
People In Pirates: I Can Copy Any Talent

Neuer travels through the world of pirates, is adopted by Bermer, and becomes Nami’s older brother! The Awakened Talent Copy System can copy anyone’s talent in a certain aspect at will! What kind of experience will it be when Neuer has Shanks’ domineering talent, Kaido’s physical talent and Hawkeye’s swordsmanship talent? Even the ability of a devil fruit can be copied by the system as a talent! Many years later, Neuer turned the sea upside down with a talent that surpassed everyone in the world. (Slow and hot text, slow development in the early stage, and random waves afterwards)

Oumakraze · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Chapter 29

The system upgrade is complete, and now everything is ready, just waiting for the guys from Baroque Works to come.

And Crocodile's efficiency did not disappoint Neuer.

Just as the sun was about to set, a big pink-looking boat docked on the shore.

After the boat docked, surrounded by a bunch of younger brothers, Nicole Robin and a man and woman got off the boat.

The **** Mr. 2 raised his leg high from behind, and spun around on tiptoe with one foot.

He (she) said in a coquettish tone: "Oh! Miss. All Sunday, what does Xiao 0 think?"

"Why did you send me to deal with a newcomer who just debuted? Why, why?"

Robin looked at the rambling Mr. 2, and smiled helplessly: "This is an order from the boss, you just need to test his strength."

Mr.2 has a strong body, but he wears weird heavy makeup, false eyelashes, and flat bangs.

Dressed in a swan ballet costume with a pink coat.

On the back of the coat is written the words "Ben Mu れ", and there are a pair of swan heads and wings.

An indistinguishable face is full of displeasure.

But this was an order from his boss, so Mr. 2 had no choice but to carry out the task.

The two walked towards the town. Most of the bounty hunters in the town were Baroque's low-level agents, the so-called "Million Elders" and "Billion Elders".

When they saw Mr.2's very iconic appearance, they all showed fearful and fanatical expressions

After all, the other party's status is so high that they can hardly reach it in their lifetime.

What's more, this guy's strength is terrifying.

Which master they serve these days is really the opponent of this senior agent?

Under the guidance of the bottom agents, Robin and Mr. 2 found Neuer's resting place directly.

Neuer was lying comfortably on the rocking chair, and a handsome girl beside him was feeding and eating grapes, looking like a wealthy landlord enjoying life.

Hearing the movement, Neuer looked up and saw two familiar faces again.

But in the past life or now, this kind of guy who is neither male nor female is a **** at first glance.

It should be that very loyal ladyboy Feng Klei, right?

As for the long black and straight **** beauty next to her, Neuer could recognize her just by looking at her legs.

Isn't this Robin?

Neuer was quite surprised when Crocodile sent her out.

But there were only two of them, he still underestimated himself...

Before they could speak, Neuer asked first, "What position does your boss plan to give me?"

Seeing the newcomer's arrogant face, Mr. 2's false eyelashes fluttered in anger.

Just as he was about to step forward to teach him a lesson, Robin stopped him.

Robin stared at Neuer who was swaying on the chair, and said with a smile: "Our boss wants to give you a test first."

With every frown and smile, the charm of a mature woman inadvertently exudes, and even Neuer can't help being a little dazed.

Robin is worthy of being the representative of Yujie, she looks like the kindness and gentleness of the big sister next door, and the **** appeal of an adult woman.

Great, hit my own aesthetic!

Neuer commented secretly, then showed a disdainful expression, and said, "Test me? Don't you just want to find someone to teach me a lesson?

"Just because of this guy who is neither male nor female?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense?"

Mr.2 exploded on the spot when he heard this, and scolded in a sharp voice: "You fart! I'm not a man or a woman, this is a shemale!"

The scene was quiet for a moment, even Robin was frowning and thinking.

What is the difference between the two?

Chapter 46 The Last Historian

Neuer looked at the ladyboy Mr. 2, and his (her) information appeared in his mind.

In fact, what attracted Neuer most to this guy was his fruit ability.

Those with the ability to imitate fruits can imitate people who have been touched by their hands at will, even their bodies are exactly the same.

Oh...the ability.

In an instant, Neuer had many indecent usages in his mind.

This ability can be copied over, which will be of great help in hiding identities in the future.

As for Nicole Robin, Neuer still has great sympathy and affection for her.

The last survivor of O'Hara, who had a tragic childhood experience, wandered alone in the dark in order to survive.

Just because of her identity, Robin's only rule of survival is betrayal.

It wasn't until he met the Straw Hats that Robin's life regained its light.

Seeing Neuer staring straight at him, Robin instinctively lowered the cowboy hat on his head, covering half of his face in the shadow.

Seeing Neuer ignoring him, Mr. 2 raised his legs and spun around in a hurry, angrily said: "Stinky boy, don't ignore me!"

"Look at the move! Shemale sprint!"

He twisted the ballet dance angrily, and rushed over with his own super jumping ability.

