
People Are In Konoha, Starting To Pick Up Attributes from Anbu

Travel across the world of Hokage, become an Anbu Jōnin's Kazuya, and awaken the Divine Grade pickup system. The stronger the ninja you meet, the better the attributes you pick up. [You picked up 100 points of Chakra, and the level was upgraded to Kage-level] 【You have picked up the Blood Successor Boundary: Sharingan】 [You picked up 5000 points of pupil power, Mangekyō Sharingan upgraded to Eternal Mangekyō] 【You picked up 1 Ashura Chakra】 Third Hokage: Kazuya, the person I trust the most is you, so I can only rely on you for the matters of the Uchiha clan! Payne: Feel the pain, this is the power of God! Uchiha Sasuke: I want to seal all Tailed Beasts, kill Gokage, and change the world! Under the mask, Kazuya had a caring expression on his face: "Do you have this symptom today, or did you have it before?"

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Chapter 61

[You picked up 100 Chakra points][You picked up 80 points of Chakra][You picked up 200 combat experience points][You picked up 30 Wind Style talents][You picked up 50 points of Wind Style talent][You picked up 100 points of Tailed Beast Power][You picked up 200 points of Tailed Beast Power]Fight again!The continuous golden light instantly submerged Kazuya.good!now it's right!To be bad on the battlefield, is that what people should do?Try Harder!Let's go to the bloody battle!Come on, workers!at this time.The two half-tailed Jinchūriki also rushed towards Kazuya.boom!boom!The tyrannical tailed beast Chakra exploded with a dull roar.Two by Wooden Golem!Killer Bee!Two ultimate weapons of Cloud Shinobi Village, join forces!That earth-shattering aura is definitely not something Common's Kage-level ninjas can resist!"Cough...cough cough...don't be brave, Kazuya, those are two Jinchūriki, they are definitely not enemies that can be easily dealt with!"In the distance, Akamichi Dingza vomited blood while reminding loudly.He really wanted to go to "April 27" to help, but with his serious injuries, it was very difficult for him to even stand up.This is a real desperate situation!1vs2 Jinchūriki, Kazuya can't hold on, Konoha's army is about to collapse!But!This is simply an impossible task!!!at the same time."kill!""Forbidden Claw!""Thunder Plow Hot Knife!!!"Two shadows of deep red tailed beasts attacked and killed them.buzz!!!buzz!!!under the mask.Kazuya's expression was calm.But there is also a terrifying Chakra spreading around his body.Click!in an instant.The ground under his feet was crushed by the terrifying pressure, forming a spider web of cracks.Two Tails Jinchūriki+ Eight Tails Jinchūriki, such a terrifying enemy, even Kazuya, you have to be careful!moment.On Kazuya's right hand, there is a special Flying Thunder God Kunai, which is thrown out in place.next moment.The two faster ones, Wooden Golem, slashed towards Kazuya's throat with his sharp claws.call out!White light flashes!At the moment when the sharp claw hit, Kazuya's figure disappeared in place like a phantom in an instant."this....…"What a speed!"The two searched frantically in the field under the sight of Wooden Golem: Is it really Flying Thunder God Technique?!! Where did he... go!??"now.The battlefield was very chaotic, Konoha and Cloud Shinobi's ninja strangled together, but there was no sign of White at all.call out!moment.Just when the two were rushed by Wooden Golem, Kazuya's figure jumped and came directly behind her!ZE..."That Kunai!??"The second one is Pupil Earthquake by Wooden Golem, she has never played against Fourth Hokage, but she also knows that the Flying Thunder God Technique in Legendary can jump to the special Kushang!this moment.The second one, Wooden Golem, wanted to fight back, but her charge was too fast, and she couldn't turn around to deal with the enemies behind her."Something has happened!"However!At the moment when the two were lost by Wooden Golem, another dark red figure rushed forward."You stupid Konoha Anbu, the same trick I've seen on Yellow Flash, oh yeah!""So you go die!""Thunder Plow Hot Knife!"Killer Bee, who was slower behind him, rushed over roaringly, and his attack directly hit Kazuya's throat.hehe!Killer Bee sneered in disdain!I have seen this tactic of "Kunaijump", when I and my elder brother fought against Yellow Flash!How could a powerful ninja suffer losses twice in a row with the same move?"Go to hell and repent! Knock that way! Bagya deer!"In that weird tone, Killer Bee slashed Kazuya's throat fiercely with the knife in his hand."No!!!"Uzuki Xiyan in the distance, after seeing this scene, her expression became extremely frightened.Yu Hihong who was beside her almost fainted.However!The expected picture of blood splattering did