
People In Pirates: I Can Copy Any Talent

Neuer travels through the world of pirates, is adopted by Bermer, and becomes Nami’s older brother! The Awakened Talent Copy System can copy anyone’s talent in a certain aspect at will! What kind of experience will it be when Neuer has Shanks’ domineering talent, Kaido’s physical talent and Hawkeye’s swordsmanship talent? Even the ability of a devil fruit can be copied by the system as a talent! Many years later, Neuer turned the sea upside down with a talent that surpassed everyone in the world. (Slow and hot text, slow development in the early stage, and random waves afterwards)

Oumakraze · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Chapter 7

It is enough to turn a battle over, not to mention that all three kinds of domineering are enhanced.

But it is precisely because of this that Neuer is more willing to choose the first talent "Tianzi Tianzi".

Although Neuer has shown a strong talent so far, he dare not say what will happen in the future. With this talent, at least he won't have to worry about his domineering cultivation in the future.

After all, domineering is one of the most important power systems in the pirate world, as long as one is proficient in three kinds of domineering, one is a comprehensive fighter.

Besides, in two years, Neuer's powerful enemy, the Aaron Pirates, is coming, and he urgently needs the ability or way to improve a lot of strength.

And the 10% improvement of "The Proud Son of the Sea", in his opinion, is not comparable to the self who has practiced for two years after having "Tianzi Tianzi".

Selected! I want you!

"Ding! The host talent bar is full, please select the old talent to replace it."

"Replace the 'energy boost' for me!" Neuer had long thought this skill was useless.

With two talents, one gold and one purple, Neuer quickly felt the changes in himself.

First of all, swordsmanship, Neuer has a lot more swordsmanship applications in his mind, and looking at the value given by the system, the column of swordsmanship has jumped from 150 points to 206 points, a full increase of more than 50 points.

Before, I devoted myself to practicing hard, and it took seven years to improve my swordsmanship to 150 points. Now, once I got the talent, it has increased so much all at once.

Secondly, Neuer always feels that there is a mysterious and mysterious power in front of him, but he seems to be unable to see clearly or grasp it thoroughly.

"Oh! Here! Here I am!"

At this moment, a pirate ship sailed in the distance, Neuer took a closer look, it was the crew of Shanks.

Shanks patted Neuer on the shoulder happily and said, "Thank you Neuer, they really came back to pick me up!"

Chapter 10 Nami the Nami

Neuer almost couldn't help rolling his eyes.

No need to thank you, your crew assigned you to throw you away to frighten you.

Most of the people on the pirate ship, Neuer, are familiar with him, the big fat man who holds chicken legs all day long, Usopp's father **** Bu, and the deputy captain Ben Beckman, etc.

Several people and a few unnamed cadres are standing on the boat and laughing at Shanks brazenly:

"What's going on, Captain?! You didn't swim here, did you?"

"The captain broke an arm, don't wave!"

Hearing the laughter of the crowd, Neuer's face was full of black lines, but Shanks didn't react at all, instead he laughed heartlessly along with him.

Shanks jumped onto the boat, and the pirate ship gradually moved away from the shore, while Neuer waved goodbye to Shanks.

Shanks' sunny smile can always infect the people around him. He waved to Neuer and said, "Neuer, after entering the great route, come to me if you have a chance!"


How did he know that I was going on the great route?

Neuer had said it himself when he remembered fighting Kembla.

Was the redhead already there then?

I really didn't notice it at all.

From this point of view, even if I don't make a move in the original book, the Kembla gang will be dealt with by the passing red hair before they invade the village.

What a poor bunch.

Neuer said goodbye to Shanks and his group with a smile, and the system's notification sound suddenly sounded inappropriately.

"Ding, I noticed that the host has met an important person, the red-haired Shanks, the system rewards are being distributed, the introduction to the awakening of the armed color*1, and the constitution +15."


Armed color? !

Neuer was pleasantly surprised to open the system, and found that there was an extra column under "Swordsmanship"-armed color domineering: 10 (full value 99).

The previous mysterious and mysterious power seemed to be grasped at the key point, this is the power of domineering!

This time I went fishing at sea, I really got a lot of good rewards.

One each of gold, purple, and blue talent, and awakened the domineering color of the armed force, which is simply a great surprise.

Just when Neuer was happily calculating his reward, the former fishermen finally found a large number of villagers and killed them mightily to support themselves.

And his own mother, Bermer, was among them.

Belmer, who was full of worry, rushed over to support Neuer, looking at the shocking injuries on his body with distress, his face suddenly became uglier.

Neuer quickly comforted: "It's okay, Bermer, the pain is gone."

Bermer turned his head to one side and said stiffly, "I don't care about you!"

"In just a short while, how could a child become a **** man?"

"Do you know how worried I was when people came to see me?"

Listening to Bermer's nagging, Neuer just pretended to be stupid, smirked and didn't reply.

Belmer saw his appearance, rolled his eyes and tapped his head lightly, and asked, "Where are the pirates? You won't lose in a fight, will you?"

Neuer hurriedly smiled and said, "Then how could I lose, I'm a child of Bermer!"

Stretching out his hand and pointing to the sea area in the distance, he said, "I have solved it all, and the pirate ships have all sunk."

Bermer nodded, and the villagers on the side said excitedly:

"Neuer is really good, he defeated them so quickly!"

