
Peerless Returnee to Origin

Chu Xuan possesses the supreme martial arts of the demonic realm, harnessing the power of the nine heavens. Bearing the legacies of Xuanyuan and Chi You, he cultivates the supreme dual scriptures of gods and demons. He vows to shatter the firmament and transcend the realms of both Dao and Demon! On the path of cultivation, he traverses through twelve stages: Foundation Building, Illumination, Fusion, Heart Movement, Golden Core, Nascent Soul, Out of Body, Divine Separation, Unity, Void Penetration, Tribulation Crossing, and Great Accomplishment. Each stage represents his relentless pursuit of power and understanding of the universe's mysteries. Chu Xuan's journey is fraught with challenges, yet his unwavering faith drives him to surpass the mortal realm and carve out an immortal legend!

Aho_Ouida · Eastern
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11 Chs

10 Thirty-Six Tiangang

Chu Xuan walked into the room and sat down on the sofa, surveying the scattered surroundings. His gaze towards Xiao Yue was playful, causing her cheeks to flush red. She quickly pulled her sister, Xiao Yu, to help tidy up.

Before long, they had cleaned up the room to some extent, making it look much neater.

"Master, would you like some tea?" Xiao Yue asked with a sheepish smile as she brewed a pot of tea for Chu Xuan.

"You... just sit down!" Chu Xuan chuckled, gesturing for Xiao Yu and Xiao Yue to join him. Then he continued, "Xiao Yue, are all the Tiangangs assembled?"

"Yes, they are all here! Hu Ge is also there!" Xiao Yue nodded.

"Master, do you plan to meet them?" Xiao Yu asked gently.

"Not now, and I've already met them before!" Chu Xuan shook his head thoughtfully. "But, uh, have Xiao Yue run a check on what happened the day before yesterday and last night. I need to know the results within two days at the latest."

"Don't worry, Master! I'll make sure of it!" Xiao Yue assured without hesitation.

"But..." Suddenly, Xiao Yue's tone changed, "Master, I think it's better to meet them! The Thirty-Six Tiangang have been carefully cultivated by you over the years, and they all really want to see you! Who knows, once they see you, they might perform even better! It's possible that meeting you will motivate them to work even harder!"

"How so?" Chu Xuan raised an eyebrow, lightly laughing. "Are you suggesting that if I don't meet them, they might disobey my orders behind my back?"

"Master, you..." Xiao Yue blushed again, feeling embarrassed at being called out. She pouted and tugged at Chu Xuan's arm, saying, "Master, I've told you not to call me that!"

"Alright, alright, I won't call you that! Are you satisfied now, Two?" Chu Xuan chuckled.

"Fine! Don't call me that!" Xiao Yue wrinkled her nose and continued, "But those Thirty-Six guys really want to see you! What's wrong with meeting them? Hmph! And about them going against your wishes behind your back? You know very well, even if you wanted them dead, they wouldn't even frown! Master, aren't you just asking obvious questions?"

Xiao Yue spoke rapidly, expressing her dissatisfaction with Chu Xuan.

"Okay, okay, I'll listen to you today, alright?" Chu Xuan chuckled softly, pinching Xiao Yue's delicate cheek affectionately.

"Hmph! Whether you listen or not!" Xiao Yue huffed, rolling her eyes at Chu Xuan and then pulling him up from the sofa. "Let's go quickly, they must be anxious to see you! I gave them seven days, but the latest one arrived last night!"

Chu Xuan could only go along with Xiao Yue's enthusiasm, allowing her to lead him out, with Xiao Yu following quickly.


"Bow to the Master! Bow to Miss Yue!"

In the backyard of a certain guesthouse in the western part of the imperial city, the Thirty-Six Tiangang, who had been waiting here, all bowed respectfully when Chu Xuan and the two girls arrived.

Their eyes were ablaze with excitement, their faces full of respect, as if they were seeing their deity.

Beside them, Zhou Hu quickly went to Chu Xuan's side and stood with his hands clasped together.

They were the Thirty-Six Tiangang cultivated by Chu Xuan. The oldest among them was only twenty-four or twenty-five years old, and the youngest was around twenty. But their strength was considerable, as they practiced the art of cultivation, which could rival that of seventh-level martial artists outside.

