
People In Pirates: I Can Copy Any Talent

Neuer travels through the world of pirates, is adopted by Bermer, and becomes Nami’s older brother! The Awakened Talent Copy System can copy anyone’s talent in a certain aspect at will! What kind of experience will it be when Neuer has Shanks’ domineering talent, Kaido’s physical talent and Hawkeye’s swordsmanship talent? Even the ability of a devil fruit can be copied by the system as a talent! Many years later, Neuer turned the sea upside down with a talent that surpassed everyone in the world. (Slow and hot text, slow development in the early stage, and random waves afterwards)

Oumakraze · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Chapter 64

As soon as he entered the restaurant, Anilu couldn't wait to find a seat and shouted: "Boss, I want to eat meat!"

After ordering and sitting down on the seat, Anilu waited expectantly for the food with a knife and fork.

At this time, there was a loud noise from the next table, which made the people in the restaurant tireless.

Anilu looked over there dissatisfied, who made such a big fuss about eating?

I saw a table full of colorful delicacies, and many men ate Hesai without any appearance.

The person who ate the worst looked like their head, wearing an orange hat and a non-mainstream necklace around his neck.

There are some freckles on his face, it can be seen that he is a very sunny boy.

Seeing him young, Enilo couldn't help feeling contemptuous.

At this age, that guy Neuer is an evildoer, and the others... Huh!

Enel's negative talent seems to be working again, the arrogance and arrogance in his bones make him feel superior to others.

The young man who brought his younger brother to cook was Ace who had agreed to meet Neuer.

Ace has been waiting on the island for three full days with his pirate group, and finally they are waiting for Neuer.

Seeing Ace and the others eating so happily, Enilu's gluttons also came up, and when the food came, they would bury their heads in it without saying a word.

Soon Ace also noticed Enilo, this guy eats really fast!

Not to be outdone, Ace picked up the plates with both hands, and tried his best to show off the dishes in his mouth.

Enilo and Ace competed inexplicably, and the people in the restaurant stared at them dumbfounded.

If Neuer was here, he would definitely feel that this picture seemed familiar.

The two made a fool of themselves while eating, and were watched by everyone in the restaurant, and their companions covered their faces with their hands.

Webb sighed, it's so embarrassing.

Beside Ace, Michal also wanted to put his head under the table.

The eyes of the two suddenly met, showing expressions of sympathy.

The restaurant was bustling with activity, but on the street outside the restaurant, all the people were silent.

For some reason, these ordinary people retreated to both sides of the road, not daring to speak much, and looked at the people walking on the other side of the road.

I saw three well-dressed and well-packed people walking over, surrounded by a group of bodyguards.

As if to show their noble status, even their hairstyles were combed very high.

They wore bubble hoods on their heads, the leader was older, and the two next to him seemed to be his children.

Hmm... They are also the **** of the Chambord Islands, the noble dragons of the world.

As Tianlong people who enjoy all the privileges of nobility, men are called saints and women are called palaces.

St. Roswald took his children and held an iron chain in his hand. The other side of the iron chain was tied around the neck of a strong man.

The man's body was already covered in cuts and bruises, his eyes were empty, and he knelt on the ground and crawled numbly.

Holding the slave by the hand, St. Roswald lowered his eyes and looked at the people around him with disgust.

"A bunch of low-blooded trash!" St. Roswald scolded loudly without hesitation. Those people heard this, but they only dared to be angry and dare not speak out.

His son St. Charlos stuffed the pig's brain into the bubble hood, and said casually with a runny nose: "Father, let's go quickly. I heard that there are mermaids in this auction!"

Daughter Xia Lulia Gong wore sunglasses and a silk scarf around her mouth. She waved the small fan in her hand and said in a bad mood:

"The few murlocs I bought back last time died within a few days."

"However, after cooking the murloc, he gave it to his compatriots to taste."

"Looking at the eyes of those murlocs, it's so funny hahaha!"

St. Charles Rose sniffed his nose and said contemptuously, "Murlocs are not fun, but mermaid girls are fun!"

As he said that, St. Charlos suddenly glanced at a place on the side of the street, and suddenly saw Enilo and others who were eating.

When he saw the dining room through the glass and saw Kalifa sitting beside Enil, Saint Charlos' eyes lit up.

St. Charles Rose pointed to the restaurant and laughed unabashedly: "That woman is nice, I want to take it back for fun!"

Xia Lulia Palace looked at it with disdain, and said, "It's really not too dirty!"

Seeing that his father did not speak, Saint Charlos took out a gun made of gold, raised his hand and pointed it at the people around Kalifa.

First of all, there is Enilu who is eating!

He said excitedly: "Then, let's get rid of all the mess around her first!"


He fired without hesitation, the bullet passed through the crowd, accurately smashed the glass of the restaurant, and went straight to Ainilu's temple.

The people on the side of the road looked at the restaurant in horror, and everyone in the restaurant hid under the table in fear.

The speed of the action can be said to be quite skilled.

However, Enilu, who was shot, freed his hand from the food, and just caught the bullet with his fingers lightly at a place less than ten centimeters from his temple.

With a gloomy face, Enilo roared angrily with the Chinese quintessence transmitted by Neuer:

"I f**k you **** fuck! Do you want to die, that bastard?!"

Chapter 100 God and God

Enilu cursed loudly, and the loud cursing instantly reached everyone's ears.

Everyone present was dumbfounded, that guy with long ears was actually scolding Tianlong people?

Does he not want to live?

St. Charles Rose was like a dementia, and cursed inconceivably: "You dare to scold me? I am the most noble Tianlong!"

"Noble your grandma's legs!"

