
People are in Dragon Ball, the strongest Son Gohan

Su Mu accidentally traveled to the Dragon Ball World Son Gohan when he was a child. And he successfully activated the pickup attribute system. [Ding, the battle attribute +100 dropped from the front. ] [Ding, the skill attribute of the King's Fist is dropped from the front. ] ...... Since then, his life has been on the hook, shocking everyone. Sun Wukong: "I didn't expect the power hidden in Gohan's body to be so powerful, and the combat power has far surpassed me." King of the Northern Realm: "This kid's talent is called a monster, and my real world boxing can be seen just once!" Vegeta: "No, it's impossible, I'm so likely to lose to the son of a lower-level warrior?" Krillin: "Bick is indeed a generation of demon kings, and he can teach such terrifying evildoers." Frieza: "What? , What? Are you... a Super Saiyan?" Sharu: "How could this be, how could Son Gohan's power be so powerful?" Kaiō Shin: "What's the situation? This power has surpassed God!"... ps: The introduction is weak, please move to the main text. ... It will be a copy and paste nothing to say about fixing since I don't know much about English I would do it in Spanish so that it reads better

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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360 Chs

Chapter 122 The shock of the cat fairy

Planet Plant!

"Lord Babe, the residents are now settled."

Boomer reports to Babe on the throne.

She is now the Supreme Commander of Planet Plant.

Except for Babe, Boomer is the most powerful.

All matters on Planet Planet are hers to handle.

"Okay, we just need to develop with peace of mind for a few years."

"When the time comes, I will lead you to rule the entire universe."

"We Ziffers are the emperors of this universe."

Babe, who was sitting on the throne, swayed the red wine in his hand and smiled happily.

There has never been anything wrong with Bulma's work.

That's why Babe will hand over the entire planet to her.


Time flies, and seven days have passed in the blink of an eye.

During this period of time, Sun Wukong and Sun Wuhan of the main time and space were inevitably fighting.

And Xiaofang also made rapid progress under the guidance of Sun Gohan.

The Sun Wuhan of the main time and space also mercilessly harvested waves of combat power attributes.


Kalin Holy Land!


The figures of Sun Wukong, Sun Wufan of the main time and space, and Xiaofang suddenly appeared in the residence of the cat fairy.

Satan and Fat Buu stayed in the Kaio Sacred Land with the old Kai-no-god and Jabi-god.

They observed everyone's movements through the image of the crystal ball.

Now Sun Wukong has returned to the appearance of a child.

After seven days of practice, he has become very familiar with the super 4 form.

After deliberation, they came to find Chao Shenshui first.

"Wukong, it's really nice to see you."

"I knew your kid would come back to save everyone."

The cat fairy was shocked to see the appearance of Sun Wukong.

Then he said excitedly.

"Cat Immortal, are you really not being controlled by Babe?"

Sun Wukong felt very strange when he sensed the breath of the cat fairy.

Why is the cat fairy still on earth?

Now I finally understand that it was not controlled by Babe's live egg.

"Meow... How could this immortal be controlled."

The cat fairy licked his paws and said proudly.

Now the whole earth is empty of people, and there is only one cat left.

"You kid, is there a way to deal with Babe?"

"Who is this?"

The eyes of the cat fairy have long noticed the existence of Sun Gohan.

But he never had time to ask.

"Cat Immortal, hello."

"This is my little dad."

"She is Son Gohan from another parallel world."

"His fighting power is very strong, even my grandfather can't beat him."

Xiaofang took the lead in answering, and told Mao Xianrendao excitedly.

Just like other children, when they see others, they are like their own father everywhere.

"Cat Immortal, hello."

Sun Wufan of the master time and space smiled when he looked at Xiaofang.

Then he said hello to the cat fairy.

"What, what?"

"Sun Gohan?"

"From another parallel world?"

"The combat power is stronger than Sun Wukong?"

"Is there such a thing?"

What Xiaofang said was like a depth bomb, completely shocking the cat fairy.

Never heard of another parallel world.

And how old is Son Gohan now?

The combat power is even stronger than that of Sun Wukong!

