
People are in Dragon Ball, the strongest Son Gohan

Su Mu accidentally traveled to the Dragon Ball World Son Gohan when he was a child. And he successfully activated the pickup attribute system. [Ding, the battle attribute +100 dropped from the front. ] [Ding, the skill attribute of the King's Fist is dropped from the front. ] ...... Since then, his life has been on the hook, shocking everyone. Sun Wukong: "I didn't expect the power hidden in Gohan's body to be so powerful, and the combat power has far surpassed me." King of the Northern Realm: "This kid's talent is called a monster, and my real world boxing can be seen just once!" Vegeta: "No, it's impossible, I'm so likely to lose to the son of a lower-level warrior?" Krillin: "Bick is indeed a generation of demon kings, and he can teach such terrifying evildoers." Frieza: "What? , What? Are you... a Super Saiyan?" Sharu: "How could this be, how could Son Gohan's power be so powerful?" Kaiō Shin: "What's the situation? This power has surpassed God!"... ps: The introduction is weak, please move to the main text. ... It will be a copy and paste nothing to say about fixing since I don't know much about English I would do it in Spanish so that it reads better

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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360 Chs

Chapter 187 Satan's Great Power

"Satan, let me down."

The Pilat brothers took the lead in facing Satan and rushed over.

The high-definition cameras of the long guns and short guns are facing the two brothers Satan and Pylas in the ring.

"Everyone is a guest, you are juniors, I will give you a few tricks first."

"Don't let everyone think that my world champion bullies you two brothers."

Seeing that Satan was as steady as an old dog, his heart was very shocked.

The speed of the two Pylas brothers seemed to have slowed down tenfold in his eyes.

"I didn't expect that Satan would say to let the two brothers Pylas do some tricks."

"It seems that our world champion is very powerful and has the demeanor of a grandmaster."

"He is going to give the younger generation a chance to challenge himself."

A group of reporters were all in high spirits. They didn't expect the world champion to have such a broad mind.

Today, everyone is going to be eye-opening.

Bang bang bang.

The two brothers Pylas rushed in front of Satan one after the other, which was a powerful attack.

They wanted to knock down each other in an instant, one person attacked the other, and the two cooperated very well.

It seems that the two brothers' fighting skills are very skilled, and they have not dealt with other opponents less before.

The two brothers' moves are killer moves, very vicious and insidious.

It's a pity that things backfired, and Satan easily resolved the attack of the two.

The two brothers found the wrong object, and today Sun Wufan just inspired Satan's potential.

[Ding, drop combat power attribute 30. ]

[Combat strength attribute +30. ]


As soon as the battle started, a system alert sounded in Son Gohan's mind.

The corner of his mouth smiled slightly, and he hadn't lost so few combat power attributes for a long time.

"Okay, that's amazing. I didn't expect that Master, who didn't show up in the past, was so fast."

"Yeah, you can see how handsome the master looks."

"Master is mighty, and our Satan Fighting Hall is the strongest."

Satan's disciples were all shocked. They didn't expect to finally see Master's true abilities today.

This speed is more than enough to deal with these two brothers, as long as the master makes a move, the other party will definitely fall.

In the blink of an eye, the two brothers Pylas attacked for hundreds of rounds and were blocked by Satan.

"Dad, it's amazing."

Little Bidley looked at Satan on the battlefield with an expression of admiration.

Her father is very powerful, and it is easy to fight against two tall and mighty strange uncles.

Miguel felt relieved when she saw Satan's performance with ease.

Sun Wufan could see that Satan's basic skills were very solid.

This guy is not useless in addition to pretending to be forceful.

"Damn, how could you be so fast?"

Pylas is a whip leg against Satan's head.

The more they fought, the more frightened they became, and after fighting for so long, they still hadn't knocked down each other.

"It's not that I'm fast, it's that you haven't cultivated to your home."

"I'm going to shoot now."

Satan's eyes are quick and his hands are quick, and he grabs the leg that the opponent kicked, and just swipes it a few times.

"It was fantastic, the pace of our world champions was phenomenal."

"Satan seems to be at ease under the attack of the two brothers Pylas."

"It's unbelievable, our Mr. Satan actually swung a two or three hundred kilograms of Pylas with one hand."

"As expected of our world champion, this power is beyond imagination!"

"He could even use his opponent as a weapon to smash Pilat."

A group of reporters were also taken aback when they saw this scene.

This special world champion is different. The attacks of the two brothers have no effect on Satan.

Now he can lift a big man weighing two or three hundred pounds with one hand. It seems that this strength cannot be underestimated.


Pilat hurriedly reached out and hugged his brother Tiras, who had smashed over.

The two rolled around on the ground hugging each other for several times before they stopped when they hit the wall.

"Is this your strength?"

"If you want to challenge me Satan, go back and practice for a few more years!"

Satan said nonchalantly.

He didn't play hard, otherwise the two of them would have fallen down long ago.

The two brothers Pylas have a combat strength of 30, while Satan's combat strength is now 100.

The battle of the three is not at the same level at all.

"Damn, we fought you."

The Pylas brothers stood up from the ground.

Together they posed in battle mode.

"Hahaha, your courage is commendable."

"Let you see my true strength."

As soon as Satan stepped out, the man was in front of Pylas.

In one move, Shuanglong went out to sea and slammed against the wall.

There were two loud bangs, and two big holes were punched in the wall by two fists.

"What are you fighting me for? Are your heads harder than this wall?"

Satan slowly retracted his hand.

The foreheads of the brothers Pilas and Pilat were covered in cold sweat, and their eyes were as big as bull's eyes.

How do you fight like this? If the punch hit him in the head just now, it wasn't about to be blown up.

Their backs were cold, and their bodies trembled involuntarily.

"As expected of the world champion, our two brothers are willing to be defeated."

The Pilat brothers glanced at each other, and then the two walked away in despair.

"Yeah, Dad won."

"I want to be as good as my dad when I grow up."

Little Bidley laughed loudly with an excited look on her face.

Miguel also looked at the glowing man in the ring with a smile on his face.

A group of Satan's disciples stared at the two punching holes left in the wall.

At this time, Satan's figure in this group of disciples is infinitely taller.

They are very fortunate to be able to study at the Mr. Satan Fighting Hall.

Master's combat power is so terrifying that he can even penetrate walls.

"Fuck, Satan is not only fast, but also very powerful, and can punch a hole in the wall with one punch."

"If this wasn't live, I would have thought I was watching a movie!"

"The fight was really exciting."

"The double dragons went to sea just now, and the camera couldn't capture Satan's movements at all."

"I must go to Mr. Satan's Fighting Hall to sign up to learn fighting skills."

"Have you seen Satan's ingenious movement just now? It really floats like an afterimage."

"No matter what the two brothers Pylas attacked, they could not cause any damage."


The TV viewers were stunned.

They finally saw the true horror of world champions.

"Win, Master is the most powerful..."

"The Satan Fighting Hall is the best..."

A group of Satan's disciples were excited and cheered loudly.

They quickly came to Satan and said congratulations.

"This battle is so exciting, I didn't expect our challenger to escape."

"Satan is worthy of being a world champion. He can even penetrate walls. It is conceivable that his combat power is unfathomable."

"Satan, what do you want to say after winning this battle?"

The reporters hurriedly came to Satan and asked.

"If you have any questions, please ask them one by one."

Caroni quickly arranged for his disciples to stop the reporters.

For this kind of scene, he is comfortable with it.
