
People are in Dragon Ball, the strongest Son Gohan

Su Mu accidentally traveled to the Dragon Ball World Son Gohan when he was a child. And he successfully activated the pickup attribute system. [Ding, the battle attribute +100 dropped from the front. ] [Ding, the skill attribute of the King's Fist is dropped from the front. ] ...... Since then, his life has been on the hook, shocking everyone. Sun Wukong: "I didn't expect the power hidden in Gohan's body to be so powerful, and the combat power has far surpassed me." King of the Northern Realm: "This kid's talent is called a monster, and my real world boxing can be seen just once!" Vegeta: "No, it's impossible, I'm so likely to lose to the son of a lower-level warrior?" Krillin: "Bick is indeed a generation of demon kings, and he can teach such terrifying evildoers." Frieza: "What? , What? Are you... a Super Saiyan?" Sharu: "How could this be, how could Son Gohan's power be so powerful?" Kaiō Shin: "What's the situation? This power has surpassed God!"... ps: The introduction is weak, please move to the main text. ... It will be a copy and paste nothing to say about fixing since I don't know much about English I would do it in Spanish so that it reads better

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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360 Chs

Chapter 120 Super Saiyan 4

King of the Holy Land.


The giant ape Sun Wukong was blasted dozens of meters away by the energy beam of Sun Wufan.

His huge body rolled on the ground several times before it stopped.

Sun Wuhan never paid attention to Sun Wukong again.

He began to calm down and his body began to change.

Everyone looked at Sun Wufan and became quiet.

It was found that his body was slowly shrinking.

Everyone watched Sun Gohan's changes without blinking.

Is he going to evolve into Super Saiyan 4?

What is this form like?

Everyone began to expect Sun Gohan to surprise them.


A deafening roar of a giant ape resounded throughout the Holy Land of the Realm King.


Son Gohan's body is covered with red body hair except for the head, chest and palms.

This form represents the original wild state of Saiyans.

His hair is black.

The eyes have red eye sockets, and the eyelids are red.

There is also a red tail wagging constantly on the buttocks.

There was strong lightning around the body when it first appeared.

The mighty power is like burning the entire world king's sacred ground red.

Moreover, his height has grown by several centimeters, and the muscles on his body have swelled a lot.

The whole person looks very strong and the figure is also very perfect.


His whole body exudes grass-green arrogance, and lightning makes bursts of noise from time to time.

Son Gohan's Super Saiyan 4 in super form.

"So handsome, is this the form of Super Saiyan 4?"

"Why is the arrogance on his body green?"

"I didn't expect that little dad's fighting power was so powerful."

"This breath is really too powerful."

Xiaofang said with a look of envy.

Her fists were clenched, and her eyes were full of yearning and admiration.

One day I will also reach the state of Super 4.

"What, what?"

"Okay, so scary!"

"Is this the form of Super Saiyan 4?"

"Sun Wufan's body seems to have grown a lot taller."

"And his muscles seem to have swelled a lot."

"The Saiyans are really perverted."

"I didn't expect this to be the form of Saiyan 4."

The old Kaiwang God and Jiebit God and others saw the super 4 form of Son Gohan.

Their hearts could not calm down for a long time.

The impact that this form of Saiyan brings to them is too great.


The giant ape Sun Wukong stood up from the ground and roared at the sky.

The huge beam of energy in his mouth shot at Son Gohan.

"Get away from me"

Sun Wufan smashed the incoming energy beam into the air with a backhand.

He turned to look at Xiaofang and said, "Xiaofang, it's your turn to play."

"I see."

Xiaofang nodded seriously.

She flew in the direction of Sun Wukong.

Everyone looked at Xiaofang worriedly.

In the end can it wake up Sun Wukong's sanity?

"Grandpa, I'm Xiaofang."

"Wake up quickly."

Xiaofang flew to the giant ape Sun Wukong and shouted.

She guarded against the attack of the other party, and her spirit was highly nervous.


Sun Wukong roared.

His huge palm kept grabbing towards Xiaofang.

It's like chasing a fly.

Xiaofang kept shuttle in the palm of Sun Wukong.

Although Sun Wukong is very powerful, he has lost his mind.

It's just an instinctive reaction to attack.

That's why Xiaofang was able to jump in front of him for so long.


No matter how Xiaofang shouted.

Sun Wukong did not calm down, but became more violent.

Bang bang bang!

He kept hammering his chest.

"How to do this?"

"Sun Wukong's reason has not been awakened, but has become more violent."

Satan looked at Xiaofang's actions with a worried look on his face.

He was afraid that the giant ape would shoot his granddaughter.

"Gohan, hurry up and think of a way."

"You must have something to do, right?"

"Xiaofang's method doesn't seem to work."

"Looking at Wukong, it seems to be getting more and more irritable."

The old Kaiwang and Jabe were also nervous.

They don't know if Xiaofang can wake up Sun Wukong.

"Xiaofang, tell me something you had fun with him before."

"Or take some pictures or something to remind him."

Sun Wufan shouted loudly at Xiaofang.

He thought that in the anime, Xiaofang took out a photo of Sun Wukong holding him when she was a child.

A photo of their family going to the beach to play.

"Little Daddy, I know."

After Xiaofang heard Sun Gohan's words, she hurriedly took out their childhood photos from the small satchel around her waist.

Began to tell Sun Wukong about their bit by bit.

Xiaofang took out all the photos of their family's life.


Sun Wukong was unmoved, and his attacks on Xiaofang became more and more severe.

He simply cannot master such a powerful force.


Under the fierce pursuit of Sun Wukong, Xiaofang was shot away inadvertently.

A large stack of photos in her hands danced in the air.


Satan saw Xiaofang's body shot.

He looked nervous, afraid of whether the other party's injury was serious or not, and whether there was any danger to his life.

"Don't worry, Xiaofang leave it to me."

Sun Wufan caught Xiaofang's body in a flash.

He began to use the healing attribute to restore the opponent's wounds and combat power.

"Little dad, am I very useless?"

"I can't seem to wake up grandpa's reason."

Xiaofang began to burst into tears.

She cried sadly in Sun Gohan's arms.

"Xiaofang, how can you say that?"

"Do everything, and never give up until the end."

"Giving up is a complete failure."

"Keep at it, and you still have half the chance."

"Look at your grandfather, he seems to have regained some sanity now."

Sun Wufan looked at Xiaofang, who was crying with pear blossoms and rain.

He kept comforting.

In a blink of an eye, all the injuries and strengths on Xiaofang's body were first recovered.

"Grandpa, have you really regained some sanity?"

After Xiaofang heard Sun Wufan's words, she looked in the direction of Sun Wukong.

When I saw Sun Wukong, I saw a photo of Feiwu with his eyes fixed.

His emotions seemed to have calmed down slowly, and his eyes were less fierce.

Photos are flying in front of Sun Wukong, just like watching a movie.

He seemed to have thought of something, and his hands began to grab the photos scattered in the air.

"It seems to be useful, Sun Wukong is collecting these photos."

"His grumpy personality has also become docile."

"His eyes are much less fierce."

"These photos seem to evoke some of his memories."

"It's great, the previous things are finally not in vain."

The old Kaiwang God, Jabbit God, Satan and Buu slowly calmed down when they saw the irritable character of Sun Wukong.

Their hearts began to become excited, and they seemed to see hope.
