
People are in Dragon Ball, the strongest Son Gohan

Su Mu accidentally traveled to the Dragon Ball World Son Gohan when he was a child. And he successfully activated the pickup attribute system. [Ding, the battle attribute +100 dropped from the front. ] [Ding, the skill attribute of the King's Fist is dropped from the front. ] ...... Since then, his life has been on the hook, shocking everyone. Sun Wukong: "I didn't expect the power hidden in Gohan's body to be so powerful, and the combat power has far surpassed me." King of the Northern Realm: "This kid's talent is called a monster, and my real world boxing can be seen just once!" Vegeta: "No, it's impossible, I'm so likely to lose to the son of a lower-level warrior?" Krillin: "Bick is indeed a generation of demon kings, and he can teach such terrifying evildoers." Frieza: "What? , What? Are you... a Super Saiyan?" Sharu: "How could this be, how could Son Gohan's power be so powerful?" Kaiō Shin: "What's the situation? This power has surpassed God!"... ps: The introduction is weak, please move to the main text. ... It will be a copy and paste nothing to say about fixing since I don't know much about English I would do it in Spanish so that it reads better

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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360 Chs

Chapter 79 The last warrior has fallen


Temple of Heaven!


The figures of Son Gohan and Namek's Dandy suddenly appeared here.

Everyone greeted each other.

It turned out that it was Son Gohan who went to Planet Namek to explain the situation on Earth to the elders and Dandy.

In order to thank Sun Gohan and others, the Nameks asked Dandy to come to Earth as a god.

So the two returned to Earth.

Dandy also logically sat on the Earth God.


Another Sharu time and space.

"What about No. 18? What the hell did you monster do?"

The strong light dissipated, and Trunks saw a shocked scene.

The eighteenth has disappeared without a trace.

Hearing the voice just now, she seemed to be swallowed up by this monster.

Now the monster has completely changed.

The shape still has a tail, and the physique is very strong, and it looks closer to humans.

The face begins to resemble a human face, with large lips.

His breath has also improved several grades.


"The eighteenth?"

"She has completed her mission and has become my nourishment."

Sharu licked his mouth with his tongue, showing a look of enjoyment on his face.

If it wasn't for Trunks, the bastard would have killed No. 17.

Then you can become a complete body.

But it doesn't matter, just kill Trunks later.

The same can go to the past time and space, absorb the seventeenth, and become a complete body.

"What, what?"

"This monster, damn it."

Trunks charged towards Sharu.

The sword in his hand was cut off at his head.


Sharu stretched out two fingers and clamped the sword that Trunks had chopped.

"No, impossible!"

"It's not true."

Trunks tried hard to break free.

A strong yellow flame erupted from his body.

But there was no way to snatch the sword from Sharu's hand.

"Trunks, nothing is impossible."

"Your current strength is equal to a child in front of me."

Sharu has Saiyan cells in his body.

He also inherited the waves of the Saiyans and wanted to pretend to be in front of Trunks.

"I'm here to scare people."

Trunks let go of his hands decisively, punching and kicking Sharu.

But Charroux is like the Eiffel Tower, standing tall.

No matter how violent Trunks' attack was.

Sharu didn't even move.

"Death to me."

"Magic Flash."

Trunks saw that his fists were useless against the monster.

He made a decisive decision and wanted to attack with energy waves.

"Tricks of the eagle, do you want to fight with me for energy?"

"Turtle... pie... qi...gong..."

Sharu released the sword in his hand.

Put your hands on your waist in a wave-like posture.

"What, what?"

"This is the breath of a Saiyan."

"You monster, I'm going to kill you."

The energy in Trunks' hands swelled up instantly.

Facing Sharu is to blast past.


Shalu also pushed out the energy of the turtle qigong wave.


The huge energy beams collided instantly.

Flying sand and rocks on the ground.

It was like a typhoon was blowing.

Shalu's Turtle Qigong wave has the upper hand.

"Death to me."

In the future, Trunks will suppress all the energy in his body.

He can't lose, if he loses, the whole earth will suffer.

"Trunks, want to kill me?"

"You're still too young."

"Just let you see the gap between us."

Sharu is also a burst of output against the energy beam.

The huge beam of light in his hand slowly crushed the beam of Trunks energy.

Sharu controls his energy very well.

Now is not the time to blow Trunks into scum, and the other party still has a time machine.

"No, I'm not reconciled."

"I can't lose."

Trunks let out a roar, and the whole person was hit by the energy beam.


The energy of the turtle qigong wave exploded instantly, blowing Trunks out.


Trunks spat out a mouthful of old blood and instantly returned to normal.

At this point, he no longer has the energy to maintain his Super Saiyan form.

His body fell from the air.


Trunks hit the ground, gasping for breath.

It appears to have suffered minor injuries.

"Trunks, didn't expect you to be today."

"If it weren't for you killing No. 17, I would have become a complete body now."

Sharu flew to Trunks' side and said condescendingly.

There was a little regret in his mouth.

"If you want to become a complete body, in the next life."

Although Trunks has no fighting power now, he is proud of himself.

Never bow to evil forces.

"Hahaha, you are too naive."

"Have you forgotten the time machine?"

Sharu said with a playful smile.

He had long thought that there was still a time machine to go back to the previous time and space to find No. 17.

"Don't think about it."

Trunks wanted to reach into his arms and destroy the time machine of the Universal Capsule.

But still a step too late.


Sharu was prepared, and two death beams smashed Trunks' shoulders to pieces.


Trunks let out a scream, blood dripping from his arms.

The pain made him look hideous.


"You...you have to die."

The pain caused Trunks to sweat coldly on his forehead, his silver teeth clenched, and his eyes were bloodshot.

It was as if he was going to eat Sharu.

Trunks knew that losing this battle meant that the entire earth would be controlled by this monster.

He was not reconciled, but there was nothing he could do.

Now I can only have a mouthful of it.

"Trunks, whether I die or not is a matter of the future."

"Anyway, you have to die now."

Sharu raised his hand and pointed to Trunks' head.

The fingertips began to condense energy.

Tears of unwillingness and despair flowed from the corners of Trunks' eyes.

Mom I'm sorry.

I have done my best to promise you.

I'm going to see my dad now.

If there is an afterlife, I will also be your son.


Sharu's finger blasted a beam of energy.

Trunks' head exploded like a loofah.

Since then, all the warriors of the Sharu dimension have died.

This time and space is a desperate time and space, destined to be a miserable one.

Sharu took out the Universal Capsule from Trunks.

Find the time machine and set the time to the time when the androids were born.

But his size is too big.

Sharu can only evolve his body into a larvae, which is like a giant egg and rides on a time machine.

call out!

The time machine took Sharu's evolved egg and disappeared in Sharu's time and space in an instant.


main time.


Temple of Heaven.

Vegeta and Sun Wukong have entered the spiritual time room to practice for more than a day.

I didn't think that at this time, a huge breath enveloped the entire earth in an instant.

"What the hell is going on here?"

"There is a familiar aura on the ground."

"This breath seems to be born out of thin air."

"This, this breath is... Wukong's?"

"No, it seems to belong to the emperor of the universe, Frieza."

"It also smells of Vegeta."

"how is this possible?"

"Aren't the two of them practicing in the Spiritual Time Room?"

"How come there are so many people's breath."

"Is it a man-made man?"

Ke Lin, Piccolo, Tianjin Fan and the others were confused by this powerful aura.

And the other party has the breath of Monkey King, Vegeta, Frieza, the emperor of the universe, and others at the same time.

Sun Wufan felt all this and just smiled.
