
People are in Dragon Ball, the strongest Son Gohan

Su Mu accidentally traveled to the Dragon Ball World Son Gohan when he was a child. And he successfully activated the pickup attribute system. [Ding, the battle attribute +100 dropped from the front. ] [Ding, the skill attribute of the King's Fist is dropped from the front. ] ...... Since then, his life has been on the hook, shocking everyone. Sun Wukong: "I didn't expect the power hidden in Gohan's body to be so powerful, and the combat power has far surpassed me." King of the Northern Realm: "This kid's talent is called a monster, and my real world boxing can be seen just once!" Vegeta: "No, it's impossible, I'm so likely to lose to the son of a lower-level warrior?" Krillin: "Bick is indeed a generation of demon kings, and he can teach such terrifying evildoers." Frieza: "What? , What? Are you... a Super Saiyan?" Sharu: "How could this be, how could Son Gohan's power be so powerful?" Kaiō Shin: "What's the situation? This power has surpassed God!"... ps: The introduction is weak, please move to the main text. ... It will be a copy and paste nothing to say about fixing since I don't know much about English I would do it in Spanish so that it reads better

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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360 Chs

Chapter 278 Sun Wukong Breaks Through Super 4

Realm King Sacred Land!

"What, what? Carotel, what the hell is going on with this guy?"

Both Vegeta and Majin Buu stopped fighting.

Both of them looked in the direction of the giant ape.

Vegeta doesn't know anything about why Sun Wukong turned into a giant ape.

He had been fighting Majin Buu just now.

So he didn't know the conditions for becoming Super Saiyan IV at all.

Pick up all.

Sun Wufan thought silently in his heart.

The combat power attributes on the ground poured into his body crazily.

The corner of his mouth smiled involuntarily.

"My God, my realm king is holy, how can this be done?"

Kaiwangshen and Jabeet both looked at Sun Wukong's crazy look.

Their scalps were numb, and the whole person seemed to be struck by lightning.

This is the rhythm that will destroy the Kai-king holy.

Everyone ignored Kaiwangshen and Jabeet.

They have been watching the changes in the field.

"Brother, what are you going to do now?"

"Now it's up to you two to wake up Dad's sanity."

"we know."

Sun Zilan and Sun Wutian both listened to Sun Wufan's words.

The two of them looked at each other and both nodded and flew out.

"Gohan, can this really awaken Wukong's sanity?"

"It can only be seen one step at a time, and I hope they can succeed."

"That's all it takes."

Kelin and Piccolo looked at the giant monkey Monkey King with worried expressions.

They were all very worried about whether this guy would be able to regain his senses.

If he can't restore his sanity, he can only cut off the tail of the giant ape.

That means that transforming into a super 4 form will end in failure.

"Dad, I'm Sun Zilan."

"Dad, I'm Sun Wutian, wake up quickly."

Sun Zilan and Sun Wutian came to the giant ape and shouted loudly.

Their bodies were as small as a bird in front of the giant ape.

The giant ape turned around the huge head and looked at Sun Wutian and Sun Zilan.

His eyes became more and more fierce, revealing pointed fangs.

"Dad...don't you remember me?"


Sun Zilan and Sun Wutian both shouted in unison.

It was also the first time they saw Sun Wukong transformed into a giant ape.


The giant ape was unmoved, with a ferocious expression on his face and pointed fangs in his mouth.

He yelled and slapped Sun Zilan and Sun Wutian directly in front of him.

"Dad, do you remember we used to practice together? Wake up quickly."

"Yeah, Dad, we even caught big fish in the river? Have you forgotten?"

Sun Wutian and Sun Zilan patted them while dodging their huge palms.

While talking to the giant ape about their happy time together.


The giant ape's mouth once again spewed out a huge wave of energy.

The two of them saw the huge energy wave coming and quickly avoided it.


A mushroom cloud rose into the sky, and the sky was filled with smoke and dust.

The powerful energy wave directly blasted a huge deep pit on the ground.