Mr. 2 raised his leg and kicked Neuer's throat.

Neuer didn't dodge or evade, standing where he was, looking at him with mocking eyes.

As he expected, Mr. 2's venomous kick passed directly through Neuer's neck, leaving a big hole in flames.

"Oh! My leg hurts so much!"

Mr. 2 withdrew his moves, and even the hair on his legs that had been touched by the fire lost a piece of hair, and he yelled loudly.

Neuer's body was quickly repaired by the flames, looked at him and said, "That's it? I thought you were so fierce."

"Damn brat!"

Mr. 2 roared impotently and furiously, and Robin's beautiful eyes showed a bit of surprise.

A natural-type ability user is the same as Crocodile.

Seeing Neuer whose body was made of flames, Robin quickly made a judgment in his heart.

No wonder he has the ability to defeat Mr.5. If he has this ability, maybe even Mr.2 is no match.

Over there, Mr. 2 was still persistently attacking Neuer, and Robin quickly stopped his self-harm.

She looked up at the tall Neuer, and said in a **** voice, "Hello, Mr. Neuer."

"I'm the vice president of Baroque Works, you can call me Miss. All Sunday, this is Mr.2."

"Can I invite you to come with us?"

"Our boss wants to see you."

Neuer raised his eyebrows and asked, "What? Don't you test it?"

Robin still smiled politely, and explained: "Natural devil fruit ability users, except for the boss, I am afraid that no one in our company can be stronger than you."

As we all know, the natural type of devil fruit is a type with a very high minimum limit.

As long as one eats the fruit of the natural system, even the weakest natural system can instantly have the strength to be unrestrained in the first half of the great route.

The light entity can elementalize this passivity, and it knocks out countless people who are not domineering.

Of course, except for Lu Fei, the son of the plane and hanging on the wall.

After hearing Robin's explanation, Neuer nodded in satisfaction and asked, "Where are you taking me?"

Robin smiled slightly and said, "Alabasta."


Neuer was secretly happy, the one who led the way is coming!

Neuer didn't show his emotions, and said calmly: "Then let's go."

Mr. 2, who couldn't use his ability at all, felt very unhappy, and reluctantly led the way.

Neuer was taken by the two to his swan pink boat.

And his own boat was tied behind, and was driven over by several younger brothers.

Finally left Whiskey Peak where I lived for a few days.

Mr.2 groaned and ignored Neuer on the boat, like a child having a temper tantrum.

But right away, Mr.2's emotions came and went quickly.

After eating the meal made by Neuer, the guy's expression immediately flew up.

There is no sophistication that cannot be solved by a bowl of delicious food.

If so, then ten bowls.

Mr.2 Xiao Feng just put the food in his mouth, and he was immediately impressed by Neuer's real spices, and then couldn't extricate himself.

Amid the praise and enthusiastic cheers, Neuer finally walked out from the encirclement of the canteen on the ship.

When he came to the deck, Neuer immediately saw Robin sitting in a chair reading a book.

She was holding a book, and the usually venomous sunlight was now like a gentle elf, gently shining light on her face, as if even it was unwilling to disturb the serious girl.

Robin's face was full of curiosity about knowledge, the air felt creepy, and the surrounding area was quiet, except for the rustling of plain hands turning pages.

Neuer didn't speak, admiring Robin's reading.

I have to say that no matter what a beautiful woman does, she is always so pretty.

"Mr. Neuer, does it look good when I flip the book?"

Robin didn't take his eyes off the book, but asked softly.

Neuer smiled slightly, looked away, and said cheekily: "It looks good, of course it looks good."

"Nicole Robin, I know you."

Robin's hands trembled slightly, and he asked calmly, "What does Mr. Neuer know?"

Neuer sat across from Robin, leaned on the table and looked up at her, and said with a smile, "The last historian, the survivor of O'Hara."

Robin finally raised his head and looked at Neuer, with an inexplicable light in his eyes.

Neuer stared at her pretty face confidently, and whispered something that shocked her: "You are here not just to avoid being hunted down, right?"

"Could it be that you followed Crocodile for the historical text?"

"Like... about Pluto?"

Before he finished speaking, Robin jumped up from the chair suddenly, crossed his hands in front of his chest, and subconsciously used the move.

Neuer's shoulders grew like flowers, and he used joint skills to lock his head.

Neuer's head was instantly crushed by the two arms, turning into sparks in the air.

The burning pain was transmitted to the hand through the ability, and Robin's impulsive emotions dissipated a little.

The flames were put together again, and Neuer's handsome face was revealed again.

Robin stared coldly at the man with a serious smile, and asked, "Why do you know that my boss is Shichibukai Crocodile?"

"How did you know I was looking for the text of history?"

"Also, who are you?"

Neuer didn't care about Robin's attack on him, and said with a smile: "You have a very strong curiosity, which is not a bad thing for others, but it is definitely not a good thing for you."

Robin stared at Neuer.

She had a feeling that this man seemed to know his past very well.