
Peerless Returnee to Origin

Chu Xuan possesses the supreme martial arts of the demonic realm, harnessing the power of the nine heavens. Bearing the legacies of Xuanyuan and Chi You, he cultivates the supreme dual scriptures of gods and demons. He vows to shatter the firmament and transcend the realms of both Dao and Demon! On the path of cultivation, he traverses through twelve stages: Foundation Building, Illumination, Fusion, Heart Movement, Golden Core, Nascent Soul, Out of Body, Divine Separation, Unity, Void Penetration, Tribulation Crossing, and Great Accomplishment. Each stage represents his relentless pursuit of power and understanding of the universe's mysteries. Chu Xuan's journey is fraught with challenges, yet his unwavering faith drives him to surpass the mortal realm and carve out an immortal legend!

Aho_Ouida · Eastern
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11 Chs

9 Star Moon

Listening to Chuxuan's words, Xiaoyu's pretty face slightly stiffened, but there wasn't much surprise.

Although she had only noticed the ambush of a dozen or so people around her after Chuxuan's reminder, she showed no fear, even maintaining a calm demeanor.

However, in Xiaoyu's beautiful eyes, there flickered waves of icy killing intent, completely contradictory to her usual gentle demeanor.

"What's the matter? Not coming out? If you don't come out, then we'll leave!"

Chuxuan chuckled lightly, continuing to walk forward with Xiaoyu.

Actually, this secluded road was not long at all, and it would take at most two minutes to walk out.

Thirty seconds, one minute, one and a half minutes...

After walking for a minute and a half, the ambush of a dozen or so people still hadn't made a move. It wasn't until almost two minutes, just as Chuxuan and his group were about to leave this road, that the sound of air breaking suddenly came, and a chilling light swiftly approached...

"They finally made a move!"

Chuxuan sneered, his footsteps not pausing. However, what seemed like an ordinary step was actually a retreat, stepping back tens of meters and successfully escaping from the almost surrounding attack.

This footwork was extremely exquisite!

"Xiaoyu, go ahead and try it!"

Chuxuan shrugged, taking the small white cat from Xiaoyu's arms and giving her an encouraging look.

"Young master, you're mistaken! Dealing with them is not just trying it out!"

Xiaoyu covered her mouth and smiled, already holding a pale blue long sword in her hand, which seemed much more advanced than the Blue Ice Blade auctioned for 2.8 million.

This sword was called the Light Rain Sword!

"Yes, not just trying it out, but killing!"

Chuxuan nodded lightly, watching Xiaoyu wield the Light Rain Sword and fly out, her beautiful figure like a floating fairy, emitting a few more ethereal qualities.

Those more than ten black-clad people, their strength, the highest of which was a seventh-level martial artist, might indeed be very strong for ordinary people, but for Xiaoyu, it was really not a problem.

Clang clang clang...

Failing to strike, the well-trained black-clad people attacked again, this time aiming directly at Chuxuan.

But at this moment, Xiaoyu had already stood in front of them, the Light Rain Sword blooming several sword flowers, seeming like rain hitting flowers, clashing with the attacks of those black-clad people, emitting a sound of metal collision. With her own strength, she blocked all these more than ten black-clad people...

"Yes, young master!"

Xiaoyu suddenly remembered something, her voice delicate, "Now, see the results of my practice in recent days!"


Chuxuan nodded with a smile, "You won't disappoint me, will you?"

"Of course not! When have I ever disappointed you, young master?"

Xiaoyu giggled, then suddenly soared into the air, her body glowing with a deep blue light, and the Light Rain Sword in her hand emitting dots of blue light like stars.

As if even the moonlight was completely attracted, at this moment, Xiaoyu was draped in a deep blue starlight, like a fairy descending to earth, adding a few more breathtaking qualities.

"First style of the Star Moon Sword Canon, Starlight Pierces the Void!"

With a soft shout, Xiaoyu pointed her sword from afar, and in an instant, a starlight shot out from the Light Rain Sword, piercing directly through the body of the nearest black-clad person. In the next moment, the two black-clad people standing behind him were also pierced through their hearts...

Three people, almost simultaneously fell to the ground and could not get up.

"What a move, Starlight Pierces the Void!" Chuxuan praised, even the little white cat in his arms meowed as if cheering for Xiaoyu.

"Kill him!"

One of the black-clad men shouted sharply, though some were frightened, they did not retreat. Under the leadership of that black-clad man, they crossed over their companions' bodies and continued to attack the position where Xiaoyu was.

"Second style, Star Wind Grazes the Earth!"

A cold smile flashed across Xiaoyu's lips.

Only to see her fingers pinch the sword technique, and the Light Rain Sword danced, instantly forming a deep blue energy tornado, whistling towards the black-clad people rushing over. Immediately, except for the seventh-level martial artist, the others were blown off balance, especially the piercing pain in the wind, making these people secretly alarmed, their eyes full of fear.

Martial artists on the Magic Martial Continent revered direct confrontation, with little skill in technique. Now seeing Xiaoyu's swordsmanship, how could they not be shocked? How could they not be angry? How could they not be afraid?

"Third style of the Star Moon Sword Canon, Starlight Rainfall!"

Without giving them any chance, Xiaoyu immediately shouted.

