

"Sorry Rin earlier, but me," not finished continuing the conversation, Alysa suddenly sneezed and the voice made Dirgan interested in checking it.

Alysa, who realized that Dirgan must be approaching her, just closed her mouth and closed her eyes, but a man came who turned out to be Miko, Karin's sister.

Miko immediately took the girl away before the dirgan noticed her whereabouts. Dirgan who tried to check the origin of the voice did not find anyone.

Dirgan returned to the place earlier. "Rin sorry, I can't. I don't like you,"

"But sis, I liked you the first time during the Student Orientation Period. You used to be in the same group as me and I liked sis," Karin said.

"Thank you so much for liking and preparing this place for me, but I can't Rin. I already have a girlfriend,"

Dirgan left Karin who was still staring at him leaving that night, while Alysa and Miko were on their way to Alysa's house.

On the way, Alysa asked about a bracelet with the initials R which she found in the car when Miko drove her.

"Actually, the bracelet is not Karin's, but mine. Sorry for lying," Miko said.

Alysa doesn't blame the bracelet anymore now. Now that the two of them had arrived at Alysa's house, this time Miko decided to stop by first.

When entering the house, Mama Alena was seen waiting while watching tv. Alysa immediately approached her mother.

"Ma, introduce this my friend. His name is Miko."

Mama Alena looked at Miko for a long time, "Do you think you know Miko?" asked the girl.

Mama Alena shook her head then greeted Miko gently. Now Alysa and miko are chatting in the living room.

Miko asked what the girl was doing at the cafe earlier then Alysa told the reason about Karin, Alysa and Dirgan.

Now in turn, Alysa asked why Miko suddenly arrived at the café, and the man replied that he happened to pass by the café and wanted to rest for a while. But seeing Alysa so he pulled the girl.

"Oh yes, you don't have a brother or sister?" Miko asked.

The girl was silent for a moment then smiled, "I have a brother,"

"So where's your brother?" Miko asked once again.

Alysa tells what happened 10 years ago. When Miko heard the girl tell her story she was touched and her eyes filled with tears.

"Why do you like to cry like that? I'm okay." said the girl as she took a tissue and gave it to Miko.

"Oh so this is the reason you asked me to leave your life?"

Suddenly Dirgan was behind Alysa and Miko. Those who noticed Dirgan's presence immediately kept their distance.

"Because of him, Sa, did you talk like that the other day?" asked the dirgan while pointing at Miko.

Alysa explained what really happened so that Dirgan wouldn't misunderstand. but the man did not believe Alysa's words.

"I'm disappointed. And even worse, you lied to me and let me have dinner with Karin. You really have the heart, Sa." Dirgan said and left Alysa's house.

Miko said goodbye and planned to go after the dirgan explaining what happened again. On the way Miko managed to stop Dirgan, he started asking for time to chat for a while.

"Don't be angry with Alysa, it's not what you think," Dirgan was still reluctant to chat with Miko.

"I'll tell you a big secret. But you promise you won't be angry with Alysa."

Miko began to tell Dirgan a big secret for the man.

Today is Alysa's first day back to school after a two-week vacation. Alysa reunited with her friends, met with student council members, and met the dirgan.

Even today, Alysa is still with her best friend Karin. Even though Karin had been rejected by Dirgan, he wasn't even angry with Alysa.

On that first day, they were all still relaxing - relaxed yet starting a new lesson. That time was used by other students' friends to have fun, hold concerts and play basketball on the field.

Alysa and Karin chose to see students playing basketball on the school field and coincidentally Raka was playing. Some students who watched occasionally shouted when Raka managed to enter the ball.

Director General Aliandra:

To the library for a while.

Alysa said goodbye to Karin to go to the bathroom for a while, forced the girl to lie because she didn't want to offend Karin, let alone hurt her.

Secretly the girl went to the library to meet the dirgan. The man was already waiting in the usual place, the bookshelf for novels.

Alysa was a little hesitant to approach Dirgan, she planned to return to the field but Dirgan already knew where she was.

"Why are you back? I've been waiting," said the Director.

Alysa little by little stepped closer to Dirgan, she still remembered the words the other day said to Dirgan that hurt the man's heart.

"Don't be afraid, come here quickly. I don't bite,"

Alysa immediately approached the man. Dirgan just smiled at the girl who was standing in front of him with a frightened face.

"Make it,"

The man gave Alysa a piece of paper and then left the library.

Dear Alysa.

Sorry for my words,

Meet me at the rainbow cafe tonight at 8 pm.

Dirgan Aliandra

A strange man, it was very clear that he was the one who hurt Dirgan's heart, but the man apologized first.