
Peerless Librarian

In the aftermath of an unforeseen alien invasion from the far reaches of outer space, Earth was thrust into a harrowing battle for survival with the race, known as the Xandarians. Unidentified extraterrestrial forces descended upon the planet, unleashing devastation on a global scale. Cities were wiped out under the onslaught, and the skies resonated with the echoes of an interstellar conflict. Amidst the chaos, a phenomenon known as "The Awakening" rippled across the world. Mysterious dungeons, fraught with monsters and treasures, materialised in the wake of the invasion. Simultaneously, a select group of individuals underwent a profound transformation, gifted with extraordinary abilities to combat the newfound threats. Humanity, in the face of adversity, was given a fighting chance. In the heart of Aetherium City, an unassuming librarian named Arthur experienced this extraordinary awakening. In the midst of chaos and burgeoning dungeons, Arthur discovered a peculiar power within himself. A power that would help him change the world. Now, against the backdrop of a planet redefined by both alien incursion and supernatural awakening, Arthur's journey begins. Will he rise from the obscurity of the library to become a renowned Hunter, defending humanity against extraterrestrial threats, or will he remain a forgotten figure in this new, perilous chapter of Earth's history? The answers lay within the dungeons, in the crucible of his evolving abilities, and on the front lines of a world forever changed. [WSA 2024] A/N: *Please Add the book to your collections and support it with power stones! If you have any ideas/theories put them down in the comments.* *Rewards:* 200 Power Stones (end of the week) = 2 Chapter Mass Release 300 Power Stones (end of the week) = 5 Chapter Mass Release

TofSpades · Fantasy
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21 Chs

The First Story (1)


Arthur switched off the annoying alarm on his phone, turning to look at the time. 

Today was the fateful day he would be using his S Rank skill for the first time. He would be transmigrating into his first story!

It had been close to 3 weeks, Arthur was released from the hospital on the third day and thankfully, the recruiters had got back to him too a week later! He had been invited to attend the enrollment for the Vanguard Military Academy.

'I have a month to prepare myself. I'm not sure how much time will pass once I'm inside the story. That old lady should be back too one week before I leave for the academy. Okay. This is good!' Arthur smiled, hyping himself up. 

'Status Menu Open.'

[Name: Arthur Grimm]

[Class: Peerless Librarian]

[Physique - 15]

[Mana - 0]

[Strength - 15]

[Bookmarks - 0]

[Skill(s) - Mental Library (D), Librarian's Gift (S)]

Arthur smiled looking at his stats. He had been diligently working hard using that routine daily, after 2 weeks he was able to raise both stats to 15. He looked at his bare body in the mirror nodding in happiness as his toned muscles and lean body glistened due to the sunlight.

He put on a comfortable tracksuit preparing himself. From what he knew, the skill would transmigrate his whole body, so there would be no sign of him in this world once he used the skill. He had no clue how the time difference would work but he'd have to figure that out himself.

Arthur took in a deep breath bouncing on the spot cracking his neck left and right. 

[Librarian's Gift: 'Rise of the Nobody Soldier.]

As Arthur activated his skill, a sudden burst of mana erupted, circulating his body; Arthur was skeptical how this skill was even working as the mana moving around him wasn't his but it came from an external source?

The blue mana particles begun spinning around him like a tornado, till all he could see was blue streaks surrounding him. 

Then his vision switched to darkness and he lost all consciousness.


'Cr*p man, my head. Was I hit by a sledgehammer?' Arthur groaned, his body feeling foreign to him.

Faint battle cries and clashes of swords resounded in the background, they soon became more refined till Arthur's full senses returned.

Finally the battle cries and sounds of metal clashing against metal were registered by Arthur, as well as the stench of blood in the battlefield.

He knew where he had landed.

A warzone.

Arthur gripped the sword that was already in his fingers, and pushed the numerous bodies piled on top of him. As he arose, a burst of adrenaline surged his body, increasing his superhuman, awakened body to the max.

Arthur scanned his surroundings taking in the bloody sight ensuing around him. Men hacking at each other in a medieval style bloodbath.

