
People In Pirates: I Can Copy Any Talent

Neuer travels through the world of pirates, is adopted by Bermer, and becomes Nami’s older brother! The Awakened Talent Copy System can copy anyone’s talent in a certain aspect at will! What kind of experience will it be when Neuer has Shanks’ domineering talent, Kaido’s physical talent and Hawkeye’s swordsmanship talent? Even the ability of a devil fruit can be copied by the system as a talent! Many years later, Neuer turned the sea upside down with a talent that surpassed everyone in the world. (Slow and hot text, slow development in the early stage, and random waves afterwards)

Oumakraze · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Chapter 9

Isn't it Neuer's handsome guy!


"Oni sauce!"

"Smelly brat!"

"My baby!"

Hearing the surprise cheers from the villagers, Neuer immediately grinned with satisfaction.

Sure enough, my popularity has not diminished back then wow!


There seems to be some strange name mixed in?

Among the crowd, a certain orange-haired loli who didn't want to be named shrank her neck...

Looking at the villagers who seemed to be chasing stars, Aaron really wanted to point at Noy's nose and curse - who are you riding? !

This atmosphere, this heat?

Who do you think you are?

Is your king coming back?

The returning king Neuer turned his head and met Aaron who was staring at him bitterly, Neuer showed a sneer.

He raised his hand and pointed at Aaron's serrated nose, and said:

"Don't look, Aaron!"

"I'll come right over and let you—the dead return to the West!"

Chapter 13 Killing Murloc Cadres in Seconds

Aaron, who was scolded by Neuer pointing at his nose, turned pale immediately.

Seeing his boss being humiliated, Crooby couldn't take it any longer!

"A mere human, looking for death!" Relying on his huge size, Cro Obi raised his fist and threw it at Neuer's head!

Neuer smiled disdainfully, raised his hand lightly, stretched out his hand and easily grabbed Crooby's fist, and then couldn't move forward at all!

"What?!" Crooby looked at his hands in shock.

Even though he hadn't exerted all his strength, this human being caught his attack so easily.

Neuer didn't have time to pay attention to what Crooby was thinking, grabbed his fist, turned sideways and kicked him in the abdomen.

How much strength can a human being have...


Crooby suddenly felt a huge force coming, his internal organs seemed to be bumped and changed positions, and his tall body fell straight down.

Under everyone's shocked gaze, Neuer leisurely withdrew his legs.

If such an opponent was placed two years ago, he might still have a headache.

As for now...

After two years of hard training, the two columns of physique and swordsmanship have already broken through the 300-point mark, which is stronger than the three main straw hats who fought against the Dragon Pirates in the original book.

Moreover, with the help of "Ba Zhe Tianzi" and "Ba Jian Dao", the armed domineering energy has reached the level of hardening and winding at will.

I take the lead to lose? ah? !

Cro Obi stood up clutching her stomach, her eyes were wide open, and she had two braids tied into the sky, looking very happy, like a New Year's picture doll.

He roared: "Human! You are the one who asked for death!"

"Must kill! Murloc karate!"

"Thousand tiles are right fist!"

Putting on a good posture, Crooby used his most proud special technique.

There was a smile on Aaron's face, and the little murlocs behind him also showed joy.

This is the strongest killer move of Croobi, the leader of the Dragon Pirates, the 40th stage of murloc karate. How can that human block it!

But in Neuer's eyes, the seemingly ferocious Wazheng Fist is like a paper tiger.


With a clear cry, Neuer's fist was instantly overwhelmed with arrogance, and he punched at the right angle!

Croobi, who rushed like a wild wolf, flew back like a wild dog at an even faster speed at the moment of the fight!

The body crashed heavily into the house, and Crooby fell under the rubble and passed out.

His forearm was folded in a terrifying posture, obviously receiving a huge impact.

The murlocs of the pirate group looked at him in disbelief.

Cro Obi, a dignified forty-level empty-handed man, was defeated by a single punch? !

Aaron's face also became ugly, he could see clearly, that kid used the armed color domineering!

In this remote East China Sea, why would someone use domineering?

The cadres who had been watching the battle couldn't stand it anymore, and the kissing murloc Jiu took advantage of Neuer's inattention, and launched a sneak attack with his mouth.

"Hundred-shot water iron cannon!"

Several water cannons quickly shot at Neuer. Neuer put on a cold face, covered his arms with arrogance, and crossed them in front of his chest.

There was a sound of hitting, but none of them could hurt Neuer.

Neuer, who felt uncomfortable because of being attacked by someone, immediately turned around and rushed straight towards Jiu!


Aaron's eyelids twitched, and he wanted to stop the rushing Neuer, but his speed was so fast that he ignored him and punched Jiu in the face.


The unsightly mouth was directly dented by the savage Neuer, and Neuer took advantage of the opportunity to take a knee!

A set of combined moves, Jiu rolled his eyes decisively and fell down, not knowing whether he was dead or alive.

"Ahh! Damn it!"

The octopus fishman Xiaoba, who is also the third cadre, saw his partner fell to the ground, and rushed forward angrily to fight Neuer to the death.

Seeing this face, Neuer remembered it, Xiaoba seems to have been washed out in the subsequent plot?