All of a sudden, Enilo was surrounded by lightning, smashed the wall of the restaurant with a bang, and rushed towards the fat Charles Rose.

St. Charles Rose was so anxious that he fired several shots, but Enilo ignored him directly, his eyes turned into knives with fierce eyes, and the sound of electric clinking rang out.

The teacher promises Il-Chidori!

The sharp lightning thrust in Anilu's hand pierced through the flesh easily, and the scarlet blood spattered, instantly staining half of his face red.

However, it was not St. Charles Rose who was pierced by Enilo, but the slave who was led by his father.

When the slave man saw Enilu approaching, his muscles jumped up mechanically and stood in front of St. Charles Rose.

At that moment, although Enilo hesitated, he finally stabbed.

Enilu pulled out his blood-stained arm, and looked at the man kneeling on the ground expressionlessly.

The man's lips moved slightly, and a voice as thin as a mosquito came: "My daughter is in his hands...I'm sorry..."


The slave man had a big hole in his chest, and died at Enilo's feet with his eyes open.

Thinking of his murmur just now, and the relieved look in his dying eyes when facing death.

Enilo had never seen a person who looked like that before dying.

At this moment, an inexplicable irritability surged in his heart.

When people are killed, bullied, and abused, they should be angry and revenged!

What is this soft egg expression? !

The appearance of the slave man seemed to remind Enilo of some of his previous encounters, and the aura emanating from his body from the inside out became different.

If, at the beginning, Enilo's temperament was arrogant and arrogant, then in his aura now, there is only monotonous killing intent left!

And the way he looked at St. Charles Rose seemed to be looking at a dead person.

St. Charles Rose was overwhelmed by the ferocious killing intent, but he still shouted unswervingly: "You want to kill me?"

"No! Impossible!"

"I'm a Celestial Dragon, a god! You'll have to pay the price if you touch me!"

Xia Lulia's elegant posture finally couldn't hold back anymore, her legs were swinging.

St. Roswald's face was ashen, and he yelled for someone to come over.

The terrified people around had already been frightened by the panic and fled in all directions, and a group of lackeys around the Tianlong people then surrounded them.

Enilo sneered, looked at St. Charles Rose and asked, "Are you a god?"

In my mind, the picture of Neuer defeating himself with devastating power is vivid.

Enilo smiled disdainfully: "Do you know what a person like you is called?"

The disgusting facial features of St. Charles Rose squeezed together, and the painful thunder and lightning spread to his body, and Enel's sneer sounded in his ears.

"The frog in the well..."

The thunder and lightning fell, shocking and bombarding Charros St., and blasted a large crater into the hard ground.

In the pit lay an unconscious fat man, his clothes and protection were all blown to pieces, bright red flesh, jagged bones, foul-smelling fat, all the ugly things were exposed to the air.

Charlos was knocked out of human form by the lightning, and Roswald finally couldn't bear it, and cried out in grief: "My son!"

Enilu exhaled, the hostility in his heart was slightly relieved, and he looked behind him subconsciously.

At the table in the restaurant, Khalifa and Konis had no fear, with good-natured smiles on their faces, as if they understood his behavior.

Wei Bo still looked like he didn't care about his life, but he silently made a gesture underneath.

Seeing the upturned thumb, Enel pouted.

But then, for the first time, a warm smile suddenly appeared on Enilo's face, and he was no longer who he used to be.

right! He's got so many good... men!

A catastrophe happened on Enilo's side that shocked the world. Even so, Ace, who was watching the excitement, still didn't stop talking.

Ace swallowed the food, and looked at Enel and the others with admiration.

If Enilu didn't react just now, Ace would have done it, and the result was beyond his expectation.

And this kind of mobility... is a bit like his buddy.

The Tianlong people were attacked, and the life and death of one of them was unknown. It didn't take long for the news to spread throughout most of the Chambord Islands.

Countless naval soldiers were mobilized, rushing towards the scene of the crime.

All the shops and businesses on the archipelago have ceased operations, and the collective actions of the navy have made them all smell something unusual.

Something big must be happening!

In the nearby naval headquarters, in the Warring States Office, known as the wise general, the phone bugs have been blown up by the Tianlong people and the government.

Assassinating the Tianlong people is an extremely bad event for the government. They ordered the navy in charge of the Warring States Period to catch the murderer!

Zhan Guo sat on the marshal's office chair, feeling that his hair was about to turn gray. He wore round glasses and looked at the documents in his hand.

"Anilu, it has been confirmed that he has the ability of the thunder fruit, and he is a subordinate of the demon man Neuer. He has no record and no bounty for the time being."

The old man of the Warring States Period is cautious, this Neuer, even his subordinates are so dishonest!

People with the ability to copy fruits are a serious problem for the navy. When Sengoku got the report of Enilo in his hand, he was in a bad mood.

From the Navy's point of view, the more capable users Neuer has under his command, the greater his threat.

If it weren't for the previous government's proposal to win Neuer alive, the Warring States Period would have planned to come hard.

Now, taking advantage of the opportunity, we must solve it as soon as possible and kill the danger in the bud!

Zhan Guo raised his head and looked at the man in the yellow suit who was sitting on the sofa in the corner of the office with his legs crossed and diligently manicuring his nails.

Sengoku's brain ached when he saw the man's foolishness, and said, "Porusalino, go to Chambord and destroy Neuer and his pirate group!"

Huang Yuan blew on his nails with crooked mouth and sideways eyes, and grumbled reluctantly, "Huh? But I'm here to ask for leave..."

Zhan Guo said with a stern face, "If this matter is not resolved, neither you nor I will be able to leave!"

Huang Yuan scratched his head and suggested, "Marshal, how about letting Kuzan go?"