"Don't falter men! Keep on attacking." A valiant voice commanded, causing the men wearing red on top of their armours to shout out their war cries.

Arthur glanced at his own armour, making sure he knew which team he was in.

'Red team okay.' Arthur nodded, calming his beating heart. He hadn't been around this much blood in a very long time.

Time seemed to slow down around him as Arthur focused on his gramp's breathing technique, calming his heart. 


The deep inhale, the activation of every muscle fibre in his body, and the feeling of the hilt of his sword in his hands. Arthur felt his body brimming with power and his mind sharpened with one goal. 

To kill.

It took a few seconds as he hadn't done this in some time. Arthur's demeanor changed, as he became devoid of all emotion. His heart calmed till his heartbeat slowed to a steady rhythm. 

Arthur cracked his neck left and right, 3 targets rushed at him roaring their battle cries.

Click! Click! Click!

An arm and two heads flew in the air accompanied with the shriek of a man. His sword, slashed three times and returned to its scabbard in insane fashion. 

Arthur almost lost his composure from the blood being splattered on his face, but he gritted his teeth, continuing the breathing technique his grandfather had taught him. 

The lessons that had been drilled into him… were resurfacing.

'Tsk. I missed one. Rusty.' Arthur cursed.

The other soldier next to him, wearing red armour saw this and looked at Arthur wide eyed. He broke out of his surprise attacking the one armed man, finishing him off.

Arthur moved on to his next targets, arms and legs were cleanly sliced off allowing the red armored soldiers to finish off their enemies one by one. Arthur danced on the battlefield, his superhuman physique allowing him to effortlessly hone his rusty sword skills in battle.

The red commander in charge that was fighting his own battle quickly glanced at his subordinates seeing them triumph. He could sense a phenomenon occurring on the battlefield and it made his blood boil with excitement. The image of Arthur's magnificent show of power caught his eye, making him smile like a maniac.

Meanwhile Arthur had found himself attracting their strongest warrior. Arthur grimaced, parrying a heavy longsword to the side. He leapt before rolling in the air and landing on his feet. 

'Where did this gigantic brother pop up from?' Arthur dodged another heavy strike, whilst countering with a sword swing, leaving a cut on the large man's forearm. 

Click! Click! Click!

The sounds of Arthur's sword being unsheathed and sheathed echoed in the battlefield, causing the soldiers in blue to feel fear gripping their hearts. Who was this monster?!

"Stop running you pest and fight me!" The huge 7 ft 2 man roared, swinging a heavy longsword around and smashing it into the ground. He was a towering figure, a hulking presence that caused the morale of the red armoured soldiers to fall. The Goliath of a man had been chasing Arthur for the passed 20 minutes, trying to hack him in two, but all he could do was watch as his own comrades fell to the slashes of Arthur's sword.

"Oi what did you eat to get that big? Damn, your blows are heavy!" Arthur complained, dodging another heavy sword swing. He finally stopped running and faced the giant. He estimated this man was already in the realms of an initial awakened. His physique was definitely in the human realm but his strength for sure matched a numeric stat of 14 minimum.

"Shut up you twerp and fight me like a man! I, Augustus Von Tonne de Bricke the seventh shall cut you in two!" The burly man shouted in frustration as he couldn't land a single hit on Arthur. 

"Nice name." Arthur smiled, dodging a kick.

"Shut up!"

Arthur parried another strike, this time leaning forward for a quick counter. The huge mountain of a man punched with his free hand, but this was dodged too. 

Arthur lunged with his sword, piercing the man's shoulder. With his superhuman strength he pushed the sword further, causing the whole sword to pierce through the mans shoulder. 

He then pulled the sword down, severing the man's arm from its socket. Blood spewed in Arthur's face, but this didn't stop him as he kicked the man's chest causing him to fly back several metres. 

'If he had picked a less heavy weapon and increased his speed, he could have been a formidable opponent.' Arthur thought, flicking his sword clean of blood.


With one swift motion, Augustus's head rolled on the ground.