So what's the matter now? !

As long as it is an enemy, all must fall.

Each of Xiao Ba's six arms held a knife, using the six-sword style, and slashed at Neuer aggressively.

A cold light flashed in Neuer's eyes, his right hand reached out to his waist, he grasped the handle of the knife and immediately put himself in a stance, the compelling light of the sword lit up, the blade was as fast as cutting the air, and he drew out the knife and slashed out.

One sword against six swords, such a disparity in numbers did not give Xiao Ba a glimmer of hope of winning.

The six sharp blades were shattered into pieces under the drawing of the knife, and a blood-red wound on the chest sprayed out blood.

With the last cadre down, the murlocs of the Pirates finally began to feel fear.

The advantage of the innate race is that this group of murlocs short-sightedly believe that their innate physique is enough to crush humans.

Now a human being can break this concept with two moves and one knife, and even stepped on it fiercely!

How does this keep them from panicking.

Neuer, who solved the three cadres, didn't have any complacency on his face. In the eyes of these murlocs, these murlocs might be the ceiling.

But to him it was nothing more than that.

In the original book, Jiu was knocked unconscious by the great **** Usopp with a hammer.

Sauron, who was seriously injured, stunned Xiaoba twice with a single move, and then secretly controlled Lao Ba on the spot.

That's why Cro Obi almost smothered Sanji to death by taking advantage of his underwater advantage.


Hey! Are you angry that there is no water in the village?

Being able to be overthrown by the Straw Hats who just went to sea not long ago, the strength of this evil dragon pirate group will also dominate the East China Sea.

Not to mention the sarcasm in Neuer's heart, Aaron is now watching several of his capable men become like dead fish.

Aaron finally became furious!

Aaron looked at Neuer viciously, and the goldfish murloc on the side brought a black sawtooth knife. After Aaron took it, he said with a terrifying expression: "Boy! I've changed my mind!"

"I'm going to catch you! Then I'll show you how I hacked to death all the people in the village!"

Aaron raised Zhanfeng angrily, and slashed over vigorously, but was quickly blocked by Neuer with a knife, followed by a series of slashes and blocks.

Aaron suppressed Neuer for a while, relying on the particularity of the sawtooth blade of Zhanfeng, but in Aaron's fierce offensive, Neuer's eyes looked extremely calm.

He was adapting to Aaron's attack rhythm, and Neuer finally launched his counterattack with a knife after flying Zhanfeng again.

Aaron was startled, and quickly pulled Zhanfeng back to block the long knife wiping his neck.

The offense and defense changed instantly. Relying on the characteristics of Zhanfeng's large size and difficult to contain his momentum, Neuer shook his wrist continuously and quickly, and slashed towards Aaron's fatal place.

Afterwards, Neuer made an opening, and Aaron chopped Zhanfeng vigorously to the ground.

Neuer seized the opportunity, and the armed color spewed out from the palm of his hand, wrapped around the knife in his hand, and then raised the knife to slash at Zhanfeng.

After a loud noise, Zhanfeng broke apart!

Even Aaron's heart was broken!

Chapter 14

Aaron looked at Zhanfeng broken into pieces, feeling so distressed that he was about to bleed.

Although Zhanfeng is not made of expensive and easy-to-use materials, the manufacturing method is troublesome, and it fits Aaron's attack style very well.

What's more, it has accompanied Aaron for many years!

This is equivalent to Neuer going down with a knife and smashing Aaron's little wife to pieces!

The veins on Aaron's head were bulging, and his steel teeth were about to be crushed. He stared at Neuer with bloodshot eyes.

"Inferior human! Go to hell!"

Aaron's blue head jerked forward, and his jagged nose stabbed fiercely like a spear!

Neuer held the knife against the serrated proboscis, and Aaron came closer and opened his **** mouth to bite down on his neck.

Neuer quickly freed a hand, covered with armed color, the arm hardened and turned black again, and Aaron's teeth bit the iron arm.

Raising his leg and knocking Aaron's body away, Neuer quickly stepped back.

This guy is full of weapons.

Neuer frowned, and Aaron also felt that the humans in front of him were extremely difficult to deal with.

During the Great Route, Aaron was one of the cadres of Fisher Tiger who founded the Sun Pirates, and his knowledge was not comparable to those frogs in the East China Sea.

He knows the power system of domineering, but as a pure racial prejudice, Aaron only relies on the superior physique of his own race, and has never thought of cultivating other powers.

Later, after Tiger died, Aaron was arrested by the navy and rescued by Jinbei who became Shichibukai. After the two parted ways, Aaron stopped advancing on the great route and started to retreat instead.

Back to Donghai, the weakest sea, with this kind of people and this kind of experience, the upper limit of strength is just like that.

Aaron slowly stretched his hand into his mouth, holding his neat sharp teeth.

Neuer: ? ? ?

"You are hungry?"

Aaron's movements froze, and a big "well" character appeared on his head. He quickly pulled out his teeth with his hands, and then the teeth quickly grew back in his mouth.

A mouthful of neat teeth was pulled out by Neuer, and he clamped it with his palm, holding it like a castanet in his hand.