
People Are In Konoha, Starting To Pick Up Attributes from Anbu

Travel across the world of Hokage, become an Anbu Jōnin's Kazuya, and awaken the Divine Grade pickup system. The stronger the ninja you meet, the better the attributes you pick up. [You picked up 100 points of Chakra, and the level was upgraded to Kage-level] 【You have picked up the Blood Successor Boundary: Sharingan】 [You picked up 5000 points of pupil power, Mangekyō Sharingan upgraded to Eternal Mangekyō] 【You picked up 1 Ashura Chakra】 Third Hokage: Kazuya, the person I trust the most is you, so I can only rely on you for the matters of the Uchiha clan! Payne: Feel the pain, this is the power of God! Uchiha Sasuke: I want to seal all Tailed Beasts, kill Gokage, and change the world! Under the mask, Kazuya had a caring expression on his face: "Do you have this symptom today, or did you have it before?"

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Chapter 60

Jin Chūriki!Have an unparalleled sense of oppression!What's more, standing in the Cloud Shinobi camp at this moment is the half-tailed beast-like Two Tails and the powerful Eight Tails Jinchūriki Killer Bee!!!That frightening aura, just in an instant, made the entire battlefield quiet down.It's too suffocating!Also too powerful!On the faces of many Konoha Shinobi participants, expressions of despair were revealed.Fear!fear!My hands are starting to get weak!That's a scary Jinchūriki!What's more, Konoha's top combat power was overturned by Cloud Shinobi's Eight Tails Jinchūriki as soon as they met each other!Uchiha Shisui was covered in blood and lost consciousness.The Elite Jōnins of the Akamichi clan were also seriously injured and had no power to fight anymore.Desperate!This is simply a desperate situation like death!"yoyo~by Wooden Golem, your situation is really embarrassing, is Konoha's ninja too strong, or you are too weak, Oye!"That Eight Tails Jinchūriki Killer Bee is still rapping in a weird tone.Boom!next moment.Killer Bee was slapped to the ground by Wooden Golem, who was half-tailed."I can't last long in this state, Killer Bee, stop talking nonsense!"The two were snorted coldly by Wooden Golem."ah!!!""I haven't seen you in a few days, you are still so grumpy, by Wooden Golem!"Killer Bee's expression also turned serious, and he said in a deep voice, "Brother wants me to come, just to kill these Konoha ninjas, what a shame!""By Wooden Golem!""You have to be careful, Konoha has a very evil Anbu, even the eldest brother suffers from his hands!""I know."The two nodded coldly, led by Wooden Golem.Before, she had seen the information about Anbu, which severely wounded Orochimaru, and the Flying Thunder God instantly killed dozens of people, which sounds very outrageous.It is estimated that Konoha released fake news in order to stabilize the morale of the army.After all, Master Raikage also said that Anbu is very insidious, but in terms of strength, he is just a very strong Elite Jōnin!At this time, beside Killer Bee, another female ninja with short Gold hair appeared.She has a delicate appearance and an explosive figure, she is exactly Samuel who escaped before!"Samui!"Killer Bee said seriously: "If that Anbu shows up, tell me, and I will kill him!"Samui's family is the think tank team of Cloud Shinobi Village and has a high status in the village.this time.Sam Yi came out to carry out the task, which also meant that he was a hooligan.After all, there are two Jinchūriki in front of Cloud Shinobi Village, so victory is guaranteed no matter what!"Yes, Master Bi!"Samui gritted her teeth, a humiliated expression flashed across her face.What a shame!That damn Konoha Anbu must pay the price!"So.....…""Next, the game is about to begin!""Oye!"As soon as the words fell, an extremely powerful aura erupted from Killer Bee's body.It made the Konoha Shinobi around them look horrified and terrified.even!Some Konoha Shinobi people have the intention of retreating!Can't beat it!There are two Jinchūriki on the opposite side, how can we fight!!!Stay where you are, waiting to be slaughtered!!!"It's over"Akamichi Dingza lying on the ground sighed in despair, he came here just to suppress Cloud Shinobi's Eight Tails Jinchūriki!Unexpectedly, after three years of absence, the strength of that Killer Bee has become stronger again!Meet each other!He was directly injured into a serious injury!Although there was an element of a sneak attack, Akamichi Dingza also realized that he and Cloud Shinobi's Eight Tails are no longer ninjas at the same level!As for Uchiha Fugaku not far away, his expression was gloomy.At this point, the battle is on the brink of collapse!The commander-in-chief is like this, and the despair in the hearts of those fighting Konoha Shinobi below can be imagined.However.Just as Cloud Shinobi was frenzied, Konoha Shinobi was desperate.call out!In the field!Suddenly, a white light flashed.In an instant.Beside the Eight Tails Jinchūriki Killer Bee, there was a White figure flying across the air.wave!Bitterness out!laugh!Killer Bee, who was about to kill all