
People are in Dragon Ball, the strongest Son Gohan

Su Mu accidentally traveled to the Dragon Ball World Son Gohan when he was a child. And he successfully activated the pickup attribute system. [Ding, the battle attribute +100 dropped from the front. ] [Ding, the skill attribute of the King's Fist is dropped from the front. ] ...... Since then, his life has been on the hook, shocking everyone. Sun Wukong: "I didn't expect the power hidden in Gohan's body to be so powerful, and the combat power has far surpassed me." King of the Northern Realm: "This kid's talent is called a monster, and my real world boxing can be seen just once!" Vegeta: "No, it's impossible, I'm so likely to lose to the son of a lower-level warrior?" Krillin: "Bick is indeed a generation of demon kings, and he can teach such terrifying evildoers." Frieza: "What? , What? Are you... a Super Saiyan?" Sharu: "How could this be, how could Son Gohan's power be so powerful?" Kaiō Shin: "What's the situation? This power has surpassed God!"... ps: The introduction is weak, please move to the main text. ... It will be a copy and paste nothing to say about fixing since I don't know much about English I would do it in Spanish so that it reads better

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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360 Chs

Chapter 158 One Star Dragon's Ambition


on the battlefield.

call out.

A Xinglong dodged and rushed towards Sun Wukong and the others.

Everyone was shocked when they saw it. What happened to this evil dragon?

Why did he rush over to us?

Are you trying to take us as hostages?

To threaten Gohan?

call out.

The figure of Sun Wuhan in the main time and space is faster than the speed of Yixinglong.

He immediately blocked the other party's way.

"Yixinglong, are you senile dementia?"

"I am your opponent."

Gohan sneered at Yixinglong.

He suddenly guessed what this guy wanted to do.

Want to snatch the Dragon Balls from me?

Simply delusional.

"Go away."

Yixinglong roared and continued to slam into the little Son Gohan.

He went full steam ahead, trying to get past this obstacle.

"Out of control."

Gohan is an energy bomb facing the flying one star dragon.


A deafening explosion sounded.

Yixinglong was dizzy and dizzy after being blasted by the energy bomb.

His body flew upside down quickly.

"Get down."

Gohan's figure once again appeared in front of Yixinglong.

He kicked the opponent's head with one sweep.


Yixinglong's body smashed to the ground again.

All of a sudden, a huge deep hole was dried on the ground.

"Death beam."

Gohan's fingers sent out beams of energy beams, which were a burst of output towards the Yixinglong in the deep pit.

The energy beams of his fingers kept firing like a machine gun.


Yixinglong let out a piercing scream.

He had no idea that this stinky boy was torturing himself.

This is the trick Frieza uses to torture people.

Yixinglong's body was bombarded with purple energy one after another.

[Ding, combat power +1 million. ]

[Combat strength + 1 million. ]


In the mind of Sun Wuhan of the main time and space, the system's prompt sound kept coming.

This is also the reason why he abused Yixinglong.

In order to let the other party provide one more point of combat power, he is also doing everything he can.

I can only make Yixinglong work a little harder.


"Can you still play like this?"

"Big Brother Gohan is really amazing."

"Yixinglong has no power to fight back in his hands."

"How far has his combat power reached?"

"Little dad, it's amazing."

"Yixinglong, the big bad guy, is not his opponent."

What everyone saw was that Gohan's performance was very reassuring.

He didn't expect the enemy to suppress him.

"Did this stupid dragon be fooled by Gohan?"

"He actually wanted to overtake the opponent and charge at us."

"what is the reason behind the scene?"

"Do we have what he wants in our upper body?"

Piccolo saw Yixinglong's strange behavior.

He quickly thought of the other party's intentions.

Little Gohan madly abused the One Star Dragon Queen for a while.

He stopped the energy output in his hand.

Hu Hu Hu.

Yixinglong in the deep pit kept breathing heavily.

