
Chapter 4: Who Knows Right or Wrong

"Sister, I ..." Liu Yang's face turned red with impulse and said incoherently, **** twisting gently on a peak of her, constantly stimulating the woman's already confused mind .

"Ah!" The woman trembled, a soft scream in her mouth, and a sore numb went straight to the bottom of her heart. This sour hemp, like an electric current, spread throughout the body in an instant, making her intolerable.

"Uh, okay? You ... don't ... I ... you ..." Women don't know what they want to express. But Liu Yang apparently knew what she wanted to say from the look on her face.

The next moment, the man rolled over and pressed on her ...

"No ..." The woman was so shy, the arms falling on her body lifted weakly, pushing Liu Yang's body that was getting closer and slowly pressed down.

Liu Yang grabbed her wrist and pulled up, easily pulling her hands to the top of her head.

"Ah? You, you really dare ..." The woman was a little panicked, wide-eyed and looked at Liu Yang, Bai Yu's body twisted, her anger shivered, and she was completely exposed to the air. Her smooth lower abdomen sank slightly, and her two smooth, long beautiful legs pulled back along the sheets and kicked out quickly. Ten white toes were tightly tied together because of the tension between the two white little feet.

The man gasped and stared at his bloodshot eyes, regardless of the woman's struggles, and separated her tight legs with her knees.

"Oh!" The woman's body twitched for a while, but if she hadn't clenched her teeth and insisted, I'd be afraid to yell out.

It was clearly felt that the man slowly invaded himself, and the electric current rushed to every nerve in the body, and surrounded her body and mind with pleasure.

Women found that their bodies slowly melted away like water under the impact of each other ... even their consciousness was almost in the air.

Although the man's movements are gentle, they are extremely firm and irresistible. She trembled her arms slowly on Liu Yang's back, her legs also actively separated, her two exquisite little feet slowly raised, and tightly clamped Liu Yang's waist ...

After a series of torrential storms, there were only two breaths in the room.

"You ... you're really brave ... don't you die? Don't you fear I'll catch you?" After the unbearable silence, the woman rested her head on Liu Yang's chest, and her long voice broke the sweetness between them Awkward atmosphere.

"Afraid, why not? Just because I'm scared, so I was trying to please you just now?" Hearing the woman with a charming voice, Liu Yang answered with a playful tone, smiling.

To say that he was really scared before, but after this time, Liu Yang was really scared.

The woman's eerie wailing under him just now has clearly reached the peak of the Promise. Even if it is because of the happiness she just made her just now, she is still willing to put herself in prison?

Since a woman is unwilling, what else is he afraid of?

"Huh, I'm not really afraid? Believe me or not I broke it for you? I'll let you harm people ..." Thinking about it, the woman's hand moved slightly.

"Hmm ..." She sighed, then Liu Yang tightened her arms and smiled, "Have a peace of mind, sister, if I want to hurt, I will only hurt you, and I won't harm others ..."

"Little bastard, you have a sweet mouth? Are you married? What official are you now at the reception office in Renzhou?" The woman turned back and kissed Liu Yang, asking softly.

After experiencing the sweetness just now, the woman really loved this little man around her. After living for more than thirty years, she is truly aware of the beauty of being a woman today. And all this was brought to her by the little man around him.

"No." Liu Yang shook his head: "I did have a girlfriend, but unfortunately, they think that the chief of the receptionist is not doing anything and is breaking up with me."

Then, Liu Yang told the woman in her arms about her current situation. Then he asked again, "By the way, I don't know what your name is and what does it do?"

The woman didn't answer Liu Yang's question, but just said lightly: "This way? Such a girl is not suitable for a storm with you, just break up ... You don't need to know what I am, what is my name, as long as you have it in your heart Sister, I'm satisfied ... but don't talk about our relationship. Sister is a married person, but has no relationship with him at all. I can let you ... but I can't tell you Together ... "

"Why? Since you don't have feelings, why not ..." Liu Yang asked her tightly.

After the woman's stunned for a moment, the smile on her face became stronger: "Little bastard, it will make people happy. Hey ... you don't understand! Today's things are already extraordinary, I can't ... Anyway, you must remember If you live with me, don't bother yourself! "

Liu Yang looked at her stupidly and said nostalgically, "So ... what if I miss you? I want to be with you, everything else is not a problem, I must ..."

"You are brave ... very daring and smart. But there are many things in this world that you do n't know and have n't touched, how can you think about it ... Sisters also have problems with sisters. Born in a family like me Many husbands and wives have become strangers all their lives, but they will not divorce. This is also no way out. Okay, get up to wash and get dressed, and I should go too! "The woman said while kissing Liu Yang , And then sat up first.

