
Chapter Four: The Field Trip -Part One


[Your status has been fully restored! Restored Hp,Sp,Mp and any debuffs! You have received the 'Well Rested' Bonus! +5% to all Xp gain!]

"Ah~ I love Gamer's Body." I say, waking up. Gamer's body also makes sleeping so nice, I could sleep on the floor and wake up like I slept on a God's bed. I got off my bed and walked into the bathroom and lock the door.

I use my inventory to auto-swap with a empty slot with my clothes, making me naked as I see myself in the mirror. I look at my windswept brown hair with natural blonde highlights and caramel eyes. Eyes lowering I see my 6 pack and lean muscles covering my body, all from my hard work. Overall I'm pretty handsome and stand at 6'0ft.

"Damn does my physical stats and charisma do wonders on my body." I said, before I walked into the shower and pulled up my status.


Name: Nathan Parker

Race: Human (Clear Sighted)

Age: 14

Title: Gamer

Tier: Mortal

Level:16 (Xp: 760/1600)

Health: 1150/1150 (Regen: 19.1 every minute)

Stamina: 575/575 (Regen: 9.5 every minute)

Mana: 600/600 (Regen: 10 every minute)

Mana Control: 53.8%

Str: 72

Vit: 70

Dex: 72

Int: 64

Wis: 64

Mag: 82 (100)

Luc: 61

Cha: 52

Remaining stat points: 80]

'Hell yeah, my magic is doing amazing! And what about my Magical skills?' I thought, as a screen popped up.

[Skills: Magical:

Magical Control: The ability to control magic. Increases control by 30%.

Rank: Rare

Level: 30 (Xp: 210/3000)

Magical Constructs: Ball, Rotating Ball, Sword, Bow.


Meditation: A state of bliss in which grants enlightenment at higher levels. When in use the time before each mana regen is cut in half. Passively increases Magical Control by 23%. Passively increases Mag stat by 23%.

Rank: Uncommon

Level: 23 (Xp: 2010/2300)]

'Ah~ I love seeing progress.' I thought, it's a real motivator to get strong super fast, but it's even better to see the progress. I sigh again in satisfaction before I finish my shower and dry off with my towel. Auto-swapping my fresh clothes on as I take out the pair I was wearing earlier in the dirty laundry basket.

I walk out to see john, short for Johnson, dressed in casual wear as we talk about the field trip we have today as we walk to the meeting area we have for it. I see my Latin teacher Mr.Brunner make his way to the front in his wheel chair.

'Why do I feel something oozing off his chair?' I thought as I focused on it, before I'm interrupted by a Ping from the System.


[You've learned a new skill!]

[Skills: Magical:

Magic Sense: A pulse of mana the user uses that can detect magic in the area.

Range: 5 feet

Cost: 10 mana per pulse

Rank: Rare

Level: 1 (Xp: 5/100)]

'Hm, like how echolocation uses sound waves to bounce off things to tell the user where things are, I send pulses of mana to find magic being used or on items, nice but why does my latin teacher have a magical item?' I thought as someone bumped into me.

I turn to see a girl around 12 looking at me with shock, she had emerald green eyes and pitch black hair. I raise an eyebrow as I feel magic in her.

'Is she a Magician or something? Maybe a Demi-God? I don't know but I shouldn't use magic around her, at least not without being in a crowed.' I thought, as we said sorry and I walked in the bus.

'I don't remember seeing her around school before, though she might be a grade level or two below me.' I thought as I observe the people around me. I look at the girl and the people she walks by and my eyes narrow.

'It's like no one sees her, she has to be using some sort of magic. But then why did I see her? Is it because I can see through the mist? Then is she a daughter of Hecate? Or another magic user who is bending the mist, wait can I bend the mist? Questions for later.' I thought as I filed that away for later.

I walk in between a group of people as so the girl can't see me and I send a pulse of magic. I see her head whip towards my direction as I smirk.

'I got her, she can detect my magic.' I thought as I walk behind a few people and watch her try to find the source with no luck, I see the annoyance on her face as I send another and walk behind a few other people.

This time I pause as I sense another magic, I turn my head to what looks like a Fury from Greek Mythology looking for something, or someone. I act normal and decide not to send anymore pulses as to not gather it's attention.

"Where are those two Demi-Gods? I just saw them." It whispered, though for some reason no one heard it aside from me. My mind races, there two? The girl might be one after all then, but whose the other one. I watch the Fury closely as it smiles demonically towards some scrawny kid with raven black hair and sea green eyes, unlike the girl who's eyes were emerald.

'Bingo, I'm guessing that the girl knows her heritage since she's using magic, but the boy looks clueless.' I thought. Though the boy next to him looks a little on edge, and I watch as he sniffs the air and his eyes dart everywhere before locking on the Fury with fear.

'It seems like their all related the Greek Mythology so I'm assuming that thats either a Satyr or some Demi-God with a high sense of smell, though she only said two not three.' I deduced as the possible Satyr grabs the male Demi-God and gets close to Mr.Brunner and board the bus as soon as possible.

I follow them quickly and sit next to them on the other seat, watching as I see some bratty kid pulling out a sandwich of peanut butter and ketchup. Wait ketchup?!

"What the hell is that?!" I asked, looking at the monstrosity of a sandwich the girl had. She blinks at me in confusion before I point at her sandwich.

"Who the hell eats peanut butter and KETCHUP?!" I yelled at that thing as many eyes look over in disgust. She blushes in shame and tries to hide from the eyes as I see the kid with sea green eyes look at me with thanks.

"Thanks, I've been asking the same thing but she never answers. Unless you count throwing it at you an answer." He said, as I raise an eyebrow.

"Ah, someone with good taste buds. I can always appreciate that, my names Nathan Parker. Whats yours?" I asked as his eyes widen and look at me with a little shock.

"Uh, Percy, Percy Jackson." He said as I talk to him about school and other things, apparently a half god has mental disabilities. Weird, anyway I offer him some help as he looks at me like a god send which was actually kinda sad. Why wouldn't they help a disabled kid? It's a school for heavens sakes.

We chat and I learn the possible Satyr's name is Grover and that they're roomies, thats convenient. We arrive as I see a screen appear with the system telling me about a new feature.


[Reputation has been added to the system, sorry for the wait we had technical difficulties.]

'Technical difficulties? Thats new, anyway whats the new thing about.' I thought as I pulled open my main menu and choose Reputation and see some caterogries.




[Reputation is for guys and girls, affection is for girls, as your straight.]

'Thanks for organizing that, I look at those later. Right now I'd rather not have Percy die, or at all for that matter.' I thought as I closed the screen and focussed on my quest.

'Quest rewards here I come!'


Ka-Boom! As I said in my other story, Heres another chapter folks! Anyway, whatcha think? Was it good? Bad? Leave a Review and tell me what you thought. See ya!

Question: What do you want updated next?