
People with Superpowers Don’t Want to Be Popular

Question: What would you do if you had omnipotent superpowers? To dominate the world? Or do whatever you want? Or maybe... Kamikawa Ren’s answer was that he wanted to be an ordinary person. As a creature with true superpowers, he always tries to be like ordinary people. During class, listen carefully to Mafuyu’s Sensei lecture like a normal student. After class, he patiently lectured the Nakano quintuplets about the topic like normal students. After school, like ordinary members, worked hard to help President Shinomiya solve her problems. After returning home, he friendly played games with Gabriel like normal friends. In this way, he has worked hard to become an ordinary person. However, what made him a little confused was, would the lives of ordinary people be the same as his?

Takamiya_Shin · Anime & Comics
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754 Chs

Principled Asumi

"Are you working?"

Ren didn't respond to her thanks, but instead asked a question.

The cookies and juice were rewards for helping her tutor, so he didn't need to accept her thanks this time.


Asumi didn't expect that the other party would suddenly ask this question.

"Why are you working?"

Ren is still very concerned about this issue. After all, ordinary people have to work, but he doesn't want to work, so he needs to know the reasons why ordinary people work.

And Asumi, who worked part time, was the best person to ask this question.

"…Of course because of money, there is no other reason."

Turning her head to the side, Asumi shyly answered honestly.

Her family was very poor, even though the school waived tuition fees, school entrance fees still had to be paid.

In this country, it is basically impossible to enter a prestigious university just by relying on school teaching, having to go to a special school or hire a tutor.

Therefore, to earn money for the cram school, she came to work at a maid cafe.

"For money?"

Ren seemed to understand something, and based on her answer, he speculated: "Then if ordinary people have money, they don't need to work?"

"Isn't this natural? Who needs to work when you have money!"

Asumi crossed her arms and said matter-of-factly.

If she had money, she should be attending a special school now instead of working here.

"Thank you."

This way, Ren felt more relieved.

He had money, so there was no need to work like a normal person.

Awesome experience.

At this moment, he suddenly realized something, he looked at Asumi in front of him wearing a maid uniform, and continued: "Are you short of money?"

"Of course, otherwise I wouldn't be here." After sighing, Asumi answered.

Anyway, the problem is almost solved, there is no need to hide this kind of thing.

"I see."

Hearing this, Ren took out his wallet, randomly took out a stack of them and handed them over: "Here."

"Wait, what do you mean? Hurry and save it!"

Seeing the pile of 10,000 yen bills that Ren gave her, Asumi suddenly panicked. She quickly looked around to make sure no one was watching her, and quickly put the money away.

In the process of pushing, she accidentally touched Ren's hand, but because she was too panicked, she didn't care for a while.


After being forced to take the money, Ren looked at her in confusion.

"I told you, I won't be taken care of by anyone. No matter how much money I have, it will be useless."

Seeing that Ren had finally collected his money, Asumi warned seriously.

Even if she lacks money, she is still very principled and will never accept support.

"Take care of it? What do you mean?"

This was the first time Ren heard this word.


Seeing his confused look, Asumi began to wonder if she had misunderstood him.

Because Ren had asked so many questions about her part-time job and lack of money, then suddenly took out so much money and wanted to give it to her, she almost subconsciously think about supporting her.

But seeing him look like he didn't understand anything, Asumi felt that she was wrong.

To ensure her understanding was correct, Asumi asked: "Regardless of what it means to support, please answer my question first, why do you want to give me money?"

"Because you lack money," Ren answered matter-of-factly.


What did he mean by this, and why did she still not understand it?

"I mean, why should you give me money when I'm short of money?" Asumi thought about it and asked in a different way.

"Because you are my classmate and you are having difficulties, so I want to help you," Ren organized his words carefully and answered honestly.

Asumi and him were classmates, because she was short of money, he chose to give money to help her on the grounds that giving money would not affect her.

"What do you mean?" After a long silence, Asumi continued to ask.

In her impression, doesn't the so-called helping classmates mean helping to buy something when going to the supermarket, or borrowing a pen to use when there is no pen to use?

But did he mean he wanted to give her money?

This was the first time she saw this way of helping classmates.


Faced with this problem, Ren no longer knew how to explain it better.

His language skills were limited and he couldn't handle such difficult problems for now.


So, he dropped the explanation, took the money again, and handed it to Asumi.

In short, as long as she received the money and managed to help his classmates, it would be fine.

"I can't accept it."

Seeing that he wanted to give the money again, Asumi firmly refused.

Even though she was short of money, her principles prevented her from accepting the money.


This time it was Ren's turn to ask this question.

He was increasingly confused by this problem. Back then, when he gave Gabriel the money, Gabriel didn't want it. Now, when he gave Asumi money, she didn't want it either.

She clearly said she was short of money, why didn't she want it?

Humans are really strange.

"As a matter of principle, I will not accept money from other people easily." After thinking about it, Asumi explained, "I always feel that the money I earn is unreliable."

"Don't understand."

Ren couldn't understand.

Obviously Asumi can accept help from others, but she can't accept financial help, what a contradiction.

Does that mean giving money to help doesn't help?

This made him suspicious.

Seeing that Ren had no intention of continuing to give her money, Asumi stood up and took over her school bag.

She couldn't ask Ren for money, but asking him to help her tutor was normal.

"Sit inside and I'll sit next to you."

While holding her schoolbag, Asumi stood beside Ren and said.


After regaining consciousness, Ren sat aside.

"You can play with your phone for a while first, and I will ask you if you don't know how to do it."

After straightening her maid's skirt and sitting beside him, Asumi said.