In an instant, starlight fell like raindrops, and screams echoed. Those black-clad people, including the seventh-level martial artist, were covered in countless blood holes. In the blink of an eye, they fell to the ground like blood men, struggling a few times before losing all vitality...

These people, really pitiful!

Planning ahead and failing to kill Chuxuan, they were all killed by Xiaoyu without even touching a piece of their clothes. Even after their deaths, looking at their appearance, not even a complete corpse was left. How tragic!

"Young master, how was that?"

The Light Rain Sword disappeared from Xiaoyu's hand, and she stepped forward to Chuxuan with satisfaction, asking.

Her words were full of hope, looking forward to Chuxuan's praise.

"Not bad! To comprehend the first three styles of the Star Moon Sword Canon in just a few days, and to use them so skillfully! Very good!" Chuxuan really praised.


u smiled contentedly, then they didn't say much more, just left directly. The journey back to the mansion was relatively smooth, and they soon arrived back at the Qingzhu Garden.


The next morning, shortly after finishing breakfast under Xiaoyu's service, Chuxuan came over.

"Father, what's wrong?" Chuxuan looked at Chuxuan's somewhat gloomy face, gesturing to Xiaoyu to pour tea, and asked with suspicion.

"Xuan'er, were you attacked last night?" Taking the tea cup from Xiaoyu's hand, Chuxuan asked with a serious expression, "Was the attack you encountered the same group as the one you encountered when you came back?"

"Hehe, Father, you already know? It's nothing, just some small fries. I didn't intend to trouble Father!" Chuxuan smiled.

"Small fries?" Chuxuan's eyes widened suddenly, "You brat, your wings have really hardened! First a sixth-level martial artist, and last night, there was even a seventh-level martial artist. You dare to call them small fries?"

"Hehehe..." Chuxuan chuckled, lifting the tea cup and taking a sip. It was truly a great pleasure to have a cup of hot tea after breakfast!

"You brat, still laughing?" Looking at Chuxuan, Chuxuan didn't know what to say.

"Don't worry, Father!" Setting down the tea cup, Chuxuan looked into Chuxuan's eyes and said seriously, "You promised me that you would leave this matter to me!"

"You... alright, alright, I won't interfere! Can you handle it?" Chuxuan smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Alright, I won't bother you anymore. There are still things I need to deal with. It may take two or three days before I can come back! I hope when I come back, this matter will be resolved! In addition, our Chuxuan's people are not afraid of trouble! When you strike, you must strike the enemy where it hurts, understand?"

"Father, rest assured, it will be resolved by the day after tomorrow at the latest! As for those people, I won't let them off easy!" Chuxuan nodded solemnly.

Seeing this, Chuxuan didn't say much more, finishing the tea and leaving.

Chuxuan personally escorted Chuxuan out of the mansion, and then didn't return to the Qingzhu Garden. Instead, he took Xiaoyu and the little white cat and went out.

They also had things to do today, first of all, they had to find that gluttonous girl, Xiaoyue.

Chuxuan dared to bet that if they didn't find her, that girl would definitely eat everything she wanted in the capital before remembering that he, as the young master, and Xiaoyu, as her sister, existed.

As for the day after tomorrow that Chuxuan mentioned to Chuxuan, it was not an empty promise.

At least, after yesterday's chance encounter with the Qian father and son in the imperial palace, Chuxuan already had some speculations.

Although Prime Minister Qian Yong acted very well, when he first saw Chuxuan, his eyes momentarily narrowed, and the quickly relaxed pupils clearly told Chuxuan that he recognized him and even showed signs of surprise and... a hint of killing intent!

If we were to talk about the most likely mastermind behind the scenes right now, it would undoubtedly be Prime Minister Qian Yong!

"Excuse me, two guests, please come in..."

Arriving at the restaurant where Xiaoyue was, although it was not mealtime, Chuxuan and Xiaoyu were warmly welcomed by the waiter.

"What about the beautiful girl who came here a few days ago? Is she still here?" Chuxuan asked as he walked, looking around.

"She's here!" The waiter was slightly surprised, then smiled even more enthusiastically and obsequiously.

There was no other reason...

Since Xiaoyue came here, she had been very generous, only the money she gave away was probably worth hundreds of gold, not to mention the price of the various delicacies she wanted.

"That's good, take us to her!" Chuxuan nodded.


The waiter nodded obediently, and after Xiaoyu gave him some money, he became even more respectful and happy.

Not long after, they arrived outside the private room on the third floor. Although the decoration was not as luxurious as the Golden Auction Hall, it was still very good, and there were even facilities like living quarters inside, as well as a washroom, etc.

Knock knock knock...

The waiter knocked lightly on the door, and soon a lazy voice came from inside, "Who's there? Didn't I tell you? Don't disturb me if there's nothing! It's so annoying!"

"It's you, come in..."

Chuxuan pushed the door open, and Xiaoyu shrank her neck, quickly stepped aside to let the two of them in. Xiaoyu hadn't yet scolded her food-loving younger sister, but in response, all she saw was Xiaoyue's playful expression, sticking out her fragrant tongue, making Xiaoyu extremely speechless.

In front of Chuxuan, she didn't feel it was appropriate to scold Xiaoyue too much!