
People In Pirates: I Can Copy Any Talent

Neuer travels through the world of pirates, is adopted by Bermer, and becomes Nami’s older brother! The Awakened Talent Copy System can copy anyone’s talent in a certain aspect at will! What kind of experience will it be when Neuer has Shanks’ domineering talent, Kaido’s physical talent and Hawkeye’s swordsmanship talent? Even the ability of a devil fruit can be copied by the system as a talent! Many years later, Neuer turned the sea upside down with a talent that surpassed everyone in the world. (Slow and hot text, slow development in the early stage, and random waves afterwards)

Oumakraze · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Chapter 62

Neuer sat cross-legged on the wide seat that should have been Moria, and asked Bruno, who had been making soy sauce, to find the scattered crew members.

Lu Qi took the CP9 team and was sent to investigate the situation of the castle.

Then send Robin to see the situation on Enilo.

The ghost fruit ability user, that lovely girl named Perona, if you want to recruit her, why not ask Robin to meet her, maybe the effect will be good.

Until the hall of the castle was empty again, Neuer thought about the development direction of the shadow fruit.

This ability is no better than the one copied before, it is very valuable to exercise, and it is only of red quality, so it needs to be developed into a golden talent as soon as possible.

In this way, after Neuer obtains the soul soul ability, he can fuse the mutation talent of the dark gold.

To develop the power of the shadow, what Neuer attaches great importance to is the ability of the shadow fruit to capture the shadow.

Taking away a person's shadow, the person will immediately become unconscious, and then die when exposed to sunlight. This is already related to the ability of "rules".

Just like the childlike fruit of sugar, it is a typical "rule" ability. No matter how high your skill is, you must abide by this "rule" if you get a trick, and you have to stop.

Neuer supported his chin, closed his eyes and quietly considered the development direction that suits him.

I am a veritable great swordsman, what will happen if this ability is applied to sword skills?

Moria's process of depriving the shadow is too cumbersome. If it is improved, it can quickly cut off the connection between the shadow and people...

Suppose Neuer and Hawkeye were fighting hard, and Neuer slashed to the ground with a knife.

The shadow was cut across the board, Hawkeye was stunned and died, and Neuer won disgracefully, but it was really effective.

The more Neuer thought about it, the more he felt that it was feasible. After all, within the constraints imposed by the fruit, there was no need to use scissors to cut the figure.

There is also the ability to control the shadow. By controlling the shadow, you can indirectly control the master. This ability cannot be let go.

Adding the two together, it might be possible to achieve the effect of shadow capturing shadow!

Not to mention the shadow gathering place, this kind of skill of devouring shadows to obtain other people's fighting skills...

Thinking about it, Neuer became more and more elated.

Such a good devil fruit, how hard has Moria been hit, so he has to go on the road of making zombies forever?

It's like being beaten by cuteness...

In the vast hall, the shadows on the ground sometimes flowed and appeared, and Neuer himself had a great time playing with the shadows.

In the empty place, the air door was opened again, and Bruno walked out with Weber.

Wei Bo held a comatose fat man in his hand, and said, "Captain, someone caught him and said he was called Hobak."

Bruno still held the black knife Qiushui in his hand, presented the knife to Neuer and reported:

"There is indeed a swordsman zombie named Ryoma, who is difficult to deal with, but his actions suddenly stopped."

Neuer frowned and asked quickly, "His shadow has left?"

Weber shook his head and said, "He hasn't escaped, but his shadow seems a bit incompatible with his body."

"By the way, the zombies in the courtyard seem to be like this."

Neuer was thoughtful, and it seemed that it was the influence he had made.

Although the power of the shadow fruit is seamlessly connected from Moria to Neuer, the nature of the power has undergone some changes, and it should be fine soon.

Neuer took the black knife Qiushui, pulled the knife out of its sheath, and looked at it.

Although they are both dark-colored blades, Qiu Shui and Gui Moluo give people a completely different feeling.

One feels thick and solid, and the other is violent and violent.

Bruno's air door opened again, and Lu Qi and others had returned from the investigation and reported: "The wheelhouse of the terrifying three-masted sailing ship was found."

"The zombies on the ship have become dull, and we also found a corpse taller than a giant in the cold room."

The corpse must be the devil Oz. Although he is a giant, his body is much taller than a giant.

Moria really left a lot of legacy for herself...

After that, he waited and waited, and Neuer asked in bewilderment, "Anyone? Has that guy not solved yet?"

Bruno, who was running errands to spread the word, smiled and said:

"Anilu and Gabra couldn't catch the person who controlled the ghost, and they were going crazy."

Weber asked suspiciously: "Is that opponent difficult to deal with?"

Bruno nodded, then shook his head and said, "Ability is tricky, but it's actually the crushing of IQ..."

Weber nodded, then he understood...

Neuer said helplessly: "Let's go, I'll go and have a look."

An incredible courtyard, where Perona, one of Moria's three eccentrics, lived.

When Neuer came here, he happened to see the currents running wildly above the courtyard.

After a while, Enilu lay on the ground and doubted his life again: "I am like a kelp, floating with the sea...No one cares..."

Quick and loud laughter sounded, and a little girl with pink double ponytails and a crown on her head ran towards herself.

Behind her, Gabra was chasing her, tongue out.

Seeing Neuer coming, Robin ran to his side and smiled, "The little girl is very smart, Enel was played very badly."

Neuer smiled sympathetically, nodded and said, "It's a little clever."

Perona was exhausted, and suddenly saw a man standing in front of her.