Liu Yang reluctantly took her hand: "Sister ..."

The woman turned around and turned to look at him. A look of perseverance also appeared in her eyes: "You are the little magic star in my life ... Remember this number, call me when I really want my sister ... … "Then, the woman suddenly said," If you still want to see me, you must listen to me, don't ask anything, don't say anything, work well ... "


"Stop talking, wash and get dressed, and then you hide here first, and then you secretly come out after I leave ..." The woman got out of bed, moved her ankle that she had just pinched, and said cheerfully: " You really have two hits. My feet don't hurt at all. "

Liu Yang's heart moved slightly and he got up and said, "Sister, if we have been together for a long time, you will find that I don't have two sons, but how many more ..."

"Giggle, say you're fat, you're still breathing ... hmm ..." The woman reached out and kissed Liu Yang, wrapped herself in a towel and walked out.

She knew that if this were not the case, the little man might do something else.

From his eyes, she had seen the little man's obsession with her. In fact, she felt a little reluctant to the little man who brought her infinite joy.

However, due to her identity, she could no longer entangle him. His family, identity and social background do not allow himself to give up his responsibility for the sake of his children's private affairs and stay with this little man.

So she has to go.

After cleaning her body and putting on her clothes, the woman gave Liu Yang an affectionate glance, and opened the door of the room with determination.

The moment she pushed the door out, Liu Yang's heart suddenly relaxed, and then a feeling of utter loss suddenly rose from the bottom of her heart.

Did she leave like this?

I don't know who she is or what her name is, but under such circumstances, she happened to her in the room where she was resting. Not only did they not hold themselves accountable, but they reluctantly parted with themselves.

Is this a blessing that I have cultivated in my life?

Can I see her again?

Standing behind the door and listening, there was no sound in the corridor. Everyone followed the leader's return journey below, and no one noticed himself. With an unusually complex mood, Liu Yang slipped out of the room quietly, but was not noticed by others.

Just when he came to the first floor all the way, he just got out of the elevator and was stopped by a big voice: "Liu Yang, where did you hide? I found you many times and couldn't find you, What kind of work attitude do you have? "

Looking at Liao fat man standing at the front desk, Liu Yang felt uncomfortable like swallowing a fly.

My heart said that you called me many times? Do n't I have a cell phone? Why do n't you call me when you eat? Now think of me, don't you have someone calling you right?

Liu Yang sank his face and let Liao Fatty's angry roar, express his resistance with silent silence.

However, this time Liao Hongxing stopped cursing twice as usual, and instead pointed at Liu Yang Leng and said, "I'm asking you, what do you mean if you don't speak? I'm not convinced? I will tell you Zhang Dabi is looking for you just now. Zhang Dabi is looking for you, it is equal to Wang Shu. Remember to find you, if you have delayed Wang Shu. Remember, how can I pack you ... "

Zhang Dabi in Liao Hongxing's mouth is Zhang Jian, secretary of the municipal party committee secretary Wang Yifeng. This person is also the deputy director of the Municipal Party Committee Office, and has always been the title of the first secretary of the state.

However, this deputy office is much more gold-rich than Liao Hongxing's deputy office. Although both were deputy directors, Liao Hongxing's status in front of Zhang Jian was not much different from Liu Yang's status in front of Liao Hongxing.

When the leader was sent to the car just now, Liao Hongxing also licked his face and followed the crowd, but he did not expect Zhang Jian to find him and asked which one was Liu Yang.

Liao Hongxing lingered in the crowd for a long time, and did not see Liu Yang's shadow. Then I remembered, as if I hadn't seen him since dinner.

His own staff got out of control, but Wang Shu. Secretary of the secretary knew about it, which made Liao Hongxing feel ashamed. After sending away provincial and municipal leaders, Liao Hongxing finally had time to ponder what happened to Zhang Dabi and Liu Yang.

But after pondering, he couldn't think why Zhang Dayi asked Liu Yang this guy.

Don't say that Liu Yang is absolutely impossible to be related to Wang Shu. Ji, even if he is Zhang Dabi, he can't stop it? If Liu Yang was able to tie Zhang Dabi, he would not be kicked from the government office to the reception office. His mother's flamboyant Tengda has long been used, and she still looks at his face everyday?

Thinking of this, Liao Hongxing's horse face stretched even longer: "Okay, now I say you are not convinced, you will suspend and review my work from today, go back to the office to write me a check, and take the charge of the entire office When is the performance good, and I want to understand, we have a chance to talk again, if not ... hum ... "

Liao Hongxing said here, glanced at Liu Yang with a threatening meaning, turned and pushed open the glass door and went out, taking the self-contained car out of the door.