
People with Superpowers Don’t Want to Be Popular

Question: What would you do if you had omnipotent superpowers? To dominate the world? Or do whatever you want? Or maybe... Kamikawa Ren’s answer was that he wanted to be an ordinary person. As a creature with true superpowers, he always tries to be like ordinary people. During class, listen carefully to Mafuyu’s Sensei lecture like a normal student. After class, he patiently lectured the Nakano quintuplets about the topic like normal students. After school, like ordinary members, worked hard to help President Shinomiya solve her problems. After returning home, he friendly played games with Gabriel like normal friends. In this way, he has worked hard to become an ordinary person. However, what made him a little confused was, would the lives of ordinary people be the same as his?

Takamiya_Shin · Anime & Comics
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754 Chs

Can I Go Anywhere?

"Not too much."

Hayasaka shook her head and denied.

However, whether karaoke is enjoyable isn't really a question.

What's truly surprising is that Ren asked such a useless question to her.

It makes sense that if someone knows her identity, they should ask some relatively secret questions.

What issue did Ren ask about whether karaoke is enjoyable?

"That's good."

Hearing this, Ren nodded slightly and began to look forward to her answer.

The last time he met Hayasaka, he was very interested in karaoke because he had never been there before.

Therefore, when he finally got the chance to ask clearly, he certainly wanted to ask.

"The specific situation depends on each person." Hayasaka thought for a moment and answered in a low voice, "If you have a boring personality, you'll find karaoke very boring."

Karaoke is a place for singing; if you don't sing and just sit there, it won't be fun.


Ren was a bit unsure if he had a boring personality.

Thinking of the question he just asked, Hayasaka leaned forward slightly, stared at him without blinking, and said with a smile, "By the way, Kamikawa-kun, you've never been to karaoke, right?

If Rem could ask that question to herself, it means she hasn't been there.

"Yes." Ren admitted.

"In that case, do you want to come with me later?" She took out her phone and checked the time. Hayasaka smiled and invited, "It's still early, so it's okay to go to karaoke."

"May I?"

Ren's eyes brightened; he really wanted to go to karaoke.

"Of course."

Hayasaka suddenly felt like she was coaxing a child.

She even said that Ren's mind is easier to predict than children, and he almost says everything he thinks directly.

As long as you're not foolish, basically, you can guess his intentions.

"Thank you." Ren expressed his gratitude.

"You're welcome."

Hayasaka waved her hand casually and continued, "Well then, I'm looking forward to your singing, Kamikawa-kun."


Ren heard a word he cared about a lot.

"Yes, you must sing when you go to karaoke." Hayasaka said without hesitation, "Can Kamikawa-kun not like singing?"

"I can't sing." Ren said honestly, "I've only sung once."

From the past until now, he has only sung once, which is the birthday song for Gabriel.

"Eh? Have you only sung a song once?" Hayasaka couldn't believe it, "Haven't you even sung the school song?"

At Shuchi'in Academy, every Monday morning meeting requires all students to sing the school song together. Basically, it's impossible not to sing.

The conductor for the refrain part is Chika.

"Yes. I used to lip-sync."

Ren never had the idea of learning to sing, just like he didn't know how to learn to cook.

If he wanted to learn, he could learn it well, but he felt no need to learn to sing, so he chose to maintain the status quo.

The main reason is that he's not used to singing, and there's no point in learning it, so there's no need to waste time.

Even though everyone except him sings at the morning meetings, he still feels no problem.

Lip-syncing is considered singing, as long as no one else notices.

From this perspective, he's still like most ordinary people.

"Lip-sync~" Hayasaka's voice tone became a bit teasing, and she quickly reminded, "Don't let Fujiwara-san hear what you say, or she'll disturb you."

With Chika's character, if she knows Ren is lip-syncing, something bad will surely happen.

"Yes, I will."

Ren asked, "Please don't tell Fujiwara-san about this, Hayasaka-san."

"Don't worry. I'm not the type of person who leaks secrets easily."

After Hayasaka agreed, a new question arose.

"I say, Kamikawa-kun, since you can't sing, why do you want to go to karaoke?"

Shouldn't a place like that only be visited by people who like to sing or want to sing?

"I've never been there, and I want to see it."

Ren didn't hide anything; he just said it straightforwardly.

Hayasaka: "..."

There's no reason to argue.

At this moment, the waiter came and brought them what they ordered.

"You should try it first."

Hayasaka urged.

She is very confident in this cafe and wants to eliminate the embarrassment from the last time in one go.


Ren took a fork, cut a bit of mousse, and put it in his mouth.

It melted in his mouth.

This is his first impression of mousse.

There's no need to chew at all; it melts right as it touches the tip of the tongue, and a slightly sweet taste fills the entire mouth.

"Does it taste good?"

Seeing his serious taste, Hayasaka asked with a smile.


Putting down fork, Ren gave his own evaluation.

He really wanted to throw out a lot of comments like Itsuki, but his vocabulary wasn't enough to support it, so he could only express it with the simplest deliciousness.

"As long as it's good."

After receiving his answer, Hayasaka sipped her iced coffee casually.

"Shall we go to karaoke later?"

While Ren was eating mousse, Hayasaka confirmed with him.

"You don't have to go." Looking up, Ren hesitated, "I can't sing."

If going to karaoke means singing, then he has to give up on that idea.

"You're giving decision-making power to me." Hayasaka said sadly, "I don't want to sing alone all the time."

They go to karaoke together, but what's the point if she ends up singing alone?

"I can give you a hearty applause."

After thinking about it, Ren added.

"In that case, forget it." Hayasaka immediately gave up, "Besides karaoke, is there any other place you want to visit? I still have time, so I can spend it with you."

"Is it okay anywhere?"

Ren stopped eating, sat up straight, and asked slowly.

"It should be fine?"

Facing his gaze, Hayasaka shifted her eyes guiltily to the side.

Did she ask a question she shouldn't have asked?

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