not appear.At the moment when the thunder plow knife hit Kazuya's body, his body turned into a ball of flame and exploded."Damn it!!!"next moment.Before Killer Bee could complain, he was completely enveloped by a terrifying explosion.Rumble!Rumble!The earth-shattering explosion sound soared into the sky!The two Jinchūriki who were in the center of the explosion immediately began to scream miserably.boom!White light burst!Terrible shock waves raged in the arena.Many ninjas who were close were blown away by the strong wind formed by the shock wave!far away.Kazuya's figure flashed again.under the mask.His smile is warm and innocent.Killer Bee...You've seen Namikaze Minato use this trick, but I've seen it too!and!You've only seen it once, but I've watched it countless times!so...Who said that the one who uses Flying Thunder God must be the real one?Avatar explosion!This is the Shadow Clone Technique that has joined the fire attribute Nature Transformation!simply speaking!It's Fire Style Ninjutsu with 100% damage bonus!In the original plot, Kakashi was almost blown off the assembly line by Uchiha Itachi for a bit.Now, these two Jinchūriki have been hit hard, and the clone with full power of 200% damage explodes!"Better than adults!""Master Wooden Golem!"Seeing the situation here, the surrounding Cloud Shinobi couldn't help shouting in worry."So strong!""Master Kazuya is amazing!""Will..... win?""The other party is Jinchūriki, it's not that simple!"Those Konoha Shinobi who are fighting are bursting with joy.After a while.Wait for the smoke to dissipate.Killer Bee and the two figures, led by Wooden Golem, finally appeared."Asshole! As the elder brother said, what an insidious Anbu ninja, Anbu Kazuya of Konoha, I remember your name!""Knock the road! Baga presses the road!"On Killer Bee's body, there were already many burn scars.Fortunately, with the assistance of Eight Tails Chakra, the wounds on his body are healing at a speed visible to the naked eye."It's really a bastard Anbu!"The two on the side were gritted by Wooden Golem's silver teeth. She looked much worse. If she hadn't just turned on the half-tailed beast mode, she would have lost half of her life just now!"yoyoyo~ If you don't take it seriously, even Mr. Killer Bee will be killed, so let's start the battle, oh yeah!"After finishing speaking, the seven knives flew out from behind Killer Bee, his hands, joints, mouth, and his body were full of long knives..."That's the trick! Beautiful blade, kill you, die, Anbu!""Desolate Green Heron Machete!!!"Killer Bee held the knife in a strange posture, and he was still rapping indistinctly.However!next moment.He was like a meat grinder, spinning towards Kazuya and killing him.Desolate Heron Cutter!Killer Bee's powerful physical skills dance with the seven knives, a sword dance like a violent tornado!In the original plot, it was this trick that made King Sasuke alive into a cactus ball!Anxious!too urgent!Kazuya felt helpless.As soon as you come up, you will zoom in, will you play?whoosh whoosh!Kazuya raised his hand, and three Flying Thunder Gods flew out.bring it on!Jin Chūriki!See who's faster!Tread Tread!Tread Tread!Kazuya accelerated wildly, and rushed towards the spinning Killer Bee."kill!""Konoha Anbu!""It's your honor to end you with my lord's barren green heron machete!""Oye!"Between the words, Killer Bee's speed also soared.The half-tailed beast mode has also been turned on, the speed and power of the desolate heron machete are even more terrifying than when it was stabbing Sasuke!Spinning Killer Bees!Unrivaled peerless power!With such power and power, many ninjas around him were stunned!"bring it on!"Killer Bee roared.5 meters!1 meter!close!kill!!!!However.Just when Killer Bee's knife was about to touch Kazuya, he was surprised to find that the White figure in front of him disappeared instantly."What!??"Killer Bee was taken aback.Then!He heard a huge roar behind him."this...""It's the second stage of Flying Thunder God!"call out!White light flashes!in an instant.Kazuya jumped to a flying kunai, and the kunai just flew in front of the two Wooden Golems."Sage Mode!""open!""Rasengan!!!"moment.A blue ball of light appeared in Kazuya's hands.The ball of light expanded rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, it became a Rasengan with a diameter of three meters.Then.Under the terrified and disbelieving gazes of the two Wooden Golems, the Rasengan came head-on and slammed into her face fiercely.Rumble!An extremely tyrannical energy directly exploded on the tailed beast coats of the two Wooden Golems!explode!The wind blows the sky!under the mask.A smile appeared on Kazuya's face.Ah!woman!You annoying little Jinchūriki.Is this Rasengan enough to satisfy you?