
People with Superpowers Don’t Want to Be Popular

Question: What would you do if you had omnipotent superpowers? To dominate the world? Or do whatever you want? Or maybe... Kamikawa Ren’s answer was that he wanted to be an ordinary person. As a creature with true superpowers, he always tries to be like ordinary people. During class, listen carefully to Mafuyu’s Sensei lecture like a normal student. After class, he patiently lectured the Nakano quintuplets about the topic like normal students. After school, like ordinary members, worked hard to help President Shinomiya solve her problems. After returning home, he friendly played games with Gabriel like normal friends. In this way, he has worked hard to become an ordinary person. However, what made him a little confused was, would the lives of ordinary people be the same as his?

Takamiya_Shin · Anime & Comics
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754 Chs

Don’t worry, it will soon be a success!

"Is this the place you wanted?"

Standing at the entrance of the gaming center, Hayasaka turned to Ren, who looked very happy, observing various gaming consoles.

After having coffee, they followed Ren's idea and came to the gaming center together.

"Yes. My treat."

Ren held two boxes of game coins in his hand and handed one to Hayasaka.

This is where he wanted to be, so he should be the one treating Hayasaka.

"Thank you."

Hayasaka politely took the box naturally.

"Is this your first time at a gaming center?"

Hayasaka asked with curiosity.


Ren nodded, but his eyes remained fixed on various gaming consoles.

"What do you want to play?" Hayasaka asked.

"I don't know, I've never played before."

Ren couldn't decide at all, as it was his first time here.

"You've never played before... How about starting with the basketball machine?"

Upon hearing that, Hayasaka immediately got an idea and took the initiative.

Ren didn't refuse and followed her to the basketball machine.

"Just throw the basketball into the hoop."

After understanding the game a bit, Ren found it quite simple.

Even before, he had never touched a basketball.

"That's right."

Seeing Ren about to try the coin, Hayasaka stopped him: "It's a bit boring to just play like this. What if we use this basketball machine to compete in a tournament?"

"Tournament?" Ren repeated unconsciously.

"Yes, let's see who can score higher. How about the loser... gives their opponent a doll?"

Speaking of penalties, Hayasaka noticed a claw machine not far away.


Ren agreed.

If he loses, he just has to help catch a stuffed animal.

Coincidentally, he also wanted to play with the claw machine.

"You go first."

Hayasaka stepped aside to give him space.

The goal of their competition was simple, to prove that she was better than him.

Since Kaguya lost to Ren in academics, Kaguya wasn't as strong as Ren.

So as long as Hayasaka could beat Ren in the basketball machine, it meant she was better than Ren, and she was also better than Kaguya.

Although this conclusion was a bit strange, it didn't matter as long as she proved she was the strongest.

To ensure she could win, Hayasaka also asked Ren to be the first to prevent him from using his terrifying learning ability to master shooting skills.

However, she still didn't take it lightly and watched Ren very carefully.

He had never played the basketball machine before, and it would be embarrassing if she lost.

She planned to show the stuffed animal Ren caught for her in front of Kaguya after winning.

That would be the spoils of her victory.


Ren inserted the game coin and activated the basketball machine.

Taking the basketball casually, he threw it towards the basket.

It didn't go in.

So Ren took another one and started throwing.

Still no success.

"Very weak~"

Hayasaka who was initially a bit worried, silently turned away after seeing his shooting performance.

She couldn't bear to watch anymore.

Ren couldn't shoot at all; his posture was wrong, and he had no skills whatsoever.

If her guess was correct, this was his first time touching a basketball.

At this level, how dare he accept the terms of the competition?

"30 points."

Seeing the final score displayed on the basketball machine, Hayasaka regretted playing against him.

"Now it's your turn."

Ren stepped aside and said.

This score was achieved through his own efforts without using any superpowers.

Feeling pretty good about himself.


Inserting the game coin, Hayasaka started her shooting.


"136 points, that's amazing. You win."

Seeing the final score, Ren admired her.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have suggested that competition." Hayasaka said with guilt.

This score was intentionally suppressed, and for lower scores, she really couldn't do it.

Regarding victory, she had no sense of accomplishment at all; she was just suppressing others.

"It's okay. Which stuffed animal do you want? I'll get it for you."

Ren asked about the prize Hayasaka wanted after winning.

"Let's do it."

After browsing around the claw machine area, Hayasaka chose a claw machine with a keychain of a teddy bear.

It seemed easy to catch, and she didn't want to embarrass Ren.

"That's it."

Seeing that she had made a decision, Ren inserted a game coin into the claw machine and started operating the joystick.

He pressed the grab button, but it wasn't lifted.

"It's a bit hard to catch." Ren commented and tried again.

"It's okay, take your time."

Hayasaka watched and encouraged him.

Still not caught.

"It's very interesting."

Ren became intrigued.

"This is the fun part of the claw machine." Hayasaka agreed.

This time Ren caught it but dropped it while still in the air.

"I almost got it." Ren muttered.


Hayasaka had a bad feeling for no reason.

Then, not caught again.

"Almost got it."

It fell in the air.

"I feel like I can do it this time."

It fell in the air again.

"Try again."

Not caught.

After experiencing dozens of failures, Hayasaka reluctantly suggested, "How about we change the machine."

"No need to change, I can catch it."

Ren was very confident, feeling he would find its touch.

"Okay, I'll buy a drink. Do you want something to drink?"

Hayasaka couldn't take it anymore and decided to buy a drink to change her mood.

"Just juice."

Ren answered without looking back, still staring at the teddy bear keychain inside.

"Yes. I put my game coins here. If you run out, you can use mine."

Before leaving, Hayasaka placed a basket of game coins and reminded him.

She always felt Ren was very unreliable.



"I'm back. Sorry, there were a lot of people queuing, so I took a little time."

After a while, Hayasaka returned with two glasses of juice, ready to give them to Ren.

Before she could hand them to him, she saw five empty boxes thrown casually to the ground, and at the same time, there were five boxes of game coins placed where Ren could easily access them.

"Haven't you got it yet?" Hayasaka realized the dreadful fact.

"Don't worry, it will soon be a success!"