
People with Superpowers Don’t Want to Be Popular

Question: What would you do if you had omnipotent superpowers? To dominate the world? Or do whatever you want? Or maybe... Kamikawa Ren’s answer was that he wanted to be an ordinary person. As a creature with true superpowers, he always tries to be like ordinary people. During class, listen carefully to Mafuyu’s Sensei lecture like a normal student. After class, he patiently lectured the Nakano quintuplets about the topic like normal students. After school, like ordinary members, worked hard to help President Shinomiya solve her problems. After returning home, he friendly played games with Gabriel like normal friends. In this way, he has worked hard to become an ordinary person. However, what made him a little confused was, would the lives of ordinary people be the same as his?

Takamiya_Shin · Anime & Comics
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754 Chs

Fairy maid Asumi participates

May 4th, the second to last day before the holiday ends.

The weather was nice today, and Ren still went out early in the morning.

He chose a street at random and walked for a while. After thinking about it, he took out his cell phone, edited a message and sent it to Miku.

Kamikawa Ren: [I'm out today and can't chat]

After sending it to Miku, he finds Nino's chat interface and sends the message to her as well.

After waiting for a while with his cell phone and making sure none of them answered him, Ren put cell phone away.

Who knows why, but Nino chatted with him more often recently, while Miku returned books to the library alone that day, and often came to chat with him in the afternoon.

The topics that Nino talks about are basically everyday life, such as what interesting things happen in life and some preferences. Miku basically talks to herself about history, and occasionally adds some Warring States games.

Of course, Ren still really wanted someone to come chat with him.

However he has to play games with Gabriel at night, which forces him to use his superpowers to multitask and chat with Nino and Miku while playing games.

Luckily, the two of them chatted with him about two different topics. Otherwise, he wouldn't know how to deal with her due to his poor chatting skills.

Thanks to Gabriel's help, when Ren didn't know how to answer, he was able to ask her how to answer, so the topic could move on.

In this way, he somehow established a good chatting relationship with Nino and Miku.

Because yesterday Ren went hiking and didn't have time to look at his cellphone, then in the evening when he looked at his cellphone, he saw many unread messages from Nino and Miku.

Therefore, in order to prevent yesterday's incident from happening again, he told the two of them beforehand that he would do something today, so as not to receive so many messages again.

He had to hang out during the day, but he couldn't chat with them at any time.

"This place looks familiar."

Raising his head and looking at the nearby shops, Ren remembered that he had walked here before.

But it doesn't matter, it's just a walk, so just skip it and get out after a while.

Isn't he a little busy this holiday?

Seeing the increasingly familiar street scenes around him, he was distracted and started thinking about this holiday.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he had had a very satisfying holiday, basically there was something to do every day, and the things he had to do every day did not repeat themselves.

So is this the holiday life of an ordinary high school student? This is very nice.

As he was thinking about this, two burly men suddenly appeared before him.


Maid cafe.

"Come in fairy maid Asumi, I will work hard today too!"

After changing into a maid uniform from backstage, Asumi came out and struck a debut pose.

"Today's guest..."

Just as she was about to walk towards the door to welcome the guests, she suddenly found a familiar figure sitting not far from her, staring at her without blinking.

"Wait a minute, Kouhai-kun, why are you here again?"

Arriving in front of Ren, Asumi said in disbelief.

Even though a relatively long time had passed since they last met, she could still clearly remember Ren.

After all, she had dirtied his clothes last time, and he was very good at teaching, so she recognized him immediately.

"They called me and said you needed help," Ren pointed at the two burly men standing at the door and explained.

He originally planned to continue wandering, but the two big men stopped him and said that Asumi needed his help.

So, based on the principle of helping classmates, he followed them back here.

He also received a plate of cookies and a glass of juice, saying that this was his reward for his help.

"What happened?"

Arriving in front of the two big men with a threatening attitude, Asumi asked with her hands on her hips.

"We heard that Anego's school was going to take exams, so we specially asked him to come and help Anego with tutoring." One of the big men explained, "We remember that Anego said that day that he was very good at teaching."

"The fairy maid Asumi is the signature of our shop," The maid next to her said with a smile, "If she resigns because of bad grades, we will be very troubled."

"Too nosy!" Asumi looked very angry, "I'm doesn't need to help with tutoring. I can review it myself."

"After all, this shop has been very busy recently, I can't just leave it alone."

It was a holiday and it was the busiest time for the maid cafe. How could she study under such circumstances.

She came here to work, not to study.

"No problem, just leave your work today to us." The maid on the side pushed Asumi to the chair opposite Ren and sat down, "Today you just need to study quietly. The test is the most important."

"Then I won't take my salary today."

Seeing them all say this, Asumi couldn't refuse their kindness, so she could only say this.

She was pushed here to study before her had time to work, of course she was embarrassed to ask for today's salary.

Just the thought of not being able to work today broke her heart. Now the salary for working during the holidays is much higher than before.

"You don't need to worry about this. The store manager said that today counts as your paid leave. After all, you have worked for days in a row without taking a break. I just want to compensate you." The maid explained to she with a smile.

Asumi was silent for a long time, then slowly said: "Thank you."

She didn't expect they would prepare so many things for her so she could study in peace. She didn't know what to say about this, so she could only thank them.

"You're welcome. As I said, you are a popular maid in our shop. We can't let you resign because your test scores dropped."


After correcting her sitting posture and looking at Ren who was sitting across from her and slowly drinking the juice, Asumi expressed her thanks in the same way:

"I'm sorry to bother you today, Kouhai-kun."

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