
People are in Dragon Ball, the strongest Son Gohan

Su Mu accidentally traveled to the Dragon Ball World Son Gohan when he was a child. And he successfully activated the pickup attribute system. [Ding, the battle attribute +100 dropped from the front. ] [Ding, the skill attribute of the King's Fist is dropped from the front. ] ...... Since then, his life has been on the hook, shocking everyone. Sun Wukong: "I didn't expect the power hidden in Gohan's body to be so powerful, and the combat power has far surpassed me." King of the Northern Realm: "This kid's talent is called a monster, and my real world boxing can be seen just once!" Vegeta: "No, it's impossible, I'm so likely to lose to the son of a lower-level warrior?" Krillin: "Bick is indeed a generation of demon kings, and he can teach such terrifying evildoers." Frieza: "What? , What? Are you... a Super Saiyan?" Sharu: "How could this be, how could Son Gohan's power be so powerful?" Kaiō Shin: "What's the situation? This power has surpassed God!"... ps: The introduction is weak, please move to the main text. ... It will be a copy and paste nothing to say about fixing since I don't know much about English I would do it in Spanish so that it reads better

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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360 Chs

Chapter 19 Namek, the Great Elder

Namek Planet.

The residence of the elders.

"Thank you for saving my child."

Dandy and Danjie brought Son Gohan and others to the residence of the great elder.

He also said that Son Gohan and others saved him.

The elder said to the three of them.

Bulma and the others finally saw clearly what Dandy said about the Great Elder of the Namekians.

He was taller than the average Namekian, with a wrinkled face and his eyes closed on the throne.

"You're welcome, it's what we should do."

"Actually, we came to earth to find Dragon Balls and resurrect the Nameks of our earth..."

Krillin explained his purpose here in the future, and briefly explained the ins and outs of the whole thing.

The Saiyans invaded the earth, the dragon balls of the earth disappeared, Piccolo was a Namekian, and he said it all at once.

"Earthman, come over and let me touch your head and I'll know what's going on."

The Great Elder was a complete mess. How could there be Nameks on Earth?

Read the memory quickly to figure out the ins and outs of the whole thing.

"Is it so miraculous?"

Krillin walked over suspiciously, and the big elder's thick palm rested on the other's head.

Instantly, Klein's memory appeared in his mind like a movie.

It turns out that the elders saw the birth of the gods, the separation of the Great Demon King Piccolo, and the death of Piccolo...

[Ding, fall in front to read the memory attribute, do you charge it? ]

The sound of the system sounded in Sun Wuhan's mind.

"Earthman, I already know the ins and outs of the whole thing.

I'll help you unlock the potential that's lurking in your body, and I hope you can help us get through this crisis! "

After reading Ke Lin's memory, the first elder knew that his combat effectiveness was very low, and he almost died just now.

Suddenly, a white arrogance came out from the palm of the elder, all covering Krillin's body.

"Okay...awesome, I feel like I've been reborn."

Krillin felt that a powerful force in his body was awakening, and his whole body was full of power.

The body has never been better, and the Nameks are just too powerful.

[Ding, the drop in front increases the potential attribute, do you pick it up? ]

Pick it all up!

Sun Wufan subconsciously recited the Dao, and the method of increasing his potential is too awesome.

Memory attributes and enhancement potential attributes are integrated into his body.

"Gohan, come here quickly and let the elders help you stimulate your potential abilities."

After Kling's potential was improved, he thanked the Great Elder.

Then quickly pulled Son Gohan to the elders.


"Elder, I will trouble you."

Sun Wufan said with a happy smile, he also wanted to know how much the hidden ability of this body is.

I remember that in the anime, the elders of Planet Namek helped Sun Wuhan develop his potential, and the Old World King God also helped Sun Wukong develop his potential.

The potential was stimulated twice, and both were improved by leaps and bounds.

"You're welcome, you are all good children, I hope you can help us get through this crisis on Namek Planet."

The big elder's thick palm rested on Sun Gohan's head.

There was a white arrogance in his palm, which instantly enveloped the opponent.

There is a terrifying force within Sun Gohan that is awakening.

He suppressed this violent fighting force, otherwise the entire room would be instantly vanished.

"Okay...the terrifying potential...I can't unleash them all, are you a Saiyan?"

The Great Elder was shocked by this powerful strength, and his closed eyes opened instantly.

He saw that there was a wild beast on the child's body, like a gorilla.

"I am indeed of Saiyan blood, but I was born on Earth!"

Sun Wufan shook his hands excitedly, this feeling is really cool.

This body even has potential to be developed. It seems that there is nothing wrong with the animation. If there is a chance, I have to find the old king to come out and develop its potential.

Open the properties screen!

Host: Son Gohan

Race: Saiyan

System space: 100 cubic meters

Special abilities: healing ability, reading memory, stimulating potential

Skills: Air Dance, Perception and Use of Qi, Magic Flash, Energy Light Wave, King Boxing, Sky Cannon, Turtle Qigong Wave, Qi Circle Slash

Transformation: Super Saiyan 1

Combat Strength: 4,310,000

Holy shit!

The combat power has increased by 1 million. It seems that this body has great hidden abilities.

Even Sun Gohan himself felt very incredible.


If the combat power of more than 4.31 million uses 10 times the Kaiwang Fist, that is more than 40 million combat power.

If you use 20 times the Kaiwangquan, you won't have 80 million combat power!

Of course, Kai Wang Fist does not mean that you can use as many times as you want.

With a body of more than 4 million combat power, it should be 10 times no problem, and 20 times is a desperate state.

Transforming into a Super Saiyan, the combat power is increased to fifty times, isn't it more than 200 million?

"Children, you take the Dragon Balls, and then Meeker will be left to you."

"You take Dandy to find Dragon Ball, and you can tell him to do anything.

I don't have much time, you guys find Dragon Ball as soon as possible and make a wish. "

The Great Elder had a smile on his face and slowly closed his eyes.

The miracle finally happened, and it seems that the key to getting through this crisis is a few of them.

He saw hope in Son Gohan.

"Yes, Great Elder, I know."

Dandy's eyes were full of tears. He asked brother Neilu, the reason why the elder didn't leave was because he was too old to be pessimistic about life and death.

What's more, his life has reached the point where the fuel is exhausted, and there are not many days left to live.

Everyone said goodbye to the elders and began to look for Dragon Balls.


On the other side, the Nameks destroyed all the probes of the Frieza Legion.

Frieza returned to his spaceship with five Dragon Balls, while Sabo continued to search for the remaining Dragon Balls.

They don't have detectors and they don't know how to perceive the presence of breath.

Everyone can only find Dragon Ball separately.

And another Namek tribe.

Vegeta is killing like crazy.

He killed all the people here and stole a dragon ball here.

The dragon ball is too big to carry, so I threw the dragon ball into a fish pond.

Suddenly, someone was approaching from the detector, and the combat power was as much as 20,000. He guessed that the person who came must be Sabo.

Now that they were finally alone, the corners of Vegeta's mouth twitched slightly.

Flying towards this breath, he wanted to kill each other one by one.

Soon the two met in the air.

"Vegeta, give me your probe."

Sabo's eyes lit up when he saw that the other party had instruments on his ears.

Now that the entire legion has no detectors, it is inconvenient to find Dragon Balls.
