
Percy Jackson and the Gaia System

In a world where Greek mythology comes to life, Percy Jackson, a seemingly normal boy, discovers that he is a demigod, son of Poseidon, god of the sea. But that's not all, Percy also possesses a unique power: the Gaia system. A special ability that allows you to see the world like a video game. Accompanied by his loyal demigod friends, Percy faces epic challenges, confronts mythological creatures, and discovers ancient secrets. With each battle and mission completed, Percy becomes stronger and unlocks new abilities.

UchihaFamily · Movies
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148 Chs

Chapter 125

"I swear on the Styx that if you come with me right now none of the revived demigods will be hurt in anyway, at least not by me" Artemis swore and just then the sky rumbled with lightning signaling the promise being made.

Percy nodded as he slowly walked away from the group to Artemis. He gave her back her blade, which was now covered in drool, and then turned to his friends, "I'll be back soon you guys, I promise."

"What?" Annabeth asked with an confused look.

"Oh right almost forgot," Artemis then snapped her fingers turning PErcy back into his human form.


You have transformed back into a human!

"I said I'll be back soon," Percy repeated to them but then he noticed that none of them were looking at his face and most of them were all red, "what? Something on my face? I don't still have antlers do I?"

"Ah Percy," Nina said as she looked away blushing, "you're kind of naked."

Percy looked down and saw that he was not wearing a single fibre of clothing on his body, "What the fuck!" His hands moved to cover his privates as she turned to Artemis who was also looking away, "give me back my clothes!"

"S-sorry. I'm not used to turning males back into humans," Artemis then snapped her fingers and Percy felt the comforting weight of his clothed return covering his entire body.

Percy patted himself and then sighed in relief, "thank the gods," he then looked up at the campers, "not one word," to which they nodded quickly.

"Now that that's done it's time to go to Olympus, Zeus is waiting," Artemis said as she put a hand on Percy's shoulder.

"Wait Percy you can't be serious right?" Nina called out, "you're seriously going with her?"

Percy nodded, "yeah. There really isn't any other way Nina.

"But-" Nina began to repli only for Annabeth to put a hand up silencing her. Everyone looked at the daughter of Athena who simply asked "you will come back right?"

Percy nodded, "yeah. I will."

Annabeth nodded, "good. And you better or else I swear me and the rest of camp are coming after you, even if the gods try and stop us."

"Hell yeah!" Conner shouted joined by cheers from the rest of camp.

Percy smirked, "alright then," he smiled at the campers, "I'll see you guys at breakfast, save me a plate will ya."

The campers nodded and Artemis snapped her fingers transporting Percy away in a flash of light.

"What now?" Clarisse asked.

"Now? Now we wait," Annabeth replied as all the campers looked to the night sky.

"Ah guys is it just me or is anyone else here still freaked about the whole Percy flashing us thing?" Travis asked and everyone else nodded their heads as a response, "good so it's not just me."

Percy felt himself being flung across the sky, similar to the pearl's way of traveling expect as a human not as smoke. He blinked and suddenly found himself in front of two giant golden doors standing on a marble floor.

Percy then turned and saw that he was standing on top of a mountain and below him were buildings carved into the mountain. The building were greek and all over the place where statues of gods and heroes. Percy's ADHD acted up as he tried to look at everything at once causing him to get a slight headache.

"Come Perseus, the gods await," Artemis called out distracting Percy from the sights.

"Well at least you stopped calling me boy, I suppose that's an improvement."

Artemis nodded, "yes I have. The way the demigods stood up for you...impressed me. And anyone who can go toe to toe against a goddess while in the form of a deer is deserving of a little recognition."

Percy smiled, "well thanks, I guess. Although I am still pissed you flashed me in front of the entire camp, I am never going to hear the end of this one."

Artemis smiled, "well think of it this way, at least now you have nothing to fear about showing your body to other people."

"Yes thank you for traumatizing me so badly that I might become a nudist someday. Really needed that along with the hundreds of psychological issues I already have."

Artemis laughed but didn't respond instead she pushed the doors open and motioned Percy in. The inside was just as grand as the outside with gold lining everything from the pillars to the ceiling. The room was huge one could fit three buildings the size of the Big House in here and have room to spare. And inside the room were twelve giant thrones each occupied by eleven giant people.

They were big, bigger than Hyperion was. Each had an aura about them and Percy didn't need his powers to know who each one was. In the throne directly in front of him sat Zeus with Her at his right and….Poseidon to his left.

Percy looked at the man, his father and a feeling of anger and loathing filled his heart. Artemis walked in front of Percy and addressed Zeus, "I have brought him father."

The king of the Gods wore a very good looking suite which only enforced his role as a leader. The man had a huge grey bread and electric blue eyes, He nodded, "good daughter. Although I must say you took much longer than I thought you would."

Artemis nodded and replied in a neutral tone, "he was a difficult person to bring down."

"Yeah I know," came a grumbling voice from the throne on Percy's left and there sitting on a giant pink donut pillow was a very pissed off Ares.

"Heya Ares!" Percy said waving, "still sore?"

The god of war exploded in anger, "shut up you useless brat!"

"What did you do to him?" Artemis asked in a whisper tone.

"I may have shot him in the dick with the Master Bolt," Percy replied back with a smirk.

Artemis looked at Percy in shock before grinding, "very good. I have been wanting to do that for some time now."

"Hey! Are you ignoring me?!" Ares shouted out, " you are aren't you! I swear to Zeu going to rip you into little-"

"-You'll do nothing to my son!" cried out Poseidon as he got up from his throne and walked to Percy, "whatever fights you had with him, end it now Ares, or else you will face my wrath."

Percy looked at his...dad, as the god slowly shrunk down to human size and approach Percy. He looked a lot like Percy, well maybe Percy looked a lot like him. Thier hair and eyes were the same the only difference was their choice in clothing. Poseidon wore a blue hawaiian shirt with white flowers on it and a pair of shorts with a smile showing his laid back attitude while Percy was frowning and very serious.

"It's been so long since I have seen you face to face Percy," Poseidon said as he approached the boy.

"So you're my dad huh," Percy said in a calm tone.

The man smiled, "yeah I am." Percy stepped forward and Poseidon welcomed Percy into a hug, but before they even touched Percy drew back a fist and launched it right at Poseidon's face.

"EARTHQUAKE FIST!" Percy roared out sending Poseidon flying across the throne room and rolling along the floor. PErcy then watched as Poseidon got back up holding his bleeding nose.

"Okay yeah, I deserve that," Poseidon replied and he pulled himself up with his trident, "damn you can punch."

"Yeah kind of had to learn how to do that myself, you know since I didn't have a dad to teach me."

"Hey my dad ate me, you don't hear me complaining."

"You chopped him up into little pieces and then threw him into Taurus along with his brothers. I think you got your issues sorted out there," Percy replied with a smile which Poseidon mimicked.





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