
People In Pirates: I Can Copy Any Talent

Neuer travels through the world of pirates, is adopted by Bermer, and becomes Nami’s older brother! The Awakened Talent Copy System can copy anyone’s talent in a certain aspect at will! What kind of experience will it be when Neuer has Shanks’ domineering talent, Kaido’s physical talent and Hawkeye’s swordsmanship talent? Even the ability of a devil fruit can be copied by the system as a talent! Many years later, Neuer turned the sea upside down with a talent that surpassed everyone in the world. (Slow and hot text, slow development in the early stage, and random waves afterwards)

Oumakraze · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Chapter 46

Neuer has a high attainment of domineering, which she knows.

But can an eight-year-old girl also be domineering?

What Robin doesn't know is that this little girl, Aisha, is a rare genius who has awakened her domineering power since she was born.

Although it is only a rudimentary experience, but in Qinghai, he is better than many people, as if he has won at the starting line.

Just like Robin, even with Neuer's teaching, he still hasn't mastered any kind of domineering.

Counting the enemies present, Robin seems to be the only one who doesn't know how to read...

The chubby priest Dawu jumped up and down on the ball cloud, and said, "Wuhaha! It's interesting, you can predict our arrival in advance, do you also know your mind?"

Aisha hid behind Robin in fear, trembling: "The power of the priest is very powerful, and even the strongest warrior in Sandia will fall into a hard fight!"

"Run away! We can't beat them!"

Hearing Aisha's words, Neuer picked his nostrils and taunted: "Are you scared? Aren't you a warrior from Sandia? Are all warriors like you?"

Aisha was still a child at heart, and she exploded as soon as she said it, blushing and shouting: "Sandia warriors are the bravest warriors! I'm not afraid!"

Dawu, who is in charge of the trial of the ball, looked at Aisha with disdain, and said, "It's just a group of barbaric natives, and they dare to covet the island of the gods. Is this what you deserve?"

"You nonsense! This is our home!" Aisha said with tears in her eyes.

Dawu didn't bother to listen to her at all, with a light wave of his hand, dozens of ball clouds came towards them.

Aisha was startled, and quickly said: "This is Dawu's trial of the ball, it will explode, run away!"

Seeing Dawu who seemed to be winning, Neuer couldn't help but sneered.

Neuer closed his eyes pretending to be a ghost, and said in a low voice, "Let me feel the power of God..."

Everyone present was taken aback for a moment. Before the priest could laugh at him, they heard Neuer yell again:

"fire punch!"

The turbulent orange light instantly illuminated a large area of ​​the forest, and the hot breath was like a tiger descending the mountain. The impact flames with a wide range turned into fists, obliterating all the ball clouds in a blink of an eye.

These ball clouds failed to slow down the speed of the Fire Fist even a little bit, and the gushing flames still enveloped Dawu's head.


Accompanied by a scream, the blazing flames roasted Dawu into blackness.

Taking a closer look, there is already air in but not out...

dead... dead?

Aisha stared dumbfounded at Dawu who fell to the ground, and then looked at Neuer in awe.

The priest, who was so difficult for the Sandia warriors to deal with, was beaten to death by this man lightly.

Combined with the flame that just appeared out of thin air, Aisha timidly asked: "Are you... a **** too?"

Neuer was about to speak, but Robin touched Aisha's head and said, "He's human, but he's better than most people."

Neuer agreed: "Enilo is like this too, but his ability is beyond your imagination, he is not a god."

Aisha nodded hesitantly, pointed over there and said, "But, where's the priest?"

The buddy who has been possing since his debut, his companions have all been killed, and there is still no movement.

Neuer yelled at him: "Dude, you can't speak with your lips biting!"

Gaedaz was shocked and said, "So it is!"

Robin complained silently: "The coordination of the whole body is too slow."

Seeing that his companion had been killed, Gaedaz finally figured out the entangled arms, and quickly said: "I am the priest of the Marsh Trial, you from Qinghai..."

Before he finished speaking, Neuer had already flashed in front of him, and the pitch-black armed fist smashed down!

Gaidaz's mind hadn't even reacted, and his consciousness had already plunged into darkness.

Neuer blew his fist and said, "The battle waits for no one..."

Aisha stared blankly at the two downed priests.

Unexpectedly, in just a few minutes, both priests were instantly killed by one move?

Aisha stammered and said, "Their...mind...why...doesn't work?"

Neuer looked at her in surprise and said, "You don't even know this?"

"It's very simple. When they are not paying attention, come and punch them."

Aisha stared at him in a daze, could Xin Gang's ability be obtained while others were not paying attention?

In fact, Neuer did not lie.

This is like playing a board game alone, Neuer with good skills and good sense, met two buddies who have good sense but poor operation and can't even walk.

What is this compared to?

Chapter 72

Aisha looked at Neuer in awe, but then, she felt the aura of fighting coming from the other side.

Neuer chuckled and said: "It seems that the priests are all out, are they your people who are fighting them?"

Aisha nodded, and said sadly: "It's the guerrillas in our clan. They plan to attack the priest."

"But the remaining two priests, Shura and Ohm, are the two most powerful priests."

Neuer curled his lips and said: "The tallest among the dwarfs is the same as the strongest."

Aisha looked at Neuer, thought about it, and said in a sad voice: "Big brother, can you help them, it's too dangerous for the war priest with their strength."

Neuer smiled and said: "Of course, because among the Sandia, I still need to find someone to be my partner."

After finishing speaking, Neuer picked up little Aisha, followed by Robin, jumped between the branches of the tree, and ran quickly towards the battle field.

With the speed of a few people, it didn't take long to find the place where the priest and the guerrillas fought.

The situation on the battlefield is almost one-sided.