Fortunately, the King's Sacred Ground had a sturdy appearance, and its gravity had been strengthened.

"Sun Wufan, hurry up and think of a way."

"Otherwise, if it goes on like this, the entire Realm King's sacred land will be destroyed sooner or later."

Kaiwangshen and Jabeet both had panic and worry on their faces.

These guys actually destroyed the place where they lived like this.

"Jie Wang Shen, don't worry."


Sun Gohan smiled at Kaiwang God.

Then he waved his hand, and his divine power surged.

The place where the Kai King's sacred place was damaged quickly returned to its original appearance.

"What, what? How is this possible?"


Kaiwangshen and Jabeet saw the destroyed planet recover quickly.

The two of them were turbulent in their hearts, and they were both shocked by Sun Wufan's actions.

Because of this kind of magic skill, the king of the gods will also.

Just now, he just deliberately sold miserably, and wanted Sun Wufan to lead everyone away from the sacred land of Kaiwang.

What I didn't expect was that Sun Gohan would even use this trick to restore the miracle.

It seems that this guy still has a lot of things he doesn't know.

"Okay, that's awesome."

"This move is really against the sky."

"I didn't expect Gohan to learn such a skill."

Both Krillin and Piccolo looked excited.

I didn't expect that Son Gohan's super powers are getting more and more powerful now.

He was able to repair all the damaged areas.

"How is this going?"

Vegeta was also shocked to see this situation.

I didn't expect that the damaged places could be quickly restored.

"Dad, look, this is a photo of our family."

"This is a photo we took at the beach, this was taken during training..."

Sun Zilan came to the giant ape with a large stack of photos.

She started explaining where the pictures were taken.


A huge palm pointed at Sun Zilan and patted it.

"Sister, be careful."

Sun Wutian was taken aback.

He yelled out a warning.


Sun Zilan's body disappeared out of thin air.

She used teleportation skills to teleport herself to Sun Wutian's side.

But all the photos in his hands fell.

A thick stack of photos just flew in the air.

The giant ape looked at the photo and recorded the neat family portrait of Sun Wukong's family.

The photos kept flying in the air, and it seemed like something was remembered in my mind.

Countless fragments appeared in his mind as the photos fell.

The angry expression of his giant ape slowly calmed down.

Those fierce eyes slowly softened.

Actually stretched out a huge hand to catch a family portrait.

"Sister, are you okay?"

"Just kidding, who am I? Can you shoot me?"

"Then what should we do now?"

"You look at Dad's rage as if he's looking at these pictures."

Sun Wutian saw Sun Zilan appear in front of him.

Suddenly, Sun Zilan pointed at the giant ape and said with a shocked expression.

The current giant ape is looking at the photos that keep falling from the sky.

The fierce face on his face also calmed down.


Suddenly, a dazzling light erupted from the giant ape.

Everyone covered their eyes.


A powerful air wave blasted in all directions.

Everyone was pushed back and forth by the powerful air waves.

They sensed a powerful breath rising at a very fast speed.

Only Son Gohan stayed where he was, as if he had taken root under his feet.

Vegeta and Fat Buu, who were suspended in the air, were also blasted away by the air waves.

The combat power of the super three form and the super four form have no way to fight.

So it is normal for the two of them to be blown out.

a long time.

The bright light dissipates.

Everyone was impatient to see what was going on.

"Successful, successful. Wutian, we succeeded."

"Dad...you are as handsome as your brother."

"Hahaha, Goku, finally turned into Super Saiyan 4!"

"The talent of the Saiyans is really terrible."

"It's really a surprise, but fortunately Sun Wukong has recovered his senses."

Everyone saw that the current form of Sun Wukong was exactly the same as that of Sun Wuhan before.

Everyone looked excited.

Sun Zilan and Sun Wutian quickly flew into Sun Wukong's arms.

The two of them were really terrified just now.

I never thought that Saiyans could turn into giant apes.

This is because the two of them know that Saiyans have this ability.

No wonder Dad had to pull our tails out since we were kids.

It turned out to be preventing us from becoming giant apes.
