
People are in Dragon Ball, the strongest Son Gohan

Su Mu accidentally traveled to the Dragon Ball World Son Gohan when he was a child. And he successfully activated the pickup attribute system. [Ding, the battle attribute +100 dropped from the front. ] [Ding, the skill attribute of the King's Fist is dropped from the front. ] ...... Since then, his life has been on the hook, shocking everyone. Sun Wukong: "I didn't expect the power hidden in Gohan's body to be so powerful, and the combat power has far surpassed me." King of the Northern Realm: "This kid's talent is called a monster, and my real world boxing can be seen just once!" Vegeta: "No, it's impossible, I'm so likely to lose to the son of a lower-level warrior?" Krillin: "Bick is indeed a generation of demon kings, and he can teach such terrifying evildoers." Frieza: "What? , What? Are you... a Super Saiyan?" Sharu: "How could this be, how could Son Gohan's power be so powerful?" Kaiō Shin: "What's the situation? This power has surpassed God!"... ps: The introduction is weak, please move to the main text. ... It will be a copy and paste nothing to say about fixing since I don't know much about English I would do it in Spanish so that it reads better

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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360 Chs

Chapter 200 Broly's Resurrection



In a small dark room, Broly smashed the iron door with one punch.

"Fuck, what's going on? I was resurrected."

Broly looked at his body in disbelief, and then at the iron gate that he smashed.

It turned out that after his death, his character became very irritable, and King Yama locked Broly's ghost in the small dark room.

So in the first riot on Earth, Broly was not resurrected.

"This, this is the breath of killing my little devil? How could he be in the underworld? Is he dead too?"

Broly seemed to sense Son Gohan's breath.

He gritted his teeth angrily, if this stinky boy hadn't killed him, he wouldn't have been imprisoned for so many years.

Broly burst into breath and flew in the direction of Son Gohan.


"Hahaha, I Sharu is resurrected again."

After Shalu saw that his body had recovered, he was overjoyed with a few energy bombs facing the underworld.


The small barrier ball in the air was blasted away, but it didn't break at all.

"Hey, this is the breath of Son Gohan, father and son, and Vegeta."

"I won't let you go this time."

A mass of white arrogance erupted from Sharu's body.

He flew towards Son Gohan and the others at high speed.


Sun Wukong, father and son, Vegeta, Dandy, and King Yama all felt two very powerful breaths flying towards them.

Everyone glanced at each other, and they didn't expect that besides Shalu, there were people with such a powerful aura.

This is the breath of a Saiyan.

Both Sun Wukong and Vegeta felt that the coming was a powerful Saiyan.

The two of them looked at each other with disbelief that the Saiyans were still so powerful.

"Monkey King, as you wish, I have already found opponents for Sun Wukong and Vegeta."

"Let's have a good fight this time."

Xie Nianbo smiled at Sun Wufan.

An unprecedented terrifying and evil aura erupted from his body.

"Okay, as you wish."


The Saiyan turned into a roar, only to see Sun Gohan clenched his fists, and a low voice came out of his throat.

A powerful breath gushed out from his body, and the body was wrapped in a grass-green arrogance.

Son Gohan's hair began to grow rapidly, his eyebrows disappeared immediately, and the brow bone was raised high.

His eyes became cold and sharp, as if there was no trace of emotion.


A powerful air wave went up in all directions.

The 'skittle candy' in the air was blown away, and sand and rocks were scattered on the ground.

Vegeta was pushed back again and again by this wave, and he looked at Son Gohan's super three form with golden eyes.

One day I will also become a super three form.


Dandy and Yan Mowang both shivered with fright when they saw the changes in Sun Wufan's body.

They let out a scream and were blown away three hundred meters by this air wave.

The two stood up and looked at Son Gohan's super three form with lingering fears.

The power contained within a Saiyan is truly terrifying.

"Bastard, one day I'll reach this state at one point."

"Super three's power is really terrifying."

Vegeta and Sun Wukong looked at the form of Sun Wufan with envy, jealousy and hatred.

How old is this guy, he surpasses their existence every time.

"Come on, let me see your true strength."

The form of Sun Gohan's transformation into Chuan Chao 3 is wrapped in grass-green arrogance.

He looked at Xie Nianbo with sharp eyes, and his voice was very cold.

"Stinky brat, don't get carried away."


The evil thoughts wave up to the sky and roar, and the evil aura on his body becomes stronger.

After he raised his strength, he rushed towards Sun Wuhan.

Bang bang bang!

The two hit dozens of punches with their bare hands, and ripples appeared in the air due to the sound of the collision of strength.

The aftermath of the powerful force blasted a groove out of the ground.

[Ding, drop 1 million combat power attributes. ]

[Combat power attribute +1 million. ]


Son Gohan's mind kept ringing the system's prompts.

"Okay, amazing."

When Sun Wukong saw the battle between the two, there was an excited look in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, after seeing each other for half a year, Gohan's combat power has improved a lot.

Vegeta clenched his fists as he saw the two fighting, and his eyes were full of anger.

Why haven't I transformed into a super three form, I must strengthen my efforts to cultivate.

"Xie Nianbo, if this is your true strength, then I am so disappointed."

Sun Wufan laughed at Xie Nianbo while fighting.

The attack speed in his hand is getting faster and faster.

"Arrogant, this is just a warm-up action."

Xie Nianbo smiled at Sun Wufan.

His body kept dodging Sun Gohan's attacks more and more, as if he knew what the other party was doing.

Every time Sun Wufan's attack, Xie Nianbo can accurately dodge and counterattack.

[Ding, drop prediction skill attribute. ]

At this time, the sound of the system in Son Gohan's mind sounded.

He subconsciously said, "Pick everything up."

The combat power attributes and predictive skill attributes on the ground poured into his body crazily.

Predicting skill attributes?

This is the attack after judging the opponent in advance.

Sun Wufan began to use the prediction skills that the system had just picked up, and Xie Nianbo's attacks were all predicted by him.

"Sun Wuhan didn't expect that your combat power is so powerful."

"Look at how good I am."

Xie Nianbo looked at Sun Wufan with a puzzled face, and this stinky brat seemed to be able to predict his own attack.

He started to attack Son Gohan with the ability to use the dimensional black hole.

Xie Nianbo began to throw a punch to the left, using the wormhole to send the fist over.

Bang bang bang!

Sun Wufan was able to predict the opponent's attack, and the fists blasted out of the wormhole were blasted back by him.

"Good, very powerful breath."

Sun Wukong and Vegeta looked in the direction of the breath.

Aerial Broly arrived on the battlefield in the blink of an eye.

"Stinky brat, I finally found you."

Broly glanced at everyone, and finally stayed on Son Gohan.

If it weren't for this stinky brat, he wouldn't have been imprisoned in the underworld for so many years.

His anger rose steadily, and a powerful breath burst out from his body.

Broly instantly turned into a Super Saiyan in super-transformation, with a grass-green arrogance covering his body.

He angrily faced Sun Gohan and rushed over, he must tear this guy apart.

"Fuck, what a powerful breath."


Sun Wukong saw Broly exuding a powerful breath.

His blood boiled, and he instantly turned into a Super Saiyan, blocking Broly's way.


Broly immediately recognized the appearance of Sun Wukong, and he attacked the other party angrily.

"This bastard can also become a Super Saiyan, and he is still grass-green."

Vegeta gritted his teeth when he saw Broly's transformation.

I never thought so many Saiyans could become Super Saiyans.