The party with the least number is the priests, there are only two people, but they have the upper hand.

Sandia's guerrillas were the most numerous, and many of them had already fallen.

The most eye-catching thing on the battlefield is the strongest warrior in Sandia, Weber, who is called "War Ghost" in the clan.

He was still carrying the incendiary cannon he had when he met Neuer, and the cloud shoes under his feet creaked.

His expression was as bitter as ever, and his ferocious appearance was indeed worthy of his title.

When Neuer saw him, his eyes lit up.

Isn't this Alternate Crew One, it really is here!

Priest Shura and Ohm looked at Weber vigilantly. The other guerrillas were nothing, but this war ghost was the only one.

It seems that after some special training, the fighting method is like a wild beast, acting purely on intuition, and Xin Gang can't accurately judge his intentions.

What's even more frightening is that this strong will to fight, he alone almost stopped the actions of the two priests.

The priest's injury fell on this guy, and he didn't even say a word, and Weber traded injuries for injuries countless times in order to hurt the priest.

That's it, the three of them had similar injuries, but it was Weber's side who was more powerful.

Neuer said appreciatively: "As expected of the crew I like, the will is strong enough, and the talent is not bad."

Robin looked at Weber who was fighting and nodded, and said, "It's like a person who was born to fight."

Priest Shura stared at the place where Neuer and the others were, and shouted, "Where is who? Come out!"

But what answered him was a jet-black sharp knife light.

Under the eyes of everyone, the flying slash disappeared as if it had melted into the air. They didn't realize until the blood splattered on the priest's body.

A hideous bloodstain appeared on Shura's chest, his ugly facial features were twisted together, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

"Why...Xin Gang obviously didn't see you make a move..."

Shura's eyes were red, and he held the spear with the burning shell in his hand, and said unwillingly.

Neuer was holding the Ghost Moro in his hand, and the sound of brisk footsteps was heard by everyone, but it was as frightening as the death knell of the ghost.

Moisturized by fresh blood, the blood lines on Gui Moluo glowed slightly. Neuer looked down at Shura and said, "Heart Outline? Do you think I can't do this kind of thing?"

"Nonsense! This is the power bestowed by God! How could you have it!" Shura roared frantically, and rushed forward in a loss of reason.

Turning over and jumping onto a big red bird, Shura held a flaming spear and stabbed it desperately.

However, when the musket pierced Neuer's body, all the people present were stunned.

Ohm looked at him incredulously, and murmured, "How is this possible..."

Weber looked at Neuer solemnly, and said, "Troublesome guy."

The musket smashed into the body made of flames, and Neuer's smile appeared in Shura's terrified eyes.

"If you can't attack the entity, this should be the power of God in your eyes?"

After the words fell, Neuer's body turned into flames and spread, surrounding Shura and roasting him, and Shura's painful roar echoed in the vast forest.

Neuer raised his hand, threw out Shura, who had no human form, and then looked at the last priest, Dumiao, and said, "What about you, do you want to come and play with me?"

Ohm's face changed again and again, and then he bent down and wanted to pull out the knife.

Just when Neuer thought he was going to run away, this guy ran away without looking back.

Neuer despised the backbone of these guys.

Pretending to be godly, one is more active than the other, and runs faster than anyone else when encountering an unbeatable one.

Neuer still wanted to take action to deal with the aftermath, but at this moment, in the clouds of the sky, a strong thunder light was gathering.

Then, the blue thunder, which had been gathering momentum for a long time, slammed down as if punished by heaven.

And the target turned out to be Ohm who wanted to escape!

Ohm looked at the falling thunder and lightning with a dead face, and shouted: "No! God..."

Huge smoke and dust exploded, Ohm's body was scorched and lying there, and it seemed that he was completely cold.

Immediately afterwards, another massive thunderbolt struck towards Neuer and Weber.

The people in Sandia stood still with fear on their faces, Rao Wei Bo couldn't help feeling a little flustered.

Only Neuer snorted disdainfully when he saw the divine punishment falling on his head.

"Anilu, you really take yourself seriously..."

Neuer protected Robin behind him, and said to the guerrillas, "Stay here and don't move."

Raising his hands to the sky, a thick black and purple aura gushed out from his body, and the domineering aura of the armed color was released violently.

With the help of talent, Neuer's armed domineering can also be released from the body. Although it is a bit reluctant, it is more than enough to block some elemental damage.

The thunder and lightning bombarded the sky above everyone, and its momentum even resounded throughout the entire Apayado.

But when the smoke and dust dispersed, everyone walked out unscathed, with incredulous expressions.

Weber looked at Neuer's arms glowing with black light, his eyes showed strange colors, and the blood in his body told himself that he liked this power very much.

Neuer retracted his hands with some numbness in his arms. The power of the Thunderbolt fruit is indeed very good.

One's own ability, fire against thunder, sand against thunder, is not a useful defensive method, so he has to use domineering to protect everyone.

A female soldier next to Weber saw Aisha who was staying beside Robin, and exclaimed, "Aisha! Why are you sneaking here again!"

Seeing her trusted elder sister, Aisha hurried over and said, "Lan Qi! Look, I took a pack of Bath!"

Wei Bo's eyes turned cold, he waved the bag off the girl's hand, and cursed: "Idiot! Who told you to come here! Aren't you afraid of death?!"

Chapter 73 Recruiting War Ghosts

The dirt in Aisha's hands spilled all over the ground, and the little guy glared at Weber and shouted, "I'm not afraid! I'm also a Sandia warrior!"

Weber reached out and grabbed Aisha by the neckline, lifted her into the air, stared at her unkindly and shouted: "Is there no one in our Sandia? We need you, a useless brat!"