
Chapter 5: Worry about gossip

Since Liu Yang couldn't get on Zhang Dabi, Liao Hongxing had nothing to worry about.

Just now Zhang Dabi just asked it casually, maybe it was Wang Shu. The secretary has comments on today 's reception activities. I do n't know where I heard that the arrangement of the guest house today was done by Liu Yang. The boy who sought Liu Yang wanted to criticize him maybe.

The more Liao Hongxing thought, the more he felt reasonable, so he criticized Liu Yang without mercy.

The leader is generous, he can't find him.

But since the big leader clicked on Liu Yang's name, his supervisor and leader must put everything first. Otherwise, it's a matter of attitude.

This matter is done, maybe in the eyes of Wang Shu. Ji from now on. With the favor of Wang Shuji, it is not impossible to go to the next level or go to the county in charge. If you don't do it well, the leader will think of it one day, and the fire may burn to yourself.

Anyway, it is appropriate to push Liu Yang as a shield first. In case you guessed wrong, you can adjust the policy in time. Liu Yang really has the ability to go to Wang Shu.

Watching Liao Hongxing's limousine go away, Liu Yang's mood just relaxed when he went downstairs immediately became angry again.

Why is this Liao fat man not seeing himself? Didn't I leave your child in the well?

Since I got to work at the reception office, I have been working as a pig and a dog, and I 've been producing horses and horses. However, this Liao fat man still sees how he is dissatisfied. From time to time, he finds faults and scolds himself, as if he and he have the hatred of his father, Wife hates it.

After a tiring morning all day, this guy doesn't care if he eats lunch or not, catching himself is a scolding.

In any case, I am also a graduate student who graduated from University B. Even if I go to a foreign company, I may not starve to death. What can I do if I work hard?

I write check? Write your sister? What can I check?

... But when "Sister" just left, she still explained that she had to work hard. If she quit her job just like that, wouldn't she be a little sorry for her diligence?

In fact, even Liu Yang didn't realize that deep in his heart, he still had a strong desire to enter the career path.

Thousands of years of official-level thinking in this country have long since penetrated the hearts of the people and invaded the bone marrow. As a man, how could Liu Yang be exceptional?

The people do not fight with the rich, and the rich do not fight with the officials. Whatever the case, the "official" will always be at the top of the food chain. Hundreds of professions are still the best in office.

As a man, who doesn't want to wake up and take control of the world and lie on the knees of a beautiful woman?

Now I have suffered humiliation and bullying, not because I have no money, but because I have no right. If he can become the director of the reception office, or vice-mayor, mayor, can Liao Hongxing dare to blow his wings in front of himself? He dared not lend him a hundred guts.

Clean up and clean up, I've consumed it for you, I don't believe the receptionist was opened by Liao Hongxing? As for inspection? Who the **** loves to write who writes, anyway, I have nothing wrong with it, what do you do with that stuff?

I know that I have made no mistakes, but if I write a check, it is a strong proof that I made a mistake. No matter where you go, you will be very passive.

What did you write to check without making a mistake? Now that you have written the check, that is to say, even if you think you have made a mistake, what else can you say?

After getting his mind set, Liu Yang easily adjusted his clothes. At the front desk, his sister watched with a touch of pity, pushed the glass door and went out.

I do n't know, before he left the door of the guest house, he received a call from his girlfriend Xia Lan: "Liu Yang, you're going back and forth, even if you get kicked into the reception office, you are still suspended Check, how did you tell me to tell my dad? Let's break up ... "

Damn, who the mouth is so fast? What happened a short time after Xia Lan knew?

In fact, it's nothing strange to think again. Xia Lan's dad, Xia Jingtian, is the deputy director of the Municipal Letters and Calls Office, and is also a figure who has spent half his life in the official state court. Although the officials are not big, they certainly have many aspects. Xia Lan works in the city government office, and she has her own channel to get information. What happened to her is impossible to let people know.

Renzhou City is big or small, and it has seven districts in two districts, two cities, and it can be heard that it can be conveyed by people. Not to mention that Liao Hongxing scolded a dog blood sprinkler in front of so many people, at this time it was not known how those people passed it on.

Since going to the reception office, Xia Jingtian has seen that his nose is not his nose, his face is not his face. For this matter, Xia Lan has made a few troubles with himself.

Rather than spend it together in an awkward way, it would be better to just break up. Thinking of this, Liu Yang said muffled, "If you want to divide, then divide, I have no opinion ..."

After waiting for Xia Lan to say anything, Liu Yang hung up the phone, stood at the street, looked at it, and walked to a small restaurant diagonally opposite the guest house.