The most important thing was their loyalty, which was beyond doubt!

"Very well!" Chu Xuan nodded lightly. "Xiao Yue, you know them now. This is Xiao Yu, whom you must have seen when you were in the manor!"

"We've seen Miss Yu!" they all bowed again.

Xiao Yu accepted the title gracefully.

Although the sisters were only servants of their master, their status in the Xuan Yuan Manor was quite high, second only to Chu Xuan.

Almost all the affairs in the manor were arranged by Xiao Yu. Unless Chu Xuan himself emphasized otherwise, everyone in the manor unquestionably obeyed Xiao Yu's orders.

Although Xiao Yu appeared timid and shy in front of Chu Xuan, she was efficient and decisive in handling matters. When facing others, she often wore a cold face, as if she had turned from warm water to ice. She was often jokingly referred to as the "Ice Goddess" by the people in the manor.

Compared to Xiao Yu, Xiao Yue was always lively and fiery, earning her the nickname "Flame Goddess."

For ordinary people, such titles would be unimaginable, but for the sisters, what did these titles matter? They still considered themselves only as Chu Xuan's servants!

"Zhou Hu!"

After chatting with the Thirty-Six Tiangang for a while and giving them some encouragement, Chu Xuan turned to Zhou Hu. "I'll leave the Thirty-Six Tiangang to you for now. Although you're getting older and cultivation might not suit you, you have much more experience than them! Also, I've taught you some martial arts secrets. With your hard work, you won't fall behind! Furthermore, in the future, if we develop further, we might find some special herbs. I'll personally refine some marrow-cleansing pills for you. With your current foundation, your cultivation path might be smoother than theirs!"

Upon hearing Chu Xuan's words, Zhou Hu was ecstatic, nearly kneeling down to express his gratitude.

Others also congratulated Zhou Hu, making the forty-something man extremely excited and at a loss for words.

Next, Chu Xuan personally assigned tasks.

The Thirty-Six Tiangang pledged to produce satisfactory results within two days at the latest.

Although they had left the manor over a year ago, they had each developed their own forces, making investigations somewhat difficult. But with the target being the father and son pair, the Qian family, they were confident they could succeed.

"By the way..."

Chu Xuan looked satisfied as he watched them and then turned to Zhou Hu. "How's the search for the shop space in the southern city going?"

"We're still looking!" Zhou Hu smiled bitterly. "Master, you know how bustling the southern city is. No one wants to sell! Moreover, you asked for at least three floors and a backyard, which is even rarer!"

"No worries, take your time!" Chu Xuan waved his hand, smiling. "My coming-of-age ceremony is in about a month! If we can't find one by then, we'll discuss it later!"

"Yes!" Zhou Hu nodded respectfully.


Chu Xuan paused and then said seriously, "This is the imperial city, and I know you guys are restless, but don't cause trouble! Understand?"

"We obey the Master's orders!" They dared not disobey, especially after knowing Chu Xuan's identity as the son of the Chu King.

"Alright, that's settled!"

Chu Xuan looked around, smiling. "It's been a long time since we last met! If you have any questions about cultivation, feel free to ask me!"

"Thank you, Master!"

Excited, they all began asking questions, creating a lively atmosphere. Even Xiao Yu and Xiao Yue joined in, helping Chu Xuan answer their doubts and making Chu Xuan feel somewhat relieved.

This went on for almost a day. With Chu Xuan and the sisters' guidance, the Thirty-Six Tiangang's doubts were resolved. Although their strength did not increase significantly, Chu Xuan's guidance would greatly enhance their future cultivation.

As evening approached, Chu Xuan left with the two girls. Zhou Hu stayed behind to take care of the Thirty-Six Tiangang affairs.

"Master, shall we go window shopping?" Xiao Yue's eyes lit up as they returned to the southern city, bustling with activity. She eagerly took Chu Xuan's hand and coaxed.

"Um... window shopping?" Chu Xuan's expression froze for a moment, but seeing Xiao Yue's pitiful look, he couldn't bear to refuse. He finally nodded in agreement, much to Xiao Yue's delight. She hurriedly ran off to some stalls or shops that caught her interest, drawing attention from the surrounding people.

