
People are in Dragon Ball, the strongest Son Gohan

Su Mu accidentally traveled to the Dragon Ball World Son Gohan when he was a child. And he successfully activated the pickup attribute system. [Ding, the battle attribute +100 dropped from the front. ] [Ding, the skill attribute of the King's Fist is dropped from the front. ] ...... Since then, his life has been on the hook, shocking everyone. Sun Wukong: "I didn't expect the power hidden in Gohan's body to be so powerful, and the combat power has far surpassed me." King of the Northern Realm: "This kid's talent is called a monster, and my real world boxing can be seen just once!" Vegeta: "No, it's impossible, I'm so likely to lose to the son of a lower-level warrior?" Krillin: "Bick is indeed a generation of demon kings, and he can teach such terrifying evildoers." Frieza: "What? , What? Are you... a Super Saiyan?" Sharu: "How could this be, how could Son Gohan's power be so powerful?" Kaiō Shin: "What's the situation? This power has surpassed God!"... ps: The introduction is weak, please move to the main text. ... It will be a copy and paste nothing to say about fixing since I don't know much about English I would do it in Spanish so that it reads better

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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360 Chs

Chapter 277 Sun Wukong's Tail

King of the Holy Land.

"What, what? Gravity has been adjusted to 100 times."

"Are these guys still human?"

Kaiwangshen and Jabeet were both shocked.

Although the gravity of the King's Holy Land did not suppress the two of them.

However, Kaiohshen and Jabeet both looked unbelievable.

I didn't expect these guys to be so perverted.

Boom boom boom!

Vegeta and Fat Buu were still fighting.

Although the king of the world is sacred and exceptionally strong and reliable.

But they couldn't stand the toss of the two.

"Majin Buu, look at me."

Vegeta roared.

He used the prince's tactics, and the energy bombs in his hands were like those who didn't want money, and he was bombarding Buu, the devil.

Boom boom boom.

The battlefield was full of fire and smoke.

The ground was bombed with potholes, and it has long been unrecognizable.

[Ding, drop 1 million combat power attributes. ]

[Combat power attribute +1 million. ]


The system in Son Gohan's mind kept beeping.

He glanced at both Vegeta and Fat Buu.

"My realm king holy land!"

"You guys are here to smash the field."

The corners of Kaiwangshen and Jabeet's mouth twitched involuntarily.

Both of them are regretful now.

If I knew earlier, I would not allow this group of guys to go to the Holy Land of the Realm King.

Now it is really easy to ask God to send God away.


Piccolo, Krillin, Sun Wutian and Trunks are all helping Sun Wukong pull his tail out.

Because Sun Zilan is a girl, she doesn't need her help.


Sun Wukong's sour screams resounded throughout the battlefield.

Everyone was overjoyed by this scene.

I didn't expect this guy's voice to be so sour.

"Uncle Sun Wukong, come on, you can see the tail."

"Dad, hold on."

Trunks and Sun Wutian were both shouting.

They all have their tails tucked behind Sun Wukong's back.

"Ah.... I struggled..."

A mass of white arrogance erupted from Sun Wukong.

He walked forward step by step.

Every time he took a step, the tail of his butt was pulled out a little by Trunks and Sun Wutian.

"Old Sun, come on."

"Goku, the Super Saiyan 4 form is waiting for you right in front of you."

Both Krillin and Piccolo looked expectant.

It would be awesome if both Son Goku and Vegeta turned into Super Saiyan 4.

"Ah... Super Saiyan 4 here I come."

Sun Wukong seems to see himself transformed into Super Saiyan 4 too.

He didn't feel that much pain for a while.

Immediately rushed out.

"Trunks, Goten, let go."

"Or wait for the tail to be pulled off again."

Piccolo roared, and after Sun Wutian and Trunks heard it, the two of them quickly released their hands.

No one thought that the guy Sun Wukong was so impulsive, and it was almost a bad thing.


Sun Wukong did not expect that Sun Wutian and Trunks would let go.

He didn't have time to hit a big tree directly.

The whole tree was knocked off.


"Dad, are you all right?"

"Wukong, you don't have to fight so hard, right? Do you really want power without dying?"

"Old Sun, you are already a grandfather, and you are still frizzy."

Sun Wukong's antics made everyone laugh.

Sun Wutian rushed towards Sun Wukong.

He didn't expect his father to be so ruthless, he didn't care about the consequences when he got the fighting power first.

"Hey hey, I'm fine."

Sun Wukong patted the sawdust and dust on his body.

He looked smugly at the tail behind his ass.

This time, there is hope that it will become the form of Super Saiyan 4.

Sun Wukong didn't know how happy he was.

"Gohan, what do you do next?"

Sun Wukong couldn't wait to say to Sun Wufan.

The tail on his butt was still wagging.

What he meant was obvious, what should we do now that we have a tail.

"I'm going to make an artificial moon now."

"As long as you regain your senses after turning into a gorilla, you can convert the power of the gorilla into a super 4 form."

To the excited Monkey King, Sun Wufan said the method to become Super 4.

Both Kaiwangshen and Jabeet were stunned.

Create an artificial moon?

how can that be?

Even my realm god doesn't have this skill!

Both of them looked at Son Gohan's operation with a look of astonishment.

"Wow, is this how to transform into Super Saiyan 4?"

"No wonder Goku hasn't changed in Super Saiyan 4 for so many years."

Everyone felt chills down their spines when they heard what Sun Wufan said.

With the current fighting power of Sun Wukong, if he turns into a gorilla on earth.

Not to mention whether he can regain his senses and become Super Saiyan 4, if he is not careful, even the earth may be implicated.


I saw a white arrogance emerge from Sun Gohan's two palms.

Then his palms came closer, and two white arrogances fused together.

Son Gohan threw the arrogance that merged into the size of a basketball into the air.

"This is? The moon?"


Kaiwangshen and Jabeet were both stunned.

They didn't think that Son Gohan could really create an artificial moon.

Sun Wukong looked at the moon suspended in the air.

A purple energy beam appeared in his mind.

It turned out that Sun Wukong received light waves from the moon.

His eyes started to turn red, and he saw his chest rise and fall.

bang... bang... bang...

Everyone followed the sound and saw that Sun Wukong's eyes turned red and dull.

These powerful sounds were his heartbeats.

Everyone quickly flew away from the place.

They all knew that Sun Wukong would lose his mind when he turned into a gorilla.

Kaiohshen and Jabeet's scalps went numb.

The two of them quickly left here with the large army.

Because Sun Wutian, Sun Zilan and Trunks are still young.

So Vegeta and Sun Wukong and others all pulled their tails off.

So the three of them are not afraid to see the moon at all.

The appearance of Sun Wukong quickly began to evolve in the direction of the giant ape.

His mouth showed sharp fangs, and the hair and body on his body were rapidly expanding.

In an instant, Sun Wukong became a giant ape, and his body was as tall as a mountain.

The giant ape has golden hair all over its body.


The giant ape-shaped Sun Wukong roared up to the sky.

His fists were constantly beating against his chest.

Immediately afterwards, huge waves of energy continued to spew out of his mouth.


The ground is constantly being attacked by energy waves.

Wherever the energy wave goes, a deep ravine will be exposed on the ground.

There were fires everywhere, and the explosions were deafening.

Everyone was stunned.

Both Piccolo and Krillin met several times, and the Saiyan turned into a giant ape.

"What, what? It's such a terrifying aura."

"Is this a Saiyan giant ape? It's scary."

"I didn't expect that when Sun Wukong became an adult, he transformed into a golden giant ape."


"Brother, will Dad be alright?"

"I'm afraid my realm king is going to die this time."