He is bruised and bruised now.

Pick up all.

Gohan said silently in his heart.

The combat power attributes on the ground were just like tadpole characters, madly pouring into his limbs.

The fighting power of Sun Gohan in the main time and space has been improved by a lot.

"Son Gohan, I'm not in the strongest form yet."

"Our fight like this makes everyone unhappy."

"Do you have the guts to let me become the strongest form and fight again?"

A dragon slowly flew into the air from the deep pit.

He came to the opposite of Gohan and said.

Yixinglong knew that it was impossible to cross the mountain of this stinky boy to grab the Dragon Ball.

He knew that Saiyans were all competitive.

He wants to take advantage of the opponent's psychology to collect Dragon Balls and become a Super One Star Dragon.

"You can change if you want, what's with me?"

Gohan of the main time and space shrugged and spread his hands.

He knew this bastard was trying to absorb all the Dragon Balls.

"What, what?"

"This bastard isn't even his strongest form yet?"


"If he could still become the strongest form, he would have changed a long time ago."

"Why have you been abused by Gohan for so long?"

"Could it be that he rushed towards us just now because we have something in us that made him stronger?"

"Dragon Ball?"

The Namekians have a special body structure, and at such a distance, only Piccolo can hear the conversation between the two.

He immediately thought of the key point.

I only have Dragon Balls on my body.

It turned out that the other party wanted to combine all the powers.

The people watching the battle did not understand why.

The two stopped fighting and started chatting.

"Of course it's about you."

"As long as you give me all the Dragon Balls."

"I can become a super one star dragon."

"Our battle will be more enjoyable."

Yixinglong looked at Gohan with a smile on his face.

As long as he helps himself, he will become a super star dragon.

Then I'll hang you bastards up and beat them.

to repay the hatred in my heart.

"It really is."

"It seems that my guess is not wrong at all."

"This guy is here for Dragon Ball."

"Little Gohan, you must not promise him."

Piccolo had confidence in Gohan.

He's not like the arrogant Saiyans like Son Goku and Vegeta.

One star dragon cannot be turned into its strongest form.

There is no need for Earth to take this risk again.

If you win, it's fine, but if you lose, the entire earth or the universe will be implicated.

"Yixinglong, am I stupid?"

"You're still too retarded."

"Do you think I will agree to such a request?"

Gohan looked at Yixinglong with interest.

Didn't this guy get kicked stupid by me?

"Shouldn't it be?"

"Don't you Saiyans like to fight against the strong?"

"As long as I absorb the remaining six Dragon Balls, I will become a super warrior."

"At that time, we can fight to our heart's content."

One Star Dragon is a little suspicious that the guy in front of him is not a Saiyan.

He has no desire to fight at all.

Shouldn't it be?

Aren't the Saiyans competitive?

Why not follow the script?

Shouldn't you make me stronger first and then fight you?

Yixinglong looked at Gohan with a look of astonishment.

Really suspect this guy is a fake Saiyan.


"Yixinglong, I don't know if you are stupid or if I am a fool."

"If you become a super soldier, we won't be able to beat you."

"Aren't we the ones who died?"

Gohan said with a look of contempt.

This bastard is really insane.

He could come up with such a bad idea.

"Gohan, it's great."

"I didn't see you wrong."

"You don't have the arrogance of Lao Sun and Vegeta."

"It's all about the big picture."

Piccolo heard Gohan's answer.

He was also pleased.

It seems that Gohan at this time period is mature.

There is no succession to the feisty race of the Saiyans.

"You bastard, you are a timid guy."

"How can a Saiyan have a coward like you?"

Yixinglong cursed loudly through gritted teeth.

He wanted to use aggressive tactics against this little brat.

"Whatever you say, I want to get the rest of the Dragon Balls."

"I'll beat you first."

Son Gohan of the master time and space laughed.

As soon as his voice fell, he rushed towards Yixinglong.