"Xiao Yu, let's go!" Chu Xuan said as they walked toward Xiao Yue. But they couldn't see her in the crowd.

"Gosh, where did she go?" Xiao Yu worriedly furrowed her brows.

But Chu Xuan, through his spiritual sense, had already discerned the situation. Among the men harassing Xiao Yue in the nearby clothing store, one of them, dressed in luxurious attire, made Chu Xuan smirk knowingly...

Now translated into English, with a more American reading style:

Chu Xuan strolled into the room and settled onto the sofa, taking in the disarray around him. He glanced at Xiao Yue with a playful smirk, causing her cheeks to flush red. Quickly, she pulled her sister, Xiao Yu, to join her in tidying up.

Before long, they had managed to straighten up the room, making it considerably tidier.

"Master, care for some tea?" Xiao Yue asked with a bashful smile as she brewed a pot for Chu Xuan.

"You... just relax!" Chu Xuan chuckled, motioning for Xiao Yu and Xiao Yue to join him. Then, he continued, "Xiao Yue, have you gathered all the Tiangangs?"

"Yes, they're all here! Hu Ge is among them too!" Xiao Yue nodded.

"Master, are you planning to meet them?" Xiao Yu asked softly.

"Not at the moment. Besides, I've already met them before!" Chu Xuan shook his head thoughtfully. "But, uh, have Xiao Yue run a check on the events from the day before yesterday and last night. I need the results within two days at most."

"Don't worry, Master! I'll get it done!" Xiao Yue assured without hesitation.

"But..." Suddenly, Xiao Yue's tone shifted. "Master, I think it would be wise to meet them! The Thirty-Six Tiangang have been diligently cultivated by you over the years, and they're all eager to see you! Who knows, meeting you might boost their performance even more! It's possible that once they see you, they'll work even harder!"

"How so?" Chu Xuan raised an eyebrow, chuckling lightly. "Are you suggesting that if I don't meet them, they might go against my orders behind my back?"

"Master, you..." Xiao Yue blushed again, feeling embarrassed at being called out. She pouted and tugged at Chu Xuan's arm, saying, "Master, I've told you not to call me that!"

"Alright, alright, I won't call you that! Are you happy now?" Chu Xuan chuckled.

"Fine! Don't call me that!" Xiao Yue wrinkled her nose and continued, "But those Thirty-Six guys really want to see you! What's wrong with meeting them? Hmph! And about them going against your wishes behind your back? You know very well, even if you wanted them dead, they wouldn't even frown! Master, aren't you just asking obvious questions?"

Xiao Yue spoke rapidly, expressing her dissatisfaction with Chu Xuan.

"Okay, okay, I'll listen to you today, alright?" Chu Xuan chuckled softly, pinching Xiao Yue's delicate cheek affectionately.

"Hmph! Whether you listen or not!" Xiao Yue huffed, rolling her eyes at Chu Xuan and then pulling him up from the sofa. "Let's go quickly, they must be anxious to see you! I gave them seven days, but the latest one arrived last night!"

Chu Xuan could only go along with Xiao Yue's enthusiasm, allowing her to lead him out, with Xiao Yu following quickly.


"Bow to the Master! Bow to Miss Yue!"

In the backyard of a certain guesthouse in the western part of the imperial city, the Thirty-Six Tiangang, who had been waiting here, all bowed respectfully when Chu Xuan and the two girls arrived.

Their eyes were ablaze with excitement, their faces full of respect, as if they were seeing their deity.

Beside them, Zhou Hu quickly went to Chu Xuan's side and stood with his hands clasped together.

They were the Thirty-Six Tiangang cultivated by Chu Xuan. The oldest among them was only twenty-four or twenty-five years old, and the youngest was around twenty. But their strength was considerable, as they practiced the art of cultivation, which could rival that of seventh-level martial artists outside.

The most important thing was their loyalty, which was beyond doubt!

"Very well!" Chu Xuan nodded lightly. "Xiao Yue, you know them now. This is Xiao Yu, whom you must have seen when you were in the manor!"

"We've seen Miss Yu!" they all bowed again.

Xiao Yu accepted the title gracefully.

Although the sisters were only servants of their master, their status in the Xuan Yuan Manor was quite high, second only to Chu Xuan.