The cat fairy's narrowed eyes suddenly opened the boss.

He circled around Son Gohan.

It is exactly the same as the breath of Son Gohan.

"Cat Immortal, we are here to find you to get the super divine water."

"Gohan said that the supernatural water can destroy the live eggs that Babe parasitized on the people."

Sun Wukong was not in the mood to ignore the surprise of the cat fairy.

He said directly.

"What, what?"

"He knows everything."

In fact, the cat fairy has long discovered that the super divine water can destroy the live eggs that Babe parasitizes on the earth.

But he couldn't tell everyone.

What's more, he knew that his fighting power was not enough.

Can only wait for Sun Wukong to defeat Babe.

Bring another artificial rain by yourself to destroy the live eggs that Babe parasitizes on the people of the earth.

"Cat Immortal, have you forgotten that my little dad is from another parallel world?"

"He knows everything, and he taught me to be a Super Saiyan."

Xiaofang proudly promotes the Monkey King of the master time and space.

She considers herself lucky.


"You little girl, your little dad is the best, right?"

"This is super divine water, you can take it."

The cat fairy also smiled when she saw Xiaofang's appearance.

He threw the gourd of super divine water on the crutch to Sun Wukong.

Every sentence of this little girl's film is inseparable from her little father.

"Thanks, then we'll go first."

Sun Wukong put his hands on his forehead and began to look for Babe's breath.

Xiaofang and Sun Wufan held hands and waited for Sun Wukong's transmission.


The three figures disappeared on the earth.


Planet Planet.

Babe is on the throne tasting the red wine in her hands.

Suddenly, the figures of Monkey King and Sun Wufan and Xiaofang of the master time and space appeared in front of his eyes.


"Damn saiyan, have you finally shown up, you shrunken turtle?"

Babe was stunned when she saw Sun Wukong and the others, and then burst out laughing.

Unexpectedly, this fish that slipped through the net was delivered to the door by himself.

"You are just a parasite, what qualifications do you have to say a Saiyan?"

Son Gohan yelled at Babe.

This guy has been scolding Saiyans all the time, but he is parasitic on Vegeta, the Saiyan.

"Yo, you're actually a goddamn Saiyan too?"

"Sun Wukong, isn't this your illegitimate child?"

"It just happened to catch you all today."

Babe smiled excitedly.

As long as the two Saiyans in front of you are killed, there will be no more annoying guys in the future.

"Stop talking nonsense and take your life."

The Sun Wuhan of the master time and space just can't stand this guy's bullshit here.

When he was about to make a move, he was stopped by Sun Wukong.

"Hehe, Gohan, just leave it to me, Babe."

"You take the super divine water."

Sun Wukong said excitedly.

He handed the super divine water to Son Gohan.

Definitely can't let Gohan grab it.

With his strength, he won't have to play in the future.

"Lord Babe."

"Lord Babe."

At this time, Trunks, Sun Wutian, Sun Wuhan, Bula, Piccolo and others rushed in.

They all yelled at Babe.


Xiaofang cried out involuntarily when she saw Sun Wufan rushing in.

But the other party ignored her.

"It's okay, your dad is just being controlled by the live eggs in his body."

"As long as the live eggs in his body are eliminated, he will regain consciousness."

Son Gohan of the main time and space comforted him after seeing it.

He shook the super divine water in his hand in front of Xiaofang.

Son Gohan in the main time and space has long seen himself and Piccolo and others in this time and space.

Sun Wukong also ignored Sun Wutian and others who came in.

He knew that these relatives and friends were controlled by the live eggs parasitic in their bodies.

"Hahaha, this time is really lively."

"You guys, kill these two Saiyans for me."

"Just leave Sun Wukong to me."

"Today I want to catch up with him well."

Babe smiled excitedly.

It would be best to let them Saiyans kill each other.

If I remember correctly, that little girl is Sun Gohan's daughter.

"My subordinates know."

Trunks and the others shouted.

They were murderous.

"Let's go out and fight."

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he flew out.

Xiaofang and Sun Wufan of the main time and space also chased out.

Babe and others also flew out.
