
Percy Jackson The Wrathful Demigod

A demigod with a bloodline that transcends back into ancient times. With power that was thought to be lost to time. His strength unrivaled. He sees the horrors of the world. He is Atem, the son of (You need to read to find out) Sea of Monsters Complete Titans curse Complete Battle of the Labyrinth In progress

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Chapter 18

A/N thank you all for the reviews, this is chapter 1/3. Also some of you are right on the mark 



My body felt as if I was used like a ragdoll by an angry cyclops. I slowly opened my eyes to the realization that I indeed was in the nurses office. 

I looked around to see no one else in the room. There was some nectar on the table, I reached to grab it but my arms felt like jelly. 

I still managed to grab the nectar. I brought it to my lips and drank. I set the glass back and attempt to get up.

"Come on body, move." I mumble to myself as I place my legs on the ground. I got some air time while standing but was quickly forced to sit back down when my legs were about to crumble.

I tried recalling what happened. 'Ah, I went flying through a cabin at top speeds.'

The door to the room suddenly opened and wheels in Chiron in all his glory. He was wearing his "Best Centaur" T-shirt and Travis and conner probably have something to do with the female legs that Chiron was sporting.

"Atem," Chiron smiled as he wheeled over to the side of my bed. "it is time we speak."

"About?" I felt dead physically so I couldn't really move away. I know that Bill was a special case because he was sent to "observe" me when he was 12 in satyr years. But I didn't know why he practically was Chiron's personal assistant. 

"I know that you are having a hard time processing Bills death, he was a hero."

"I know, he was my best friend."

"He wished for me to tell you this and tell you something that might lead you to your godly parent if he somehow dies." I winced.

"Bill had a power that satyrs usually don't possessed. Satyrs can smell monsters but Bill could almost identify the monster just based on the smell. He could pinpoint the smell of a lion ant in a 100 foot area while blind folded."

Chiron took a deep breath in and continued. "He was a prodigy that even Mr. D acknowledged. But one day he was so restless. He could feel something in his bones, he would say. This kept up for months until we allowed him to go to this place. Turns out you were this feeling."

Chiron looked me dead in the eyes. "Your smell isn't strong as Thaila's. But the smell was so putrid that it almost matches a monster."

Chiron stopped for a second. A second for me to process this I assume. But I didn't need it. I knew I was a monster in human skin.

I knew that Bill was a hero. I knew these facts but why do I feel miserable. Why does it feel as if my body is not connecting to my head.

"HOOOON" A horn, the one for dinner sounded out before we could continue the conversation. 

"Ah, dinner is already here. I'll bring you a plate." 

"No, I'll go there myself." I said while moving to stand up.

"Your legs were first in the crash. There shouldn't-" I stood up and walked slowly while putting my arm on the wall for support. Chiron stared at me like he was thinking what sort of magic I used to stand.

"It shouldn't be possible?" I said with a smile as me and Chiron headed towards the dinning area.


The food was alright I would say. Most of my thoughts ate up the food though. I sat with Travis and Conner as normal, but we had an addition. Nico! Travis and Conner talked with Nico and a little bit with me but they saw that I wasn't really listening as much as I was thinking. So they left me be.

We were now back at the cabin. Turns out I crashed into the Athena Cabin. They weren't happy but they understood that I didn't have any control over where I would land. 

I stared at the roof of the Hermes cabin as I was slowly led to sleep by my thoughts.

"Luke, soon it will be your end..."


I didn't have dreams much, nor nightmares. Sometimes when I heard them from other campers, I wished I had them. Just a small glance into the future or current events. 

But I think I understand what makes them so horrifying now...

Here I stand. On a cliff's edge staring out into the ocean. It wasn't empty. There was one figure standing Infront of me.

His body was blocked by the clouds, but that couldn't hide the primal fear I felt.

It was fear that I never felt before. I couldn't breathe even if I wanted to. But at the same time it felt empowering.

The figure spoke, "Arise, my child, and slaughter." It voice broke though the clouds as it busted my eardrums. It was as if thunder struck right besides you. 

It was a volume that no human has ever recorded. I felt my whole body shake with every single word. I felt my bones rattle as my muscles shook. 

I dropped to one knee, breathing heavily. 

"Arise and slaughter." It spoke as my body trembled again. It was so great that the cliff couldn't take it anymore.

"AHHHH!" But just as I was about to hit the ocean, I woke up.

I was breathing heavily as I rapidly looked around. I saw the clock say that it was 3:33 on the dot.

I slowly got up, careful not to wake Nico who slept in the sleeping bag next to mine. 

'I need some fresh air' I walked outside the cabin. The harpies usually eat any kid that would be out at this time, but for some reason they always avoid me. 

I walked towards the arena. I sat down on one of the seats that overview the area. It was for competitions but I took the spot as a seat.

I breathe in and out as I thought about my dream? Nightmare? Vision? I don't know which one is it. 

After a while I walked down to the Arena and grabbed a sword. The sword felt right for now.

I swung the sword at the dummy. I kept doing this for awhile while I thought. I liked doing this, it helped me think. That had always been a plus, I could think calmly during battle. 'Need to get my thoughts on track stupid ADHD.

Now who was that.' I thought back to the dream "Arise my Son..."

'He's my godly parent, isn't he. But who exactly is he. I don't recall any gods who take the form of a hulking mass.' I felt chilly, which was strange. I stopped swinging the sword at the dummy and looked around.

I was alone, it must be because of the dream.

"Time to go back to sleep I guess. Need to be ready for the game tomorrow."

As I was walking back to the cabin, Zoe suddenly ran up to me. 

"I need to speak to Chiron!" She demanded. 

"Its sounds serious. Keep up." I turn around and we raced to the big house. I was too tired to ask questions but from the tone of her voice and the fact that she looked like she was crying, I didn't ask as well as bringing her to the big house.

The camp guard, Argus wasn't letting her in. i was too tired to do any of this bs so I just headed back to my cabin to sleep.

Taisho Secret

Atem father was actually whispering to Atem, but to the sheer raw power that he posed, it came out as shouts that rumbled Atem's very being.


Sorry if this chapter isn't the best but I just woke up and still half asleep.