"That's right, those pirates look so fierce!"

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and take Neuer back to the village for treatment!"

Surrounded by the villagers, Bermer helped Neuer back to the village, and then lay down in the village clinic.

Belmer accompanied him and comforted him, "You'll get better soon. You caught such a big Neptune before and defeated the pirates. There's going to be a banquet in the village!"

Neuer, who was about to be wrapped into a dumpling, explained weakly: "Actually, my injury is nothing serious..."

Neuer struggled to remember, but Bermer glared at him, so he had no choice but to lie back obediently.

"Oni sauce!"

A delicate call sounded, and Neuer knew who was coming without turning his head while lying on the hospital bed. "

As soon as he entered the door, a little orange guy yelled loudly and rushed in, and then threw himself into Neuer's arms like a little meat ball.


Neuer let out a strange cry, and at this moment, he felt the wound open again...

Seven years have passed, and Nami has changed from her soft and weak appearance to this lively and healthy young girl now.

Under the short orange hair, Nami lay in Neuer's arms and raised her little face. Her two big eyes were teary, and the snot was about to flow out of her little nose.

With a sad tone, little Nami cried intermittently: "Oni-chan...don't...don't die!"

With black lines all over his face, Neuer grabbed Nami who was wrapped around him like an octopus, threw it aside, and shouted angrily, "I'm just injured, I can't die yet!"

"Is that so?"

Hearing this, Nami immediately burst into tears, wiped the snot and tears on her face with her fleshy little hands, and then ran out to play excitedly.

"Mr. Jian, I want your windmill to play..."

Hearing the laughter of his silly sister outside the door, Neuer was so tired that he just wanted to hit the wall.

Fortunately, he has two younger sisters.

Nuo Qigao, who was wearing a blue suspender dress with a hair tie, stood by the bed, looked at Neuer's injury worriedly, and asked, "Oni-chan, are you alright?"

Neuer sighed in his heart: This is the real gentle sister.

As for that heartless little Nami...

Forget it, don't mention it.

Neuer rubbed Nuo Qigao's hair, and said softly: "It's okay, those pirates are not that capable."

Nuo Qigao nodded, looked at Neuer adoringly and said, "I heard that! Oni-chan is so powerful, it sank the entire pirate ship!"

Neuer and Nuo Qigao are actually the same age, but Neuer has always taken care of the sisters, so everyone has always defaulted to Neuer as the elder brother.

In fact, when Nuo Qigao was holding Nami on the battlefield, it was Neuer who found them and found food for them. Nami didn't remember much at the time, but Nuo Qigao could remember clearly.

So since she was a child, Nuo Qigao admired Neuer the most in her heart. In her eyes, her brother has always been omnipotent.

Even Bermer is almost there!

In Bermer's house, Neuer's number one servant is Nuo Qigao, as for Nami...

She clings to Neuer only when she needs something from him.

Neuer happily chatted with Nuo Qigao who was beside the bed, and Bermer was beside him, looking at his child with a sunny smile.

An excellent son, and a naughty and gentle daughter, Bermer is very content now.

This is the life she wants.

Chapter 11 Aaron's Bribe

After all, Bermer did not let Neuer lie on the hospital bed all night, and Neuer still went to the banquet in the village.

Needless to say, the banquet culture of Pirate World is quite attractive. Neuer is so big, and there will always be one or two banquets during festivals and harvests.

Whenever this time is the time for the three Neuer brothers and sisters to have fun.

Only then would Bermer allow Neuer and the villagers to drink some wine.

Nuo Qigao and Nami can always get a lot of delicious food and fun from the adults with their cute appearance.

Of course, at this banquet, Neuer, who was injured and unable to drink, was destined to lose his happiness.

By the time the banquet ended, it was already midnight, and Bermer and Neuer took their two tired younger sisters home one by one.

Back home, Neuer decided to have a chat with Bermer.

"What? You want to practice in seclusion for two years?" Bermel looked at his son in surprise.

Neuer nodded, he had this idea early in the morning.

Now that he has the power of the devil fruit, as well as the super talent of practicing swordsmanship and domineering, it's time to concentrate on developing a wave.

"Son, you're strong enough." Bermer said worriedly while holding his hand.

"Don't put so much pressure on yourself."

Bermel has always understood that his son seems to have something on his mind since he was adopted by him.

I have never relaxed about my practice, as if I have some burden on my body.

This made her very depressed for a while.

You are my mother's child! Are you still afraid that I can't protect you?

"Bermer, don't worry, it will be fine for two years." Neuer calmed down.

Bermer fell silent, but Neuer knew that she agreed.

She never intervenes in any of the choices made by the children themselves.

But she will stay with you until the child succeeds or gets tired and returns to her arms.

There was guilt in Neuer's eyes, but he quickly hid it, swearing secretly in his heart.

For two years, after Aaron is dealt with after leaving customs, I will definitely accompany you well.

Since then, the villagers in Kekeyasi Village seem to feel that something is missing.

That kid no longer clamored to challenge others, and he didn't see him coming out to steal wine, and he didn't practice swords in people's sight.

This made everyone uncomfortable.

Neuer found an isolated island from the nearby sea. There are many beasts on the island, and the natural environment is harsh enough. He plans to live there temporarily.

Two years is enough to change a lot of things.