'How anticlimactic. Guess his name matched his strength. Von tonne de whatever.' Arthur amused.

"He defeated their general!" The soldiers clad in red, chanted in glee. They used this motivation to finish off their battles with vigor. The 'blue nightmare' - the name they had given that giant of a man - had fallen at the hands of one of their own. How could they not be invigorated?!

Arthur took a few seconds, recuperating his energy. The basic humans here had 'Physique' and 'strength' stats ranging between 5-10, still in the realm of humans. 

Whilst he could already be classed as superhuman, he found himself feeling more tired. Having his senses and limits pushed to the max, had now begun showing its toll on him.

After another hour of hacking and slashing, the war had come to an end. Arthur's chest heaved up and down, as his armour was dripping with the blood of his targets.

['Physique' has increased 15 >>> 18]

['Strength' has increased 15 >>> 18]

'CRAZZYYY! I had to work so hard just to raise my stats, and only a few hours here have already raised my physical stats this much.' Arthur smiled, feeling the strength in his body increase. So this was the power of his S Rank Skill, it was allowing him to raise his stats faster in this new world.

He flicked his sword to the side, causing the blood to fall off the blade, and then sheathed it in his scabbard. Arthur's blue eyes showed a hint of gloom as he looked at the piles of dead bodies, but he soon pushed down the guilt. 

'They're just fictional characters anyways. Besides, this is nothing new.' He sighed. 

"You! What's your name?" The jolly commander wrapped his arm around Arthur's neck, clearly in a joyous mood. He wanted to know the identity of such a powerful soldier and how come he didn't know of him before?

"Damian Lorde, commander." Arthur got back into character, answering solemnly. 

"Good Good! Your performance was exceptional, I'm making you a Squadron Leader! We're going to feast tonight, men for we have won this war!!!" The Commander yelled loudly, causing a ear wrenching cheer to follow, shaking the battlefield. 

'This is going to be easier than I thought.' Arthur smiled, also cheering.


Arthur freshened up coming out of the community bath pool, and changing into a simple dirty green coloured t-shirt and brown trousers. This story was set in the medieval era, and what Arthur had discovered was that these people weren't like NPC's; they looked and behaved like real humans. How strange. From the conversations he had with other soldiers, they didn't feel like premeditated answers. He guessed this was just the power of his S rank skill.

He revised the few events that had occurred so far. The book had a few main events that he had to complete. The first main event was the war, the rest of the points were mediocre difficulty in his opinion but the only issues were this was an era where the lines between morality and evil were blurred. He had chosen this book as it would allow him to get stronger in the fastest way; he had to get accustomed to the battlefield again and this was the fastest way. 

The war against the demons that had been slowly trying to take over the world was still rummaging and Arthur didn't want his moral compass to hold him back. 

Arthur sighed, walking towards the pub, where his fellow soldiers of war were celebrating. They were currently situated back in the town of Herethia, quite a large town under the control of the Kallen Kingdom. That was his next goal to infiltrate. 

"There he is!! The red streak! Wherever he moves, limbs and heads fly. HAHAHAHA!" 

As Arthur entered the cottage, where the soldiers all held their party, a loud cheer and bursts of laughter resounded around him. The strong smell of liquor invaded his nose and he was grabbed and taken to a table filled with other half drunk men. 

"Tell us, how did you do it? Those movements. We want to know!" One of the soldiers put his arm around his shoulder, smiling in glee. 

"Of course he trained his ass offf! HAHAHA! You think he's some lazy bum like you?" Another man next to him retorted.

"What did you say?! You filthy mug! Come say hello to my two friends Bertha and Beatrice. Then we'll see if I'm a lazy bum." He removed his hands off Arthur's shoulders, getting up and raising his fists; he kissed both of them before throwing hay makers.

They immediately started brawling, causing some of the soldiers to laugh and cheer for who they thought was going to win. 

'Yeahhhhhh. Imaaaa justtt disappear.' Arthur chuckled looking at the boisterous hooligans around him; he looked around before sneakily exiting the building. 

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