directions, got a horrible scar on his front!Boom!That huge force even knocked Killer Bee into the air!"What!??""It's you!!!"The second is Pupil Earthquake by Wooden Golem and Samui.too fast!Before they could react, Killer Bee flew backwards spraying blood!"meet again."Kazuya smiled, her tone calm.Facing the half-tailed beast-like Wooden Golem, he didn't have the slightest intention of retreating.Ah!It's hard to brush Shisui with three hooks alone, it is estimated that it is the beginning of Kage-level, it is amazing!Such strength, in the eyes of Kazuya, is just a big experience bag, and there is not much danger.However!The appearance of Kazuya directly made the whole battlefield become dead silent.The eyes of all ninjas are betting on him.Shock!Horrified!worship!crazy!can't believe it!Whether it is Cloud Shinobi or Konoha's ninja, the expressions on their faces have become extremely complicated.even!Even those ninjas who were fighting to the death stopped their fighting and stared at Kazuya's back in astonishment.With just one move, the Eight Tails Jinchūriki was severely injured, how shocking it is!!!"He... he, who is he?""Master Bi, Master Bi was seriously injured!??""My God, how did Konoha Anbu get there? He actually succeeded in attacking in front of the two adults!"Countless Cloud Shinobi stood there dumbfounded, they never imagined that the invincible Bi-sama would be knocked into the air by a Konoha Anbu!!!ite...who is it!??this moment.In contrast, the ninjas of the Konoha camp cheered wildly."Here we come! Our support is here!""That Anbu-sama... Could it be Kazuya-sama who repelled the Fourth Raikage and severely injured Orochimaru according to the rumors in the village?""It must be Lord Kazuya, the Hexitian people are here!""Flying Thunder God! That flash of white light must be Flying Thunder God!""My God, it seems that the rumor that Master Kazuya killed dozens of people instantly is true!"Just for a moment, morale is boosted!!!This is the meaning of existence of Kage-level ninjas on the battlefield!Roar!Suddenly, a crazy roar sounded on the battlefield: "Anbu of Konoha, it seems that the elder brother is talking about you. Leave it to Wooden Golem and other Konoha Shinobi. Let's join hands and kill this Anbu first." Already!!!"...asking for flowers...bang!!!next moment.The Killer Bee rushed back with a roar, a deep red chakra coat had already appeared on his body, and eight tails were constantly shaking behind him.Half-tail Beastization!Killer Bee made a big move as soon as he came up!At this time, Killer Bee is not as powerful as it was at the beginning of the plot.However, as the brother of Fourth Raikage, who can completely control the perfect Jinchūriki of Eight Tails, his strength is also a stable Kage-level high position, which must not be underestimated."good!""Shoot together and kill him!"In the voices of the two Wooden Golems, there is also a murderous intent.**!The most powerful ninja on Konoha's side is not Uchiha Shisui, but Anbu in front of her right now!Rumble!Rumble!Two half-tailed beast-like Jinchūriki joined hands to kill, and the terrifying Chakra directly burst into the air with dense roars.That power is really amazing.[You picked up 500 Chakra points][You picked up 500 Chakra points][You picked up 400 points of Tailed Beast Power][You picked up 300 points of Tailed Beast Power]Groups of golden light continuously erupted from the bodies of the two Jinchūriki.Just for an instant.Kazuya picked up more than 1000 points of Chakra.At this point, his Chakra attributes are:[Chakra:lv5(26500/1 million)]under the mask.Kazuya's expression was helpless."It seems...""Sometimes experience packs are too good to be a good thing!"Kazuya sighed.thing!There are good and bad!The level of these two Jinchūriki experience packs is high enough, but because they are too high, Konoha doesn't even have a ninja who can match.Uchiha Shisui, whom he had high hopes for, obviously hadn't opened Mangekyō yet, and was almost crushed by Killer Bee as soon as he met him.this!It also forced Kazuya to make a move.OB from the edge of the battlefield, these two Jinchūriki are going to kill the Konoha Shinobi army!That's not okay!Konoha's ninjas are all experience packs that he can repeatedly brush, so one dies and one is missing!"bring it on!"Kazuya glanced at those Konoha Shinobi who were stunned in place, and shouted the slogan: "Fight for Konoha, sleepy leaves must win!!!"talking.He took the lead and rushed towards the two Jinchūriki.That White figure, facing the two terrifying Jinchūriki, did not take a step back!this.......Kazuya-sama!!!Countless Konoha Shinobi fans couldn't help but burst into tears when they saw this scene.gap!This is the gap!"Fight for Konoha, Konoha will win!""For Konoha!""Come on!"The Konoha Shinobi, whose morale had dropped to freezing point, became excited again, roaring and rushed towards the nearest Cloud Shinobi Village ninja.under the mask.Kazuya looked relieved.That's right!beat!Beat me to death!If anyone dares to stop, I will screw his head off myself!!!