
People are in Dragon Ball, the strongest Son Gohan

Su Mu accidentally traveled to the Dragon Ball World Son Gohan when he was a child. And he successfully activated the pickup attribute system. [Ding, the battle attribute +100 dropped from the front. ] [Ding, the skill attribute of the King's Fist is dropped from the front. ] ...... Since then, his life has been on the hook, shocking everyone. Sun Wukong: "I didn't expect the power hidden in Gohan's body to be so powerful, and the combat power has far surpassed me." King of the Northern Realm: "This kid's talent is called a monster, and my real world boxing can be seen just once!" Vegeta: "No, it's impossible, I'm so likely to lose to the son of a lower-level warrior?" Krillin: "Bick is indeed a generation of demon kings, and he can teach such terrifying evildoers." Frieza: "What? , What? Are you... a Super Saiyan?" Sharu: "How could this be, how could Son Gohan's power be so powerful?" Kaiō Shin: "What's the situation? This power has surpassed God!"... ps: The introduction is weak, please move to the main text. ... It will be a copy and paste nothing to say about fixing since I don't know much about English I would do it in Spanish so that it reads better

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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360 Chs

Chapter 57 Sun Wuhan's true strength

Time flies, and three days have passed in the blink of an eye.

"Now that the androids are finally eliminated, it's time to stop and rest."

Trunks was lying on a large rock on Baozi Mountain.

Now the whole planet is rebuilding its homeland.

Because the androids have all been wiped out.

Earth's buildings have also been destroyed in seven or eighty-eight ways.

Trunks took a break from his busy schedule and came to Baozi Mountain to find Teacher Sun Wuhan.

Now Gohan lives in Baozi Mountain with his future mother Qiqi.

"Trunks, you are the only warrior in this time and space now."

"You must never give up your practice."

"The earth will still need your protection in the future."

Sun Wufan thinks of the future time and space, and there will also be the evil King of the Realm Zamasu and the black Wukong with a wicked smile.

Zamasu was originally the king of universe 10.

Because of his super strength, he was selected as the Kaiwang God candidate by the 10th universe Kaiju God Kvass.

But with a distorted view of good and evil, he can't tolerate any evil he believes.

Being a god, he has prejudice against humans.

It is believed that humans (referring to all non-God intelligent races in the universe) will only abuse violence and create wars.

And he had a disagreement with Master Kvass on the issue of whether human beings are worth protecting.

In the end, a terrible plan "Human 0 Plan" that spread to multiple parallel universes was created.

Black Goku is actually another time and space tenth universe king Zamasu.

Another time and space intern King Zamasu successfully killed his master.

Steal the "Potara Earrings" and "Time Ring" to become the Tenth Universe King God.

And use "Super Dragon Ball" to change the body with the Monkey King one year later in another time and space.

Black Goku killed all the kings of the universe, and destroyed the "Super Dragon Ball" after Zamasu made a wish to gain immortality.

Since the God of Destruction and Kaio God are in a symbiotic relationship, with the death of Kaio God, the God of Destruction will also die; the angels also fall asleep.

Therefore, there are no other gods (except King Quan) in the future time and space.

And there are only two Zamasu: "Black Goku" from another time and space, and Zamasu who was originally in the future time and space.

"Master Gohan, do you know something?"

Trunks looked at Son Gohan suspiciously.

He vaguely felt that the teacher knew something.

"Trunks, there are some things that won't do you any good to know."

"As long as you practice hard and protect your earth, it's enough."

Sun Wufan said with a serious face.

I hope that the people of Earth, Trunks and others in the future time and space can live well.

"Gohan-sensei, I know."

"I hope you can train me again."

Trunks said sincerely.

He misses the scene where he used to practice with Gohan-sensei.

"Okay, let's make a gesture."

Sun Gohan thought that he wouldn't be able to go back anyway.

It is better to practice peacefully here.

Besides, there is also a good Super Saiyan Trunks sparring here.

Even if the system picks up the combat power attribute, it will also gain a lot.

"Gohan-sensei, can you show me your true strength?"

Trunks rolled a carp and jumped off the rock.

Looking at Sun Wufan with a sincere expression.

He wanted to know how far his teacher's true strength had come.

"You kid, let you see my true strength."


A terrifying aura instantly burst out of Sun Gohan's body.


Son Gohan instantly turned into a Super Saiyan.

He was wrapped in golden arrogance.

Super Saiyan 1 - Full Power.

Able to stay in Super Saiyan form for a long time.

Also the most ideal Super Saiyan state.

The advantage of full power is that it overcomes the disadvantage of Super Saiyans consuming energy too quickly in battle.

Can maximize the potential combat power of Super Saiyan 1.

And avoids the energy loss that normal Super Saiyans would have even if they didn't fight.

"This is what Saiyan 1 is for - full power"

"Being able to maintain this form for a long time is also the most ideal state for Saiyans."

"Because he consumes very little energy."

Sun Gohan explained.

Now his basic strength is 100 million.

Become a Super Saiyan and increase it fifty times.

The current combat power is five billion.

"Okay, amazing."

Trunks nodded like a machine in shock.

This breath is too powerful, like the vast universe.

"It's not over yet."

Sun Gohan was surprised by Trunks, and then said something that caught his eye.

His breath kept rising.

"What, what?"

"How is this possible?"

Trunks was completely taken aback.

It can fit a duck egg in its mouth.


A burst of energy soared into the sky.

The whole sky was covered with dark clouds, and there was still lightning in the sky.

There were cracks in the ground, and there was no bottom.

The whole earth started shaking.


Sun Gohan's body shot out a dazzling light that made people unable to open their eyes.

The place where he was standing sank in an instant.

Smoke billows on the ground.

After a minute.

The sky returned to normal and the ground stopped shaking.

After the smoke cleared, a figure emerged.

Son Gohan's golden-yellow arrogance becomes jet-like instead of flame-like.

The hair is more erect, and there is lightning around the body as it radiates energy.


Lightning also made sounds from time to time.

This form is colder than Super Saiyan (full power), and the eyes will become sharp.


Trunks looked stunned.

The power made him despair.

There is absolutely no way to describe it in words.

"This is Super Saiyan 2."

"The combat power has increased a hundred times on the original basis."

Son Gohan looked at Trunks Road with sharp eyes.

This power is really great.

In other words, the current combat power is 10 billion.

"Super...Super Saiyan 2?"

After Trunks met Son Gohan's eyes.

The footsteps involuntarily took two steps back.

Super Saiyan even has a second form.

I always thought that being a Super Saiyan was the ultimate form.

It turned out that my vision was low.

"It's not over yet."

"King Fist."

Sun Gohan's body was wrapped in a fiery red terrifying arrogance.

The whole earth was shaking violently, and lightning flashed and thundered in the air.

"Gohan-sensei, stop quickly, the earth can't take this power anymore."

Seeing this scene, Trunks hurriedly shouted at Son Gohan.

If this power continues to rise, I am afraid that the earth will be destroyed.

Gohan-sensei's power is unfathomable.

Even the entire planet could not bear this terrifying aura.

"I see."

Sun Wufan slowly lowered his breath.

Then remove his Super Saiyan form.