Almost all the affairs in the manor were arranged by Xiao Yu. Unless Chu Xuan himself emphasized otherwise, everyone in the manor unquestionably obeyed Xiao Yu's orders.

Although Xiao Yu appeared timid and shy in front of Chu Xuan, she was efficient and decisive in handling matters. When facing others, she often wore a cold face, as if she had turned from warm water to ice. She was often jokingly referred to as the "Ice Goddess" by the people in the manor.

Compared to Xiao Yu, Xiao Yue was always lively and fiery, earning her the nickname "Flame Goddess."

For ordinary people, such titles would be unimaginable, but for the sisters, what did these titles matter? They still considered themselves only as Chu Xuan's servants!

"Zhou Hu!"

After chatting with the Thirty-Six Tiangang for a while and giving them some encouragement, Chu Xuan turned to Zhou Hu. "I'll leave the Thirty-Six Tiangang to you for now. Although you're getting older and cultivation might not suit you, you have much more experience than them! Also, I've taught you some martial arts secrets. With your hard work, you won't fall behind! Furthermore, in the future, if we develop further, we might find some special herbs. I'll personally refine some marrow-cleansing pills for you. With your foundation now, your cultivation might be smoother than theirs!"

Hearing Chu Xuan's words, Zhou Hu was ecstatic, almost kneeling down to thank Chu Xuan.

Others also congratulated Zhou Hu, making the man in his forties excited beyond words.

Then, Chu Xuan personally assigned tasks.

The Thirty-Six Tiangang pledged to provide satisfactory results within two days at the latest.

Although they had left the manor more than a year ago, they had developed their own forces with their individual strengths. Although the investigation might be challenging, they already had the targets, the father and son, the Qian brothers.

"By the way..."

Chu Xuan glanced at them satisfiedly. "How's the shop you were looking for in the southern city, Zhou Hu? Have you found it?"

"We're still searching, Master!" Zhou Hu sighed. "You know how bustling the southern city is. No one wants to sell! Besides, you asked for at least three floors and a backyard, which is even rarer!"

"No worries, take your time!" Chu Xuan waved his hand, smiling. "My coming-of-age ceremony is in about a month! If we can't find it, we'll discuss it further after the ceremony!"

"Yes, Master!"

"And also..."

Pausing for a moment, Chu Xuan continued with a serious tone, "This is the imperial city. I know you're all restless types, but don't cause trouble! Understand?"

"We'll heed the Master's orders!"

Even the Thirty-Six Tiangang didn't dare to disobey. They were well aware of Chu Xuan's identity as the prince of Chu.

"Alright, we're done with business!"

Chu Xuan looked around with a smile. "It's been a while since we last met! If you have any questions about cultivation, feel free to ask me!"

"Thank you, Master!"

Excited, they all began asking questions, creating a lively atmosphere. Even Xiao Yu and Xiao Yue joined in, helping Chu Xuan answer their doubts and making Chu Xuan feel somewhat relieved.

This went on for almost a day. With Chu Xuan and the sisters' guidance, the Thirty-Six Tiangang's doubts were resolved. Although their strength did not increase significantly, Chu Xuan's guidance would greatly enhance their future cultivation.

As evening approached, Chu Xuan left with the two girls. Zhou Hu stayed behind to take care of the Thirty-Six Tiangang affairs.

"Master, shall we go window shopping?" Xiao Yue's eyes lit up as they returned to the southern city, bustling with activity. She eagerly took Chu Xuan's hand and coaxed.

"Um... window shopping?" Chu Xuan's expression froze for a moment, but seeing Xiao Yue's pitiful look, he couldn't bear to refuse. He finally nodded in agreement, much to Xiao Yue's delight. She hurriedly ran off to some stalls or shops that caught her interest, drawing attention from the surrounding people.

"Xiao Yu, let's go!" Chu Xuan said as they walked toward Xiao Yue. But they couldn't see her in the crowd.

"Gosh, where did she go?" Xiao Yu worriedly furrowed her brows.

But Chu Xuan, through his spiritual sense, had already discerned the situation. Among the men harassing Xiao Yue in the nearby clothing store, one of them, dressed in luxurious attire, made Chu Xuan smirk knowingly...

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