
People are in Dragon Ball, the strongest Son Gohan

Su Mu accidentally traveled to the Dragon Ball World Son Gohan when he was a child. And he successfully activated the pickup attribute system. [Ding, the battle attribute +100 dropped from the front. ] [Ding, the skill attribute of the King's Fist is dropped from the front. ] ...... Since then, his life has been on the hook, shocking everyone. Sun Wukong: "I didn't expect the power hidden in Gohan's body to be so powerful, and the combat power has far surpassed me." King of the Northern Realm: "This kid's talent is called a monster, and my real world boxing can be seen just once!" Vegeta: "No, it's impossible, I'm so likely to lose to the son of a lower-level warrior?" Krillin: "Bick is indeed a generation of demon kings, and he can teach such terrifying evildoers." Frieza: "What? , What? Are you... a Super Saiyan?" Sharu: "How could this be, how could Son Gohan's power be so powerful?" Kaiō Shin: "What's the situation? This power has surpassed God!"... ps: The introduction is weak, please move to the main text. ... It will be a copy and paste nothing to say about fixing since I don't know much about English I would do it in Spanish so that it reads better

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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360 Chs

Chapter 135 Hell Riot



"Finally successful."

"This time I want Sun Wukong and others to die."

Dr. Liao and Dr. Groo looked at the test results in front of them.

The two laughed excitedly.

It turned out that after Dr. Liao was killed by Babe, he met Dr. Gro in the underworld.

The two hit it off, and they both seek revenge on Sun Wukong.

So I secretly researched the No. 17 Hell in the underworld.

As long as the 17th in hell and the 17th in the world are combined, they can become an intermediate 17th.

At that time, the world will be turned upside down and Sun Wukong will be killed in the end.

Both Dr. Liao and Dr. Boluo are top powerhouses in science.

They have a set about studying androids.

Dr. Gro's representative work in Dragon Ball Z, No. 16, No. 17, No. 18, No. 20, etc...

He was finally killed by No. 17.

Dr. Liao's representative work is Babe.

He was also killed by Babe in the end.

Even if the two of them died in the underworld, they would not be reconciled.

They also wooed some enemies who were killed by Sun Wukong and the other two in hell.

Among them are Sharu and the emperor of the universe Frieza and others...

"We will escape from hell and seek revenge for Sun Wukong."

Dr. Gros said excitedly.

His long-cherished wish in life is to destroy Sun Wukong.

If it weren't for him, the Red Ribbon Legion would not have been destroyed by the regiment.

"Okay, looks like the time has come."

"We're leaving now."

Dr. Liao, Dr. Gro, and Hell No. 17 led everyone to rebel.

Everywhere began to wreak havoc and create riots.

Boom boom boom!

There are explosions everywhere in hell.

All the laws and equipment have been destroyed by the evil spirits in hell.

"I beg you, brothers and sisters, stop fighting."

The ghosts of hell were beaten by all the ghosts and screamed.

They threatened some goblins to rebel along with them.

Anyway, it is to turn hell upside down.

so that they can escape to the world.


"Sun Wukong, your end has come."

Frieza let out a strange cry.

The death beam in his hand is a burst of fire towards hell.


Puffs of smoke rose into the sky.

The air was filled with the smell of gunpowder.

The more chaotic the hell, the more excited Frieza was.

Thinking that after rushing out of the world, you can find Sun Wukong to take revenge.

He looked excited.

Frieza has since been defeated by Son Goku's Super Saiyan.

He was determined to take revenge.

Frieza transformed into a robot to seek revenge on Earth, but was killed by Future Trunks.

He was tormented when he went to hell.

Every day he was hung from a tree by a group of elves to watch them play.

Every day is disturbed by the noise.

Today Sharu rescued Frieza from this pain.

He will also tell him about the need to escape from hell and go to the world to find Sun Wukong.

The enemy of the enemy is a friend, not to mention Sharu's fist is relatively hard.

Frieza was obediently complied by Sharu.


"Give me all to die."

Sharu's ghost is also wanton destruction.

The energy bullets in his hands flew everywhere.

There's been a lot of anger here over the years.

He couldn't wait to destroy the whole hell.

Today, Dr. Gro found Sharu to rebel, and he was very excited when he heard it.

The two also hit it off.

This ghost place is like a cage, there is no freedom at all.

He could not wait to break out of this cage as soon as possible.

But it didn't work out for so many years.

Now Dr. Gros told him that Hell Seventeen had been created.

As long as the number seventeen in hell and the seventeenth in the world are merged, they will be invincible in the world.


"Vegeta, I won't let you go."

"All these years of hard work in hell, I will be able to destroy you one day."

"As long as I escape today, I will definitely seek revenge on you."

The big bald Saiyan Naba was also excited.

His combat power is now several hundred times that of the past.

Now Naba is full of confidence, but what he doesn't know is that Vegeta is also improving.

All the ghosts in hell are full of energy, and they all want to rush out of this cage to the human world.

At the same time.

Yan Mo Temple.

"Paper, King Yama, the ghosts of Dr. Gro and Dr. Liao, Sharu and Frieza rebelled."

"They formed gangs, gathered more and more ghosts, and wanted to break through the gates of hell."

"Now our ghosts have suffered heavy casualties, and other work can't be implemented."

A ghost in hell stumbled to Yan Mo Temple to report the situation outside.

It's a mess outside now.

"Damn, Dr. Liao, Dr. Gro, Sharu, Frieza, you are so bold."

"It seems premeditated to break through so many levels so quickly."

"Hurry up and organize the team for me, and bring them back to hell immediately."

King Yama gritted his teeth and roared loudly at the ghosts.

Dangtang, the number one controller, actually had a ghost rebelling on his own territory.

Really impatient.

"Yes, I will organize the team immediately."

"Just ask them to arrest them and bring them back to justice."

The ghosts in the Palace of Hell said indignantly.

These bastards dared to rebel in public.


"Kill, as long as we step out of this gate of hell, we can be free."

Dr. Gros said to the evil spirit behind him.

That is to create chaos and let many ghosts escape to the earth.

"Come on, brothers."

"Victory is ahead."

"If you want freedom, rush to me."

Dr. Liao roared, and with a big wave of his hand, he rushed out with Hell Seventeen.

The dawn is ahead, just step through this door.

And after the seventeenth of hell and the seventeenth of the world are combined, they will become the ultimate seventeenth.

Then they won't have to be afraid of anyone.

No one in the entire universe will be its opponent, even Sun Wukong.

"Come on, I'm here."

The ghosts are excited and will soon be able to go to the human world.

Just step out of that door and you'll be free.

Because of the reason that Sun Wufan traveled to this time and space, the butterfly effect was produced.

The door to the underworld was forcibly opened.

A group of evil spirits swarmed out.



"Look, how come a black hole appeared in the sky."

"It's as if something is rushing out of it."

"My mother, isn't the sky falling?"

"Damn it, is this the evil ghost that crawled out of hell?"

"It's terrifying."

"Hurry up and escape."

People on earth began to find holes in the sky.

From the big cave came the sound of howling and howling.

It's like something like a demon crawling out of hell.

Everyone got goosebumps when they heard it.

And in some places, some people who have already died have been crawling out of the cemetery.

Now the whole earth is turned upside down by the evil spirits from hell.

The balance between Yin and Yang has been completely broken, and evil spirits in many places have attacked humans one after another.