Until now, I haven't eaten lunch yet. Especially at noon, I did two hard work in the room, and Liu Yang really felt hungry. Even if the sky falls, you must fill your stomach first.

However, Liu Yang had just crossed the street and hadn't waited until the door of the small restaurant, and watched a disheveled girl running out of the entertainment city next to the small restaurant. Behind her, two young men with thick red necks and drunks were chasing after them.

"Brother, help ... help ..." The onion-green short-sleeved shirt worn by the girl was torn open, revealing the shoulders of the white flowers on the left side and half of her breasts. Her lower body was only wearing a small white underwear, black stockings had broken a few big holes, two round pink legs with several **** finger prints, bare two white feet, crooked He ran diagonally to Liu Yang's side, grabbed Liu Yang's arm, and almost fell to the ground.

"What's going on here? What's wrong with you?" Liu Yang asked, holding her hand.

"Big helper, someone ..." Before she finished, she heard the two young men chasing and shouting: "Little swallow, you are more **** rotten, I want to play with you, I think of you, Hurry back with me and we'll be fine, otherwise I'll let you disappear in Renzhou, believe it or not? "

"No no ... brother, I said long ago that I'm acting and not selling, I just sing in it, not doing that kind of business ..." The girl hugged Liu Yang in panic, as if she was afraid the two would take her back It seems.

"Oh ... knowing that you are not a showman, you do n't have to give money after you're done?" One of the young men laughed wildly and walked over to stretch Liu Yang: "You **** go away, there's nothing for you here child..."

Liu Yang turned away from him, then covered the girl behind him, and said aloud, "How can you say it's okay with me? This kind of thing will not be ignored by anyone watching it. People say Isn't it ... I don't want to be with you, why do I have to force others? "

In a place like an entertainment city, there are indeed a lot of girls who don't know their own weight, whether it's for money or for some other reason, there are many people who exchange their bodies for benefits. But part of it is because of life, do some service work in it, and do not accompany men to do that kind of thing.

Liu Yangxin said that this was originally a matter of willingness to suffer. If the girls agreed to pay, it would not be a great deal for men to pay money in exchange. But the girl in front of her was obviously reluctant to do so. Why did she have to persecute others? There are definitely a lot of women who are willing to do this. If you really want to "relax", then just change another person. Why do you have to find an unwilling strong?

Besides, it 's illegal for you to do this. Why is this young man aggressive?

"What are you doing? How can you curse?" Thinking of this, Liu Yang said with a firm chest.

"Oh, what's wrong with Lao Tzu? Lao Tzu still hit you. I'll let you worry about it ... Are you **** an idiot, who dares to control everything?" Another young man said, rushing over Liu Yang was punched.

Liu Yang flickered, dodging his fist, reaching out and grabbing his wrist, and angrily said, "What are you doing? How dare you hit someone in the broad daylight? I can't stop but I want to call the police ..."

"Alarm? Do you want to report it? Do you know who I am? Lao Tzu's Lao Tzu is the secretary of the Renzhou Municipal Law Commission. Secretary, the Public Security Bureau is our house ..." The young man heard that he wanted to call the police, not only Not afraid, but kicked Liu Yang again.

"You ... your father is the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee. Secretary? Then you should obey the law and discipline, but you do this ..." Before Liu Yang's words were finished, the young man slammed into his belly.

Liu Yang was a sportsman when he went to school. He practiced martial arts with his grandpa's old Chinese medicine for several years before going to college. Although not a master, it was more than enough to deal with that young man.

Even the clay figurine has a three-point fire, not to mention that Liu Yang is only 27 years old and a tough young man. After seeing this guy punch himself, he kicked him again, and he said that you are not over yet? Really when I am a soft persimmon?

As a result, Liu Yang shook his body and kicked at the young man.

I had a stomachache at Liao Hongxing today, but Liao Fatty was his top boss. He didn't dare to treat Liao Fatty. This young man was not his superior. When Liu Yang became angry, he angered others. It is the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee. The son of the secretary has forgotten it.

Or he thinks that the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee is a big official, but he is far away from him after all. In addition, he is also a staff member of the government department. Even if he fights with the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee will not break into the unit with a pistol, what will he do to him?

Liu Yangren 's thighs are also long. The young man 's feet have n't touched Liu Yang yet. Liu Yang 's leg has been kicked along his leg and pinched on the guy 's egg root.

Listening to the scream of "wow squeaking", the young man fell to the ground at that time, holding the mumbled crotch in his crotch, lying on the ground and tumbling, shouting, "Hey, mother, Kill someone ... hurry up, call my dad ... "

Another young man was in a bad situation, and he pulled out the phone without knowing who to call.