
Percy Jackson and the Gaia System

In a world where Greek mythology comes to life, Percy Jackson, a seemingly normal boy, discovers that he is a demigod, son of Poseidon, god of the sea. But that's not all, Percy also possesses a unique power: the Gaia system. A special ability that allows you to see the world like a video game. Accompanied by his loyal demigod friends, Percy faces epic challenges, confronts mythological creatures, and discovers ancient secrets. With each battle and mission completed, Percy becomes stronger and unlocks new abilities.

UchihaFamily · Movies
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148 Chs

Chapter 131

Percy looked at this and simple wondered all the damage he could do. He allowed Gamer's mind to take over as it helped him calculate whether this would make him more powerful, or more inhuman. He could kill anyone, with just a touch, maybe he should start wearing gloves? He then took out the last Skill book, Mist Illusions and;


You have acquired the Skill Book: Mist Illusion!

Would you like to learn it?


Percy pressed yes and the book disappeard;

You have acquired a new technique for your Mist Control!

Mist Control, Lv-1 (23%)

The user can control the mist to create illusions.

Can be used on- Mortals

Range- 20 meters

· Mist Illusions: You can create illusions that take on the form of that which the effected most loves.

Percy frowned, this new power of his was far to smilar to the Nokken's for his likeing, but it would be useful. The demigod then pushed the skill aside, he didn't need it right now, maybe it should be his trump card, a worse case scenario, along with Death touch. With that in mind Percy decided to move one, there was still things he had to look into.

Percy got up and began stretching his legs, it was time to test his new perk. He got into a runner's pose and dashed across the forest grounds, 'Speed demon!'

Suddenly Percy felt himself becoming faster and faster as the forest blurred by. His legs started to strain but Percy couldn't feel the pain over the pure adrenaline coursing through his body. He loved this feeling, it was the same rush he got when he fought Craig with the Deadman title.

Soon however Percy reached the edge of the forest and was forced to stop. He nearly tripped into a tree, but luckily Percy had high enough Dex stats to maintain his balance. He looked up and smiled, if his calculations were right, and they were, then he just crossed the entire forest in 20 seconds, give or take.

That mean he traveled around 400 meters, and he knew that wasn't his maximum speed, in fact if he was to guess he was going around 72 Kms right then, so one can only imagine what he could do when traveling at full speed.

Percy then pulled up his HP bar;

Percy Jackson HP: 1,820/2,000

He smiled. His regeneration was already healing him, meaning he could afford to use Speed demon a lot more now. Percy walked back to the Fist of Zeus and sat down pulling out the skill disk he got from Cerberus and Observed the small golden object;

Skill Disk,

A disk when used will automatically level up one particular skill of your choosing. The number of levels that will be improved in written on the disk. (LV-10)

This thing would improve the skill level of any skill he chose, the only question was, which skill? He should use it on his weakest skill, but that would mean it would be harder to level up with pure training, if he used on his strongest skill that would make it even more difficult to level that up.

If he used it on something like Archery, it would help, but not by much. And Smoke from would be pretty strong if he leveled it up but again it would be impossible to train on it.

Percy looked across his skills and finally made up his mind on one skill in particular;

· Critical strike! Lv-3 (20%)

A precise strike that can cause 400% damage to the target.

Chance of success- Luc+Dex

Yes okay sure it wasn't a fancy skill and it wasn't something that he could profit from all the time, but it was very useful. Percy had a lot of luck, a lot of it, and he tended to get more Critical shots that most normal people because of that, heck example number one is Ares!

So logically speaking the best shot he has to bring down really powerful enemies is with critical strikes, and the only way he can train critical strikes in by doing them, and most of the time he does that the enemy tends to die off quickly before he can grind the skill up.

Percy then took the skill disk and pressed the number 10 written on top of as the disk glowed;

State which skill you wish to level up.

Percy spoke aloud, "Critical strike," and slowly the disk in his hand disappeared as Percy felt energy flow into himself.


A skill have leveled up 10 times!

· Critical strike! Lv-13 (0%)

A precise strike that can cause 1000% damage to the target.

Chance of success- Luc+Dex

Percy smiled at this and closed the boxes and looked at what he should train first. Maybe some strength building? The last time he got a boost in those stats were ages ago, when he still wore the weights Nina made for him. He took them off before the quest, didn't' want anything weighing him down incase he needed all the strength he had, but maybe it was time to use it again.

Percy took out the weighted sweat bands and put them on setting the weights at 50 pounds per limb. He then got off the Fist of Zeus and began to walk around to get used to the extra weight before deciding to break two eggs with one stone and level up a few skills of his, mainly something he got very recently, his Shadow Control.

Percy approached a tree and began pouring his mana out into the shade of the tree, a similar process like his water control. The moment his mana touched the shadow Percy felt a pull and he pulled back with all his will.

Slowly the shadows under the tree moved according to his desire. It moved up like a tendril as it slowly stood up in front of Percy. The demigod reached out and began to touch the shadows, and he was surprised to feel that the shadow was actually very much solid.

'Hm...maybe my mana turned it into a solid form?' Percy wondered as her commanded the shadows to step out of the shade and into the light and watched as it only proceed to get stronger and darker the moment it touched the light. 'So anything that makes a shadow more solid makes my shadow control stronger? Hm… this is something I need to remember.'






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