Perona, who was running for her life, shouted sharply: "Don't get in the way!"

A white ghost emerged from her palm and rushed towards Neuer.

Of course Neuer would not be fooled by such a fool, turning around to avoid the ghost.

But at this moment, the system's voice sounded unexpectedly.

"It is detected that foreign talent wants to invade forcibly, is it absorbed?"

"Phantom wishes you negative: Blue quality, people with this talent will have an extremely negative abnormal state, lose the desire to fight, and lose this talent when time comes or after a little recovery of fighting spirit."

Neuer's eyelids twitched violently. Can such negative emotions be considered a talent?

Is it because the negative emotions caused by the devil fruit are different from normal negative emotions, so the system classifies him as a talent?

This is the first time this happens...

If it's not emotions, will the system classify it as a talent if it's a negative state caused by any fruit?

Chapter 97

Perona's ghost walked around Neuer, and Neuer silently gave the system an order.

"This foreign talent, no matter how much it comes, it will not be absorbed."

Perona stared at Neuer dumbfounded, and stammered and asked, "You...you, why aren't you negative?"

Neuer said nonsense: "Maybe it's because I'm a deep male silver?"

Perona opened her mouth wide, covered her head in collapse and shouted: "Why is this happening?"

While the two were talking, Lu Qi came out from behind and hit the back of her neck.

Perona immediately fainted, and Robin and Cornis hurried to support her.

"She is very loyal to Moria, so let's put her under house arrest first."

Having more subordinates also brings more benefits. Since he boarded the terrifying three-masted sailing ship, he has never done anything himself except deal with Moriah.

As soon as you order, someone will do it immediately, this is the treatment of a big boss...

Neuer, who became a new ability user of the shadow fruit, quickly controlled all the zombies in the ship, and really won the territory of the three-masted sailing ship.

Although the zombies are not very good looking, but as the product of the fruit, they are quite loyal to Neuer.

Just as Neuer was idle again, Bruno's space door opened in front of him again.

Poor Bruno, because of the ability of door fruit, was directly used by Neuer as a communication soldier.

Bruno came out of the door, and he was out of breath after using his ability many times, and said, "Captain, someone wants to see you!"

Neuer looked at him in surprise and said, "Is there anyone else on the island?"

Bruno scratched his head, gestured and described: "It's an ugly woman with a big head and lipstick."

"Their shadows seem to have been taken away by Moria, so they have been hiding here."

Neuer suddenly realized, he remembered, the woman on the boat is called Laura.

Laura, one of the many children of the aunt, was called by the happy aunt to marry because she was favored by the giant prince, so as to improve the relationship with the giant.

But who knows that although Laura is not very good-looking, her character is really awesome.

Dare to disobey Big Mom's order, run away and slip out of the new world, and make Big Mom and the giants half dead with anger.

Neuer nodded and said, "Bring her to me."

After a while, an ugly girl and her men were brought over.

Long really hot eyes...

When Laura saw Neuer, she took her younger brother to salute respectfully, and said, "Hello, Master, the new shadow fruit ability user."

Neuer nodded, and said straightforwardly: "You want to get back your own shadow?"

Laura hesitated for a moment, then said awkwardly:

"Moria's Shichibukai took away our shadow, we haven't seen the sun for many years..."

Neuer raised his hand to interrupt him, and said, "I can return your shadows if you want, but I have conditions."

Laura was stunned for a moment, and then said ecstatically, "Great, we will try our best to meet your conditions."

Neuer shook his head, pointed at Laura and said, "It's not a big deal, I just need you to give me your mother's life card."

Laura was a little puzzled, why did Neuer know that he had a life card?

But this deal is not bad, she really doesn't have much affection for her mother.

And she didn't think that the man in front of her could do something that would threaten the majesty of the world.

Obediently, he took out Big Mom's life card, and Neuer followed the agreement and returned the shadow to her and her subordinates.

These people are not many, and losing some shadows is nothing.

After Laura led the people away, the expressionless Lu Qi said, "Why do we have to negotiate terms and kill them directly, the things are still ours."

Neuer lazily lay down on the sofa moved by his younger brother, and said, "Why do you do something that can be solved with just a few more words?"

Although Neuer killed a lot of people, they were not indiscriminate.

Laura showed respect and politeness that matched her strength, and Neuer was of course willing to chat with her.

Although crushing them to death is as easy as ants, who has nothing to do and kills them?

In the previous life, it was either the prototype of a serial murderer or a proper demented child...

A few days later, Neuer has been sending people to find the whereabouts of the skeleton Brook, trying to copy his Underworld Fruit.

The ability to save more lives, you have to find it no matter what.

But the sea area in the Devil's Triangle is too wide, and after a while, I didn't even see a ship.

Time passed slowly, and Brook was never found, and Neuer didn't want to wait any longer.

No way, Neuer returned to the Proverbs, ready to go to Chambord, intending to seek the heavenly gold first.

Of course, as the first piece of territory that Neuer grabbed, the three-masted sailing ship cannot give up.

Neuer kept several members of the CP9 team, and only took away Lu Qi, Kalifa and Bruno.

And the little girl Perona, since she learned that Moria was beheaded by herself, she stayed in the castle without eating or drinking, and Neuer couldn't help it.

Perona was picked up by Moria since she was a child, and her feelings and loyalty cannot be shaken by Neuer, an outsider.

As for Huoba Ke, although that guy is also very loyal, but if it weren't for his medical skills, he would have been hacked to death long ago.

Both of them are locked up first, and they will be